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A comprehensive analysis of word usage in the 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Debates.

World's Most Popular Questions—Today's Interrogative Zeitgeist

1 · Modern look at questions — old yet ever new

The most popular questions are collected daily using Google's autocomplete feature. Autocomplete lists popular search queries that begin with your entry.

This can be used to identify popular questions by applying autocomplete to the beginning of a question, such as Why can't I and suggests the most similar searches to the one you have entered by listing popu, you can discover a great deal about what kind of Google searches people perform.

This process yields insight into the zeitgeist of thoughts, interests and problems of the population.

Specifically, if you apply the autocomplete to words that start a question, you can discover the most popular questions of the time. Systematically constructing a question, term by term, can reveal very entertaining (and alarming) patterns.

To visualize a comparison between suggestions for two terms, use Web Seer.

2 · Results are cached

Results are cached for up to 3 hours to reduce the load on the system.

Each table shows the age of the cache. If the table says retrieved ... from Google then your request has refreshed the cache. If it says retrieved ... from local cache then you're looking at a cached result (age of cache is reported).

3 · Autocompleted tables of question combinations

Autocompleted questions are reported in a table which connects the root of the question, such as How can I... with specific words such as make, have, or buy.

For each combination, such as How can I make... the top 10 autocompleted suggestions are reported.

how can I   +   make / have / buy / sell
how can I make… how can I have… how can I buy… how can I sell…

…money online

…money at home

…money fast


…this about me

…this about me meme

…more money

…my hair thicker

…extra money



…paypal account

…clear skin

…a baby girl

…whatsapp on two phones

…more energy

…fast metabolism

…american express card

…diarrhea when I haven't eaten

…twins pregnancy

…bitcoin in canada


…xrp in canada

…stocks in canada

…crypto in canada



…gold in canada

…usdt in canada

…a house in canada

…on amazon

…pi coin

…my financed car

…on etsy

…my car

…my product in walmart

…products on amazon

…my product on amazon

…my photos online

…a financed car

retrieved on 08-02-2025 from Google

Here's another sample table using Why is my... as the start of the question.

why is my   +   life / body / boyfriend / girlfriend
why is my life… why is my body… why is my boyfriend… why is my girlfriend…

…so miserable

…so boring

…falling apart

…so hard

…360 not updating

…so bad

…so stressful

…harder than others

…getting worse

…so unfair

…so itchy


…shaking for no reason

…temperature so hot

…always cold

…itchy at night

…temperature so low



…sore when I wake up

…mean to me

…so mean to me

…ignoring me

…so hot

…yelling at me

…always mad at me

…so annoying


…so cute

…always tired

…so mean to me

…yelling at me

…so beautiful

…so hot

…always cold

…always mad at me

…so cute

…so pretty

…mad at me

…ignoring me

retrieved on 08-02-2025 from Google
Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
Google whack “vicissitudinal corporealization”
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