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Without an after or a when.Papercut feat. Maiken Sundbycan you hear the rain?more quotes
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I present clearly, connect broadly, spark imagination and encourage enthusiasm for inquiry and explanation. I create visuals with analytical clarity and artistic dimensions.

In 1999 I built the Genome Sciences Centre's first computing systems, and later invented port knocking, and optimized keyboard layouts that spawned a Brazilian fashion line. I have an affinity for parody and tragedy. I love rabbit holes.

I created Circos (a community standard) and hive plots (a farewell to hairballs). I am triggered by slipshod visualizations of science and pie charts.

My information graphics have appeared in the New York Times, Wired, and on covers of books and scientific journals such as Science, Nature and PNAS.

I am a co-author of the Nature Methods Points of Significance and Points of View columns. I contribute to Scientific American's Graphic Science and teach how to design scientific figures and scientific posters. My method is critique by redesign.

I’ve made maps of nothing, shot fashion photography, found poems in spam. Every year I make Pi Day art, which can be graphics, words or music. I've made music videos about infinity and higher dimensions, I love typography and run Hitchmas.

I am a former owner of Alex, the world’s most popular rat.


Martin Krzywinski

Staff Scientist

Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Center

100–570 West 7th Avenue

Vancouver BC

V5Z 4S6


main activities
Deadly genomes
Graphic Science
Hive plots
Journal covers
Nature Methods Points of Significance
Nature Methods Points of View
Pi Day
journal covers
Cover of Cell Genomics 2023
Cover of Science Advances 2023
Cover of Nature 2022
Cover of Cancer Cell 2022
Cover of PNAS 2022
Cover of Annals of Oncology 2022
Cover of Nature Biotechnology 2022
Cover of Science 2021
Cover of Nature Genetics 2020
Cover of Nature Cancer 2020
Cover of Molecular Case Studies 2018
Cover of Nature 2017
Cover of PNAS 2012
Cover of Trends in Genetics 2012
Cover of Genome Research 2012
Cover of Genome Informatics 2010
Cover contest for EMBO journal
Cover of EMBO Journal 2009
Cover of American Scientist 2007
Pi Day Art
2024 Pi Day — Digit Garden
2023 Pi Day — Repeated Sequence
2022 Pi Day — three one four: a number of notes
2021 Pi Day - Forest of Digits
2020 Pi Day — Piku
2019 Pi Day — Languages
2018 Tau Day
2018 Pi Day — Bringing the world together
2017 Pi Day — Pi in the sky
2016 Pi Day — Gravity of Pi
2015 Pi Day — Transcendental map
2014 Pi Day — Frequency circles
2013 Pi Day — It stars here
buy artwork Snellen eye chart - Braille 1 by Martin Krzywinski
SCIENCE + ART | Put it on your wall. (buy artwork / see all my art)
other activities
16 and's — typographical peep show
5 years of personalized cancer care
Adobe swatches for Brewer palettes
Alex — Internet's most popular rat
Bird song mnemonics
CARPALX - keyboard layouts and Brazilian fashion
Circos online tableviewer
Color proportions in your image
Color resources
The COVID charts
Dinosaurs of the corn - fixing visualizations
DNA on 10th wayfinding
Dummer — a Hummer parody
e.e. spammings
Essentials of Data Visualization — 8-part video series
Eye charts — a modern interpretation
Flunk — Down Here / Moon Above — Music for space
Gene Machines — Vinyl sounds from the lab
Genomics 3D art exhibit
Gigapixel 1-bit Moon, Solar System & Sky
Google maps longest routes
Graphical abstract design
High dynamic time range photography
Hilbert curves and Hilbertonians
History of the human genome assembly
Hitchsum — Hitchens ipsum
Languages on the globe
LOTRO — Warden gambit chart
Lumondo photography
Max Cooper — Aleph 2 — Music for minds
Max Cooper — Ascent — Music for dimensions
MIT Museum genome exhibit
Obesity — a data story
The Outbreak Poems
Perl Journal archives
Poster design guidelines
Proportions of colors in country flags
Ptolemaic clock
Quotes archive
SARS-CoV-2 visualizations of 56 genomes
Schemaball — database schema visualization
Scientific American Graphic Science
Snellen optotype font
snowflake catalogue — in silico flurries
Tripsum — Trump ipsum
UBC rocket contest
Universe — superclusters and voids
Unwords — what's missing in the English language
Visions of type — type peep show
Weightlifting socks - 178.75 lb
Word analysis of 2008–2020 U.S. Presidential Debates
World's most popular questions
Yes or No
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance quotes
me as a keyword list
aikido | analogies | animals | astronomy | comfortable silence | cosmology | dorothy parker | drumming | espresso | fundamental forces | good kerning | graphic design | humanism | humour | jean michel jarre | kayaking | latin | little fluffy clouds | lord of the rings | mathematics | negative space | nuance | perceptual color palettes | philosophy of science | photography | physical constants | physics | poetry | pon farr | reason | rhythm | richard feynman | science | secularism | swing | symmetry and its breaking | technology | things that make me go hmmm | typography | unix | victoria arduino | wine | words
Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
Google whack “vicissitudinal corporealization”
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