Here are just a few of the important questions people are asking. Yes, it has come to this.
Questions like "Why can't I sell my kidney?" and "How can I keep from singing?" shake my faith. Deeply.
How could I ask for more?
How do people do extreme couponing?
How can I sell my soul?
Who can I sue?
Why can't I hold all these limes?
Why can't I sell my kidney?
Why don't people like me?
Why do people hear voices in their head?
Why do I always feel like murdering everyone?
Why do I never see baby pigeons?
I don't understand how Lost ended.
I don't understand where I went wrong.
Was COVID-19 made in a lab?
Is virus a living thing?
Has COVID-19 mutated?
Can coronavirus live on clothes?
Was coronavirus predicted in a book?
Has Trump ever apologized?
Is Trump illiterate?
Why hasn't Trump been stopped?
Why won't Trump get off twitter?
What did Trump tweet last night?
Why can't Trump finish a sentence?
Is the world really flat?
Is the world being controlled by aliens?
Has the world gone mad or is it me?
What in the world is god doing?
How in the world can a poor man eat?
Who in the world am I, ah that's the great puzzle.
Will the world be a better place without religion?
What do people see when they close their eyes?
Why do I always see the same time on the clock?
I need to poop.
Why can't I make myself vomit?
Where can I find Chuck Norris?
What happens if I make a formal commitment to Satan?
What is my husband doing online?
Is my wife right?
Will my girlfriend get fat?
How can my son get out of a gang?
Why isn't my girlfriend affectionate?
Why is my boyfriend so insecure?
Why is my girlfriend so emotional?
Why isn't my boyfriend romantic?
Can money make me happy?
How do I finance an engagement ring?
How do I cheat at poker?
Is my job redundant?
Is my boss reading my email?
Can my job be given to someone else?
Should I study or sleep?
Is my doctor useless?
Is my body hair normal?
My head is full of pretty lumps.
How do I heal a broken heart?
Why is my poop green?
What is the smallest unit of life?
What was the most common form of sacrifice in Aztec society?
Who is the most powerful Jedi?
Where is the hardest part of your head?
What will heaven be like?
Is faith a gift from god?
Is god an alien?
Can Jesus microwave a burrito?
Can I pray with my eyes open?
Should I pray for a husband?