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The World's Most Popular Questions About Pain & Suffering

can i get hurt   +   in / at / by / on / while / under / during / after
can i get hurt in… can i get hurt at… can i get hurt by… can i get hurt on… can i get hurt under… can i get hurt during… can i get hurt after…

can I get back pain in early pregnancy

can I get period pain in early pregnancy

can I get cold sore in my nose

can I get canker sore in my throat

can you get hurt in a dream

can I get hit by lightning in a car

can I get a canker sore in my tongue

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why do I get pain in my chest

why do I get pain in my lower abdomen

why do I get hurt by words so easily

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can I get sore throat from allergies

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can I get cold sore on my tongue

can I get cold sore on my chin

can I get canker sore on my gums

can I get canker sore on my tongue

can I get a canker sore on my throat

why do I get hurt by words so easily

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can I get chest pain from stress

can I get period pain in early pregnancy

why do I get pain under my ribs

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can you feel pain when you're knocked out

does it hurt when you get knocked out

what happens if I'm injured and can't work

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why do I get pain after eating

do injuries hurt more the next day

why do injuries hurt worse the next day

how long will my body hurt after a car accident

why don't you feel pain after injury

retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
i   +   hit / stabbed / cut / poked / bashed / crushed / pinched / attacked / punched   +   my
i hit my… i stabbed my… i cut my… i poked my… i bashed my… i crushed my… i pinched my… i attacked my… i punched my…

…head and it hurts when I touch it

…head should I be worried

…car on a pole

…head do I have a concussion

…head and it hurts when I touch it reddit

…boyfriend out of anger

…tooth and it feels weird

…husband out of anger

…knee and it hurts to bend

…shin and it still hurts

…hand with a knife

…finger with a knife


…finger with a needle

…gums with my toothbrush

…eardrum with a q tip


…finger with a pencil

…hand with a pencil


…bangs too short

…hair too short

…dogs quick

…finger what to do



…teeth on wedding rings

…tongue what do I do

…nails too short

…finger and its numb

…eye and it hurts when I blink

…ear with a qtip and it hurts

…eardrum and it hurts

…baby in the eye

…ear with a qtip and it hurts treatment

…eye and theres a red spot

…dog in the eye by accident

…eye with mascara wand

…ear and it's bleeding

…ear with a qtip and it hurts reddit

I hit my head

I hurt my feet

I hurt my knees

I hurt my stomach

I hurt my feelings

I hurt my ribs

I hurt my eyes

I hurt my chest

I hurt my nipple

I hurt my toes

I crashed my car into a bridge

I crashed my car into a bridge original

I crashed my car

I crashed my flying machine

I crashed my car drunk and left it

…finger nail

I crashed my bike

I crashed my car and got a dui



…finger and it's black

…finger blood clot

…child in anger


…nose and it turned red

…finger in the door


…nose and it turned purple

…finger and it's numb


…boyfriend when I was drunk

I hit my head

I hit my tooth and it feels weird

I hit my cat and she pooped

I hit my shin and it still hurts

I hit my boyfriend out of anger

I hit my husband out of anger

I hit my baby out of anger

I hit my toe and it turned purple

…laptop screen and it broke

…cat in the face


…partner in my sleep

…husband reddit

…steering wheel





retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
i hurt my   +   head / leg / arm / hand / finger / eye / elbow / knee / butt
i hurt my head… i hurt my leg… i hurt my arm… i hurt my hand… i hurt my finger… i hurt my eye… i hurt my elbow… i hurt my knee…

…in spanish

I hit my head

I hit my head and it swelled up

I hit my head to wall

I hit my head really hard reddit

I hit my head what to do

I hit my head and passed out

I hit my head on top


…in spanish

…in french

…and it's swollen

I broke my leg

I sprained my leg

I broke my leg in spanish

I injured my leg

I broke my leg meaning

…in spanish

…in french

…and I can't straighten it

…lifting weights

…doing push ups

I sprained my arm

I hit my arm and now it's swollen

can I hurt my arm by sleeping on it

I hurt my right arm

…opening a jar

…in spanish

…and it's swollen

…punching a wall

…punching a heavy bag

I sprained my hand

I hit my hand and now it's swollen

I injured my hand

I hit my hand

…and now it's numb

…and it's swollen

…in spanish


…while I was playing the guitar

…dance moms

…on my mom's ring

…and now it's hot

…and it feels numb

…and now it's swollen

…with my nail


…and my vision is blurry

…and it hurts


I hit my eye and now it's red

I hit my eye

why does my eye hurt internally

when I press my eye it hurts

what to do if eyeball hurts



…arm wrestling

…lifting weights


…and my fingers are numb

how do I know if I hurt my elbow

how do I know if I've damaged my elbow

why does my elbow hurt so bad after hitting it

how do I know if I injured my elbow

…and now I can't bend it

…what should I do

…and it's swollen

…in spanish

…yesterday adverb

…and I can't straighten it

…and now it clicks

…what doctor should I see

…while running

…in french

retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
my   +   head / leg / arm / hand / finger / eye / elbow / knee / butt   +   is
my head is… my leg is… my arm is… my hand is… my finger is… my eye is… my elbow is… my knee is… my butt is…





…a jungle

…empty I was only temporary

…spinning meaning

…an animal

…spinning like a screw






…gone brother












…itchy and has bumps

…so itchy

…falling asleep at night

…beating like a heart








…swollen and painful


…numb while sleeping

…swollen and hurts to bend

…on the button


…swollen and hurts to bend treatment

…on the button sonic

…swollen and hard to bend








…red and hurts

…swollen and hurts

…twitching what does that mean

…red and swollen

…twitching a lot






…hurting on the inside

…swollen and squishy








…clicking when I walk

…swollen what should I do




…popping when I bend it




…so christmassy


…on fire


…so itchy



retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
i   +   hit / stabbed / cut / poked   +   myself with
i hit myself with… i stabbed myself with… i cut myself with… i poked myself with…

I hurt myself with loving you

I hurt myself in spanish

I hurt myself by hurting you

I hurt myself in french

I hurt myself by johnny cash

I hurt myself in hindi meaning

I accidentally hit myself in the eye

…a pencil by accident

…a rusty nail

…a pencil

…a pen by accident

…a lead pencil

…a screwdriver

…a pen

…a knife in the finger

…a sewing needle

what to do if I stab myself with a pencil

…a razor what should I do

…a diabetic needle

…a used needle

…a needle

…a needle at work

…a rusty nail

…a safety pin

…a used insulin needle

…a used needle at work

what to do if you accidentally poke yourself with a needle

what to do if you poke yourself with a used needle

retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
i feel   +   hot / pain / cold / dizzy / weak / nauseous / nervous / anxious   +   when i
i feel hot when i… i feel pain when i… i feel cold when i… i feel dizzy when i… i feel weak when i… i feel nauseous when i… i feel nervous when i… i feel anxious when i…


…wake up




…have a cold


why do I feel hot when I wake up

why do I get hot when I sleep

why do I get hot when I eat


…swallow saliva

…press my stomach



…take a deep breath

…am urinating

…breathe in deep

…pee female

…touch my stomach



…have a fever

…wake up

…drink water

…don't eat

do I feel cold when I have a fever

why do I feel cold when I

I m cold I

what makes me feel cold inside

…wake up

…lay down

…stand up

…move my head

…look down

…close my eyes


…blow my nose

…move my eyes

…get up in the morning

…wake up

…don't eat

…stand up

…see blood




…lay down


…wake up in the morning

…wake up


…lay down

…stand up


…have to poop

…drink water

…don't eat

…smell food


…see him

…wake up

I feel scared when I

I get nervous when I tell the truth

I get nervous when I

why do I feel nervous when I wake up

why do I feel anxious when I need to poop

why do I feel anxious when I touch my nipples

why do I feel scared when I pray islam

…am alone

…try to sleep

…go outside

…think about my boyfriend


…drink coffee

…spend money

…smoke weed

…wake up

…have nothing to do

retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
when will my   +   head / leg / arm / hand / finger / eye / elbow / knee / butt   +   stop
when will my head stop… when will my leg stop… when will my arm stop… when will my hand stop… when will my finger stop… when will my eye stop… when will my elbow stop… when will my knee stop… when will my butt stop…

…itching after lice treatment


…hurting after a concussion


when will my baby head stop wobbling

when will the brain stop growing

when do the brain stop developing

when is the brain stop developing

when do the brain stop growing

when will the brain zaps stop

…hurting after hip replacement


…being numb


when will my leg hair stop growing

when will my baby leg stop shaking

when will my broken leg stop hurting

when does the leg stop growing

when will my legs stop hurting after leg day

what happens if you cut off circulation to your legs

…hurting after covid shot

…hurting after a shot

…hurting after flu shot


when will my broken arm stop hurting

how long does it take for a arm to heal

what happens if your arm gets cut off



when will my hands stop peeling

when does my hand stop growing

when will my broken hand stop hurting

when does the male hands stop growing

when does the human hand stop growing

will my hands stop shaking if I quit drinking

will my hands stop shaking

will my hands stop shaking if I quit smoking



when will my fingers stop hurting from guitar

when will my fingers stop swelling after pregnancy

when will my fingers stop growing

when do my fingers stop growing

when will my burned finger stop hurting

when will my broken hand stop hurting

will trigger finger resolve itself

how long before trigger finger goes away


…being red




when will my eyes stop getting worse

when will my eyes stop being dilated

when will my eyelid stop twitching

when do my eyes stop getting worse

when do my eyes stop growing

when will my arm stop hurting after flu shot

when will my arm stop hurting after a shot

when will my arm stop hurting after covid shot

when will my arm stop hurting

when will my broken arm stop hurting

how long to straighten arm after elbow dislocation

how long does it take elbow to heal

…hurting after acl surgery

…hurting after knee replacement

…hurting after meniscus surgery


…popping after acl surgery


…swelling after acl surgery

…hurting after tkr

…hurting after total knee replacement

…hurting after knee replacement surgery

when will my anus stop bleeding

when does the buttocks stop growing

when will my bottom braces stop hurting

how long does it take to get a lifted bum

how long does it take to get rid of a flat bum

retrieved on 05-02-2025 from Google
Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
Google whack “vicissitudinal corporealization”
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