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Neologisms - New Words

Creating new words is fun. It exercises the mind and adds a playful dimension to prosaic speech, without succumbing to bombast associated with deployment of arcane (and often lengthy) words.

When one's own neologisms are heard in use by other people, it also exercises the ego.

Word circulation status: accepted circos plot Word circulation status: new com·pure Word circulation status: new culturally inconversible Word circulation status: new de·pen·ders Word circulation status: new ee spammings Word circulation status: new ex·ist·angs·ty Word circulation status: new fez·day Word circulation status: new hil·ber·ton·ian Word circulation status: low hive panel Word circulation status: high hive plot Word circulation status: new in·con·ver·si·ble Word circulation status: low meta·om·ome Word circulation status: new mys·ti·fic Word circulation status: new nay·the·ism Word circulation status: new nay·the·ist Word circulation status: new nes Word circulation status: new neu·ro·ter·ror Word circulation status: new neu·ro·ter·ror·ism Word circulation status: new new·grade Word circulation status: new no·ward Word circulation status: new non·post·er Word circulation status: new old·grade Word circulation status: accepted om·ome Word circulation status: accepted ome·om·ics Word circulation status: new omic·so·phy Word circulation status: new over Word circulation status: new pid·dle Word circulation status: accepted port knocking Word circulation status: new post·pe·ti·zer Word circulation status: new pre·grat·ul·ate Word circulation status: new pre·kfast Word circulation status: new pre·nop·sis Word circulation status: new pre·pe·ti·zer Word circulation status: new quin·ty Word circulation status: low ratio hive Word circulation status: new spammings Word circulation status: new sus·ci·tate Word circulation status: new un·app·rop·ri·ate

circulation level Neologism circulation level new new Neologism circulation level low low Neologism circulation level medium medium Neologism circulation level high high Neologism circulation level accepted accepted

Word circulation status: accepted circos plot noun

1a circularly arranged visualization created using Circos

2any circular visualization with concentric tracks, and especially those using lines or curves connecting points on the circumference usage of circos plot: "Genome visualization without Circos is like a fish with a bicycle." origin of circos plot: Krzywinski, M. et al. Circos: an Information Aesthetic for Comparative Genomics. Genome Res (2009) 19:1639-1645

Word circulation status: new com·pure adjective

1having desirable qualities, often emphasizing visual qualities, so overly maximized as to be disfunctional or unuseable

2perfectly secure, but practically unusable, by virtue of physical and electronic isolation

3anything that is only great on paper usage of compure: "The IT department built us a compure network. Unfortunately, nobody can log on." usage of compure: "The apartment was compure—easy on the eyes but we couldn't figure out how to open the cupboards." usage of compure: "Beautiful and dumb, she was truly compure." origin of compure: computer + pure

Word circulation status: new culturally inconversible adjective

1a statement which is not strictly inconversible, but due to cultural or social constraints and customs, is practically so because uttering its converse would invite disgrace usage of culturally inconversible: "Politicians habitually employ cultural inconversibles to position themselves safely in the eyes of the public." example of culturally inconversible: "Men and women should be treated equally." see also: inconversible

Word circulation status: new de·pen·ders noun

1suspenders, discreetly worn under clothing, designed to hold up adult incontinence briefs or any other pads, guards and absorbency products

2suspenders worn under clothing usage of dependers: "Bob's dependers ensured him with not only peace of mind but also a snug and comfortable fit." origin of dependers: Depend + suspenders

Word circulation status: new ee spammings noun

1spam reformatted to the style of the poet ee cummings

2a specific instance of spammings usage of ee spammings: "ee spammings extract a useful dimension from unsolicited communication." example of ee spammings: "please reply / me back i have / something to tell / you (inmportant)" origin of ee spammings: spam + ee cummings see also: spammings

Word circulation status: new ex·ist·angs·ty adjective

1characterized by existential angst, in particular to a small degree

2slightly miffed at the apparent lack of purpose of life and direction of the expanding universe usage of existangsty: "That cosmology video made me existangsty." origin of existangsty: existential + angst

Word circulation status: new fez·day noun

1an occasion, time or day of celebration associated with specific rituals and/or dress, whose origins have been forgotten, with time but usually purposefully, because they harken to a time that was unprosperous, calamitous or embarrassing.

2an unfortunate event whose memory is purposefully perceived as positive to avoid embarrassment or conflict usage of fezday: "They celebrated fezday, like it was a good thing." usage of fezday: "Nobody could remember the origins of fezday, but everyone always had a good time." usage of fezday: "You couldn't tell the celebrants they looked ridiculous at the risk of incuring their wrath, which always seemed close to the surface." usage of fezday: "Let's have a fezday with this." origin of fezday: fez + day. Based on the legendary account of a long-fought battle which ended in a humiliating defeat, made visibly worse by the victor demanding that the losing side wear a fez each year in shame. Many years passed. Over time the losing side's embarrassment and resentment grew. The fez embodied their humiliation and loss, both intolerable. Eventually, the original reason for the fez was struck from historical record. The day was turned into a celebration of independence and identity. The fez became a national symbol and was widely worn.

Word circulation status: new hil·ber·ton·ian noun

1a creature that lives on 3 adjacent orders of the Hilbert curve.

2a creature of one of the 14 classes of Hilbertonians: alien, voyager, crossfit, breaker, spider, sentinel, dasher, creeper, poser, screamer, chopper, veggie, fez and peep. usage of hilbertonian: "I think this Hilbertonian is a creeper." example of hilbertonian: "Classification of Hilbertonians." origin of hilbertonian: from Hilbert curve

Word circulation status: low hive panel noun

1a matrix of hive plots presenting multiple independent visual signatures of a network usage of hive panel: "The hive panels of these two networks helped me see minor differences in structure I would have normally missed." see also: hive plot, ratio hive

Word circulation status: high hive plot noun

1a network visualization method which assigns and positions nodes on linear axes using rules based on structural properties of the network

2periodic parallel axis plot in which the axes are arranged radially, like in a radar plot usage of hive plot: "Hive plots create rational network visualizations that can be easily interpreted and compared." see also: hive panel, ratio hive

Word circulation status: new in·con·ver·si·ble adjective

1typically refering to a statement, something whose converse is illogical or senseless, thereby diluting the substance and information content of the original.

2anything whose converse is senseless, either by definition or logic usage of inconversible: "He concealed the lack of substance in his delivery by long inconversible statements" example of inconversible: "I like to have fun." origin of inconversible: in- (non) and conversible see also: culturally inconversible

Word circulation status: low meta·om·ome noun

1The collection of annotations, such as user comments, literature citations and functional and structural interpretations, of an omome. usage of metaomome: "Many centers lack the computational resources to study the entire omome and, instead, focus on metaomomics — the study of its annotations, a more tractable challenge." example of metaomome: "Ome, the Sound of the Scientific Universe Expanding in the NYT" origin of metaomome: meta + omeome see also: omeomics, omome

Word circulation status: new mys·ti·fic adjective

1terrific, but for unknown or mysterious reasons

2strangely wonderful usage of mystific: "Waiter, this meal is mystific. Can you give me a hint?" origin of mystific: mysterious + terrific

Word circulation status: new nay·the·ism noun

1a belief system in which it is taken on faith that God does not exist. usage of naytheism: "My position of naytheism is unassailable by the theists because it uses the same modes of reasoning." origin of naytheism: nay + theism see also: naytheist

Word circulation status: new nay·the·ist noun

1a person who takes it on faith that God doesn't exist. usage of naytheist: "As a naytheist, I count on my faith to support my views." origin of naytheist: nay + theism see also: naytheism

Word circulation status: new nes noun

1typically to a yes or no question, a response suggesting that both answers hold equal merit in such balance that deciding is difficult and potentially impossible; distinguished from maybe in that nes does not require the speaker to ever reach a decision, nor communicate their intention to do so. usage of nes: "When John asked me on a date, I said 'nes'." origin of nes: no + yes; counterparts in other languages may exist, such as noui in French (non/oui), jain in German (ja/nein), and niak in Polish (nie/tak) — notice that the order of the words can vary in different languages to create the more appealing combination

Word circulation status: new neu·ro·ter·ror noun

1fear elicited by direct chemical or electrical stimulation of the brain, without an external fearsome stimulus usage of neuroterror: "After the development of aerosolized fear-causing neuromodulators, the courts had a difficult time in determining whether their use was captured by the laws governing the classical definition of terror." see also: neuroterrorism

Word circulation status: new neu·ro·ter·ror·ism noun

1use of neuroterror for coersion or control usage of neuroterrorism: "It was unclear whether last month's incident was an act of neuroterror or simply spontaneous mass panic." see also: neuroterror

Word circulation status: new new·grade verb

1replace something with a newer thing usage of newgrade: "I had to newgrade my phone—they sure don't make things like they used to!" usage of newgrade: "This phone oldgrade is definitely a downgrade." origin of newgrade: Provides the equivalent of downgrade and upgrade, but relative to age and not function or quality. see also: oldgrade

Word circulation status: new no·ward adverb

1without direction or intent usage of noward: "Your focus is pointing noward." origin of noward: As an analogy to forward, onward and backward, noward is the directional equivalent of the positional nowhere. Words relating to movement with a specific destination in mind would use nowhere (i.e. no place), those hinged on direction would use noward (i.e. no direction).

Word circulation status: new non·post·er noun

1the guilty's garbage can usage of nonposter: "Looking at the contents of your nonposter, I see that you are not engaged in environmental causes." origin of nonposter: non + composter

Word circulation status: new old·grade verb

1replace something with an older thing usage of oldgrade: "I've oldgraded my car—I love classics." usage of oldgrade: "I decided to upgrade and oldgraded my espresso machine." origin of oldgrade: Provides the equivalent of downgrade and upgrade, but relative to age and not function or quality. see also: newgrade

Word circulation status: accepted om·ome noun

1The collective set of all omics, such as genomics, proteomics, exomics, metabolomics, etc. example of omome: "Ome, the Sound of the Scientific Universe Expanding in the NYT" origin of omome: omics + -ome see also: metaomeome, omeomics, omicsophy

Word circulation status: accepted ome·om·ics noun

1synonym for omicsophy example of omeomics: "Ome, the Sound of the Scientific Universe Expanding in the NYT" origin of omeomics: omics + -sophy see also: metaomeome, omicsophy

Word circulation status: new omic·so·phy noun

1The study of the collection of omics, the broad fields whose name ends in the omics suffix (commonly found in the biological sciences), such as genomics, proteomics, exomics, metabolomics, etc. example of omicsophy: "Ome, the Sound of the Scientific Universe Expanding in the NYT" origin of omicsophy: omics + -sophy see also: metaomeome, omeomics, omome

Word circulation status: new over noun

1a sleepover, but without sleep, ideally ending in a prekfast. usage of over: "After last night's over, I was exhausted but happy the next day." see also: prekfast

Word circulation status: new pid·dle noun

1liquid unit of measure, equivalent to a pinch

2spontaneous urination from a small, typically obnoxious, dog, amidst excitement

3in general, a small amount of any liquid uncontrollably produced example of piddle: "This Yorkshire pudding recipe calls for a piddle of drippings." origin of piddle: off-label use of piddle

Word circulation status: accepted port knocking noun

1a method in computer security to authenticate a remote host with a server without the use of any open ports usage of port knocking: "My server cannot be detected by a port scan, but I can still login because I use port knocking." origin of port knocking: Krzywinski, M. Port Knocking: Network authentication across closed ports. SysAdmin Magazine (2003) 12:12-17

Word circulation status: new post·pe·ti·zer noun

1a small meal ordered after dessert, consumed during examination and settling of the bill usage of postpetizer: "The desert was delicious but we are still peckish — could you bring us a postpetizer with the bill please?" see also: prepetizer

Word circulation status: new pre·grat·ul·ate verb

1offer praise in anticipation of success

2offer contratulations before success is achieved usage of pregratulate: "On my first day of college my parents pregratulated me on my graduation." origin of pregratulate: pre + contratulate see also: prenopsis

Word circulation status: new pre·kfast noun

1a light snack, before breakfast, typically prepared and presented by one's sleep partner and consumed in bed usage of prekfast: "She was thoughtful to bring me a prekfast after our over." origin of prekfast: pre + breakfast see also: over

Word circulation status: new pre·nop·sis noun

1a summary, such as of a book, program or event, formed purely on expectation, bias and hope, formulated before the object or event is experienced usage of prenopsis: "Looking at the book's cover in the store, I quickly formulated a prenopsis which proved suprisingly accurate."

Word circulation status: new pre·pe·ti·zer noun

1a small meal, typically delivered quickly, ordered after the arrival, but before reading, of the menu, intended to quench the initial hunger until the arrival of the appetizer usage of prepetizer: "We are starving — could you bring us a prepetizer while we look at the menu?" origin of prepetizer: pre + appetizer similar to: amuse-bouche see also: postpetizer

Word circulation status: new quin·ty adjective

1a person or thing possessing rare or special qualities or traits, thereby potentially embodying the fifth essence usage of quinty: "This dessert is so divine, as to be almost quinty." origin of quinty: diminutive of quintessential, in a more relaxed use

Word circulation status: low ratio hive noun

1a hive plot used to visualize ratio quantities between three or more axes, employing stacked ribbons to show the cumulative distribution of values

2periodic stacked bar plot in which the axes are arranged radially, like in a radar plot usage of ratio hive: "Ratio hives can be used to illustrate differences in composition or structure of various object." see also: hive panel, hive plot

Word circulation status: new spammings noun

1short form of ee spammings

2unsolicited communication reformatted, with poetic license, into a more palatable form see also: ee spammings

Word circulation status: new sus·ci·tate verb

1to raise an individual's life energy so far beyond previous highest level as to give the impression of life for the first time

2to animate, energize, or stimulate an entity to a new level of liveliness.

3(figurative) to breate life into, for the first time usage of suscitate: "Looks like meeting Mary really suscitated John. I've never seen him this alive." origin of suscitate: resuscitate, except without re-, implying that the entity has never lived

Word circulation status: new un·app·rop·ri·ate adjective

1without a sense of propriety usage of unappropriate: "Nobody was certain whether to be affended—she appeared entirely unappropriate." origin of unappropriate: Immoral is to inappropriate as amoral is to unappropriate.

news + thoughts

Happy 2025 π Day—
TTCAGT: a sequence of digits

Thu 13-03-2025

Celebrate π Day (March 14th) and sequence digits like its 1999. Let's call some peaks.

Martin Krzywinski @MKrzywinski mkweb.bcgsc.ca
2025 π DAY | TTCAGT: a sequence of digits. The digits of π are encoded into DNA sequence and visualized with Sanger sequencing. (details)

Crafting 10 Years of Statistics Explanations: Points of Significance

Sun 09-03-2025

I don’t have good luck in the match points. —Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player

Points of Significance is an ongoing series of short articles about statistics in Nature Methods that started in 2013. Its aim is to provide clear explanations of essential concepts in statistics for a nonspecialist audience. The articles favor heuristic explanations and make extensive use of simulated examples and graphical explanations, while maintaining mathematical rigor.

Topics range from basic, but often misunderstood, such as uncertainty and P-values, to relatively advanced, but often neglected, such as the error-in-variables problem and the curse of dimensionality. More recent articles have focused on timely topics such as modeling of epidemics, machine learning, and neural networks.

In this article, we discuss the evolution of topics and details behind some of the story arcs, our approach to crafting statistical explanations and narratives, and our use of figures and numerical simulations as props for building understanding.

Martin Krzywinski @MKrzywinski mkweb.bcgsc.ca
Crafting 10 Years of Statistics Explanations: Points of Significance. (read)

Altman, N. & Krzywinski, M. (2025) Crafting 10 Years of Statistics Explanations: Points of Significance. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 12:69–87.

Propensity score matching

Mon 16-09-2024

I don’t have good luck in the match points. —Rafael Nadal, Spanish tennis player

In many experimental designs, we need to keep in mind the possibility of confounding variables, which may give rise to bias in the estimate of the treatment effect.

Martin Krzywinski @MKrzywinski mkweb.bcgsc.ca
Nature Methods Points of Significance column: Propensity score matching. (read)

If the control and experimental groups aren't matched (or, roughly, similar enough), this bias can arise.

Sometimes this can be dealt with by randomizing, which on average can balance this effect out. When randomization is not possible, propensity score matching is an excellent strategy to match control and experimental groups.

Kurz, C.F., Krzywinski, M. & Altman, N. (2024) Points of significance: Propensity score matching. Nat. Methods 21:1770–1772.

Understanding p-values and significance

Tue 24-09-2024

P-values combined with estimates of effect size are used to assess the importance of experimental results. However, their interpretation can be invalidated by selection bias when testing multiple hypotheses, fitting multiple models or even informally selecting results that seem interesting after observing the data.

We offer an introduction to principled uses of p-values (targeted at the non-specialist) and identify questionable practices to be avoided.

Martin Krzywinski @MKrzywinski mkweb.bcgsc.ca
Understanding p-values and significance. (read)

Altman, N. & Krzywinski, M. (2024) Understanding p-values and significance. Laboratory Animals 58:443–446.

Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
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