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This love loves love. It's a strange love, strange love.Liz Fraserfind a way to lovemore quotes
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Reach typing guru status with your own keyboard layout, such as the fully optimized QGMLWB layout. Alternatively, use your power for evil and use the worst TNWMLC layout to embarass office prima donnas and punish sluggish workers. And TNWMLC is the only layout with its own line of Brazilian clothing.
A comprehensive analysis of word usage in the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Debates.

World's Most Popular Questions—Today's Interrogative Zeitgeist

1 · Man's earliest (and thoughest) questions

Even before we explored outside our caves, mankind has been plagued by unanswerable questions.

How do I heal a broken heart?

Why do I never see baby pigeons?

I don't understand how Lost ended.

You may notice that the third example isn't phrased as a question—it's what makes it so hard to answer.

What we know defines us as much as what we ask. So let's look at who we are, shall we?

2 · Want answers?

If you want answers to some of these questions, try my Yes or No service.

3 · Modern look at questions — old yet ever new

The most popular questions are collected daily using Google's autocomplete feature. Autocomplete lists popular search queries that begin with your entry.

What are people looking to sell? What do people want to have, but can't? Autocomplete suggests an answer, in the form of a question!

While most autocompleted phrases are questions, a few are statements (see Limits & Desires, e.g. I need to vent.).

4 · Why can't I...?

Below are combinations of the terms why can't I with the words make, have, buy and sell.

why can't I   +   make / have / buy / sell
why can't I make… why can't I have… why can't I buy… why can't I sell…

…a new instagram account

…an instagram account



…a twitter account


…an instagram group chat

…an apple id

…you love me

…my kahoot public




…a baby


…facebook marketplace

…popcorn with braces



…kindle books

…a kindle in canada

…stoned wheat thins


…minecraft in canada

…a kindle paperwhite


…nhl 25

…an amazon kindle

…a kindle right now

…my tickets on ticketmaster

…my stock

…usdc on coinbase

…my taylor swift tickets

…my house

…my tickets on axs

…on coinbase

…on ebay

…on poshmark

…my limited on roblox

retrieved on 03-12-2024 from local cache (1.9 h old)
Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
Google whack “vicissitudinal corporealization”
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