A large (9,284) List of named colors
16 Oct 2017 | 9,284 colors | Added 940 Pantone colors.
Color name database
0.33 | 16 Oct 2017 | 9,284 colors
download | Color name and space conversion table (RGB, HSV, XYZ, Lab, LCH, CMYK) for all named colors (9,284 colors).
Use this file if you want a centralized list of color names from individual color name lists.
I also provide a brief list that only has the RGB components and names and an archive of parsed and tidied color lists.
color lookup web service
As simple as calling this URL with an RGB string.
Color space conversion and name lookup for 2M RGB colors
download | 215 Mb | Color name and space conversion table (RGB, HSV, XYZ, Lab, LCH, CMYK) for all even (r,g,b) combinations (2,097,152 colors). Names were assigned to each color by finding most similar named colors. Color distance is quantified using ΔE in Lab space.
Swatches of all named colors
Browse through the named colors! Sorted conveniently by perceptual hue, brightness and chroma.
image color summary
RGB, HSV, LCH & Lab image color statistics, histograms and clustering—simple and easy.
primer on color spaces
If you're new to color spaces, catch up with this presentation.
Now's also a good time to read about Brewer palettes and color blindness.
color palettes for color blindness
Practical color palettes for color blindness up to 24 colors and beyond.
For all those embarrassing times you couldn't distinguish flirt
from cardinal
Another fabulous time waster...
—Mark Seal, Twitter
one list to name them all
Here I provide a comprehensive list of 9,284 named colors that combines a variety of color name lists into a single resource. I include quite a lot of information for each named color, such as its coordinates in a variety of color spaces (RGB, HSV, XYZ, Lab, LCH) as well as its nearest named neighbours. I also provide a brief list that only has the RGB components and names.
The list is a many-to-many mapping between RGB coordinates and names. For example, aquamarine is found 6 times
idx name r g b
114 aquamarine 120 219 226
3037 aquamarine 102 205 170
3039 aquamarine 127 255 212
3040 aquamarine 118 238 198
3043 aquamarine 69 139 116
3097 aquamarine 1 75 67
and there are three names for (r,g,b) = (255,255,255)
idx name r g b
1272 alabaster 255 255 255
1273 rock salt 255 255 255
1274 white 255 255 255
Below, you can also browse the swatches of all named colors. The colors are ordered by the hue (–180...180) in LCH space.
My list uses the following sources: bang-v2, beer SRM chart, colorhexa, crayola, n3, ntc, pantone, raveling, resene, rgb.txt (X11), steve.hollasch, wikipedia, and xkcd. Entries without a link can be found at this page of color name lists.
Is an important source of color names missing? Let me know.
Download these sources.
what's not included
Not all Pantone names are here. Neither are names of paint colors, which tend to be frivolous. In fact, frivolous is a color name assigned by Olympic for
. See, not that useful.
That's not to say that there aren't ridiculous names in the list.
is monza—found on the resene and "name that color" lists. You have been warned.
color name list format
Each color is reported on a separate line. The fields are
IDX NAME rgb R G B hex HEX h s v H S V xyz X Y Z
lab L A B lch L C H cmyk C M Y K
IDX unique index for the color, starting at 0
NAME name of the color, spaces are encoded by _
R G B components in RGB color space
HEX encoding of RGB values (without leading #)
H S V components in HSV color space
X Y Z components in XYZ color space
L A B components in Lab color space
L C H components in LCH (LCHuv) color space
C M Y K components in CMYK color space
Each of the colors also has a list of 5 nearest named neighbours, as calculated in Lab space using ΔE.
NEIGHBOUR is a list of 5 nearest colors from the
color name database, using : as separator
where each ni entry is
NAME name of neighbour
IDX index of neighbour, as used in the color name lookup file
R G B components of neighbour in RGB color space
deltaE distance between the color and the neighbour in Lab color space (ΔE)
Each color also has a list of unique words formed from the names of the neighbours
WORD_TAGS list of unique words seen in names of neighbours
with ΔE < 5. If no neighbours within ΔE < 5 are found,
the nearest neighbour is used.
are your best bet for the name of the RGB color. Depending on the neighbours, similar hues may appear (e.g. red, rose).
Color Names and Color Space Conversion for 2M RGB colors
Using the list of 9,284 named colors from above, I created a list of named neighbours and assigned words to 2,097,152 RGB colors corresponding to all (r,g,b) triplets where each coordinate is even.
The format of this file is very similar to that of the named color list above. The fields are
rgb R G B hex HEX h s v H S V xyz X Y Z lab L A B lch L C H cmyk C M Y K
where the new field is
NUM_NEIGHBOURS_MAXDE number of neighbours with ΔE <= 5.
These are used for WORDS_TAGS below
and I list 10 nearest neighbours per color.
self-serve color lookup
If you have an RGB color you'd like to look up, call this URL with the RGB string
For example, the URL above analyzes
moccasin, which is associated with these tags: banana, caramel, frangipani, mania, moccasin, navajo, wheat, peach, white, yellow. Hmm, mania? Yup, the Crayola color list gives us
banana mania,
What are the colors in Google's logo?
dodger blue,
moderate emerald green.
beer colors
One of the sources of color names is the SRM Beer Color chart.
Here are the 40 SRM beer colors, with their RGB and LCH coordinates. Shown also is the nearest named color that is not an SRM beer color.
beer srm 01 rgb=254,231,153 #FEE799 lch=92,41,94 vis[8881][249,228,150](1.0)
beer srm 02 rgb=253,217,121 #FDD979 lch=88,51,89 la_luna[4899][255,216,122](1.0)
beer srm 03 rgb=253,203,90 #FDCB5A lch=84,62,84 golden_tainoi[3927][255,204,92](1.0)
beer srm 04 rgb=252,193,67 #FCC143 lch=81,69,82 PMS136[47][252,191,73](3.2)
beer srm 05 rgb=247,179,36 #F7B324 lch=77,76,80 filmpro_golden_yellow[3612][247,181,45](2.4)
beer srm 06 rgb=246,168,3 #F6A803 lch=75,80,77 sun[8121][251,172,19](1.4)
beer srm 07 rgb=238,158,3 #EE9E03 lch=71,78,75 orange[6199][238,154,0](3.2)
beer srm 08 rgb=230,146,3 #E69203 lch=68,76,72 PMS130_2X[39][226,145,0](1.4)
beer srm 09 rgb=227,138,4 #E38A04 lch=65,75,69 PMS144[60][226,140,5](1.7)
beer srm 10 rgb=217,126,3 #D97E03 lch=61,73,67 yellow_ochre[9215][227,130,23](3.7)
beer srm 11 rgb=211,116,0 #D37400 lch=58,73,64 PMS717[896][211,109,0](4.2)
beer srm 12 rgb=202,108,0 #CA6C00 lch=55,71,63 browny_orange[1872][202,107,2](0.0)
beer srm 13 rgb=198,100,1 #C66401 lch=53,70,61 PMS159[85][198,96,5](2.4)
beer srm 14 rgb=191,92,1 #BF5C01 lch=50,69,59 PMS718[897][191,91,0](0.0)
beer srm 15 rgb=181,83,0 #B55300 lch=47,67,57 PMS1525[72][181,84,0](0.0)
beer srm 16 rgb=176,79,0 #B04F00 lch=45,66,57 cinnamon[2336][172,79,6](2.2)
beer srm 17 rgb=171,71,3 #AB4703 lch=43,65,54 fire[3635][170,66,3](2.4)
beer srm 18 rgb=162,64,3 #A24003 lch=40,63,53 PMS471_2X[575][163,68,2](1.7)
beer srm 19 rgb=156,57,3 #9C3903 lch=38,62,51 russet[7375][161,57,5](2.2)
beer srm 20 rgb=150,53,3 #963503 lch=36,61,50 russet[7375][161,57,5](3.7)
beer srm 21 rgb=145,47,0 #912F00 lch=34,61,49 brown_red[1855][146,43,5](2.8)
beer srm 22 rgb=140,46,2 #8C2E02 lch=33,58,49 rust_brown[7383][139,49,3](1.0)
beer srm 23 rgb=131,37,1 #832501 lch=30,57,47 orange_red[6212][139,37,0](3.7)
beer srm 24 rgb=126,31,1 #7E1F01 lch=28,56,45 kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](3.2)
beer srm 25 rgb=119,28,1 #771C01 lch=26,53,44 kenyan_copper[4832][124,28,5](2.2)
beer srm 26 rgb=114,27,0 #721B00 lch=25,52,45 cedar_wood_finish[2150][113,26,0](1.0)
beer srm 27 rgb=108,22,3 #6C1603 lch=23,49,42 reddy_brown[7159][110,16,5](2.2)
beer srm 28 rgb=103,16,3 #671003 lch=21,48,39 reddy_brown[7159][110,16,5](3.5)
beer srm 29 rgb=98,15,3 #620F03 lch=20,46,39 dark_tan[2898][102,16,16](4.2)
beer srm 30 rgb=91,13,3 #5B0D03 lch=18,43,38 deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](1.0)
beer srm 31 rgb=86,12,3 #560C03 lch=17,41,37 deep_scarlet[3050][89,11,0](2.2)
beer srm 32 rgb=83,11,6 #530B06 lch=16,39,35 mahogany[5461][78,6,6](2.8)
beer srm 33 rgb=80,11,8 #500B08 lch=15,37,33 mahogany[5461][78,6,6](1.4)
beer srm 34 rgb=74,6,5 #4A0605 lch=13,36,31 rustic_red[7387][72,4,4](1.4)
beer srm 35 rgb=68,7,5 #440705 lch=12,33,30 burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](1.7)
beer srm 36 rgb=66,8,7 #420807 lch=12,31,29 burnt_maroon[1928][66,3,3](2.4)
beer srm 37 rgb=60,9,8 #3C0908 lch=10,28,28 chocolate[2301][55,2,2](3.0)
beer srm 38 rgb=57,7,8 #390708 lch=9,27,25 chocolate[2301][55,2,2](2.2)
beer srm 39 rgb=57,8,11 #39080B lch=10,26,23 aubergine[1193][59,9,16](1.4)
beer srm 40 rgb=53,9,10 #35090A lch=9,24,24 toast_lmu_20[8382][56,10,8](2.2)
I didn't like the RGB representation of SRM 32 in the original chart, which was (93,10,2) and looked like it didn't belong between SRM 31 and 33. I computed a new RGB coordinate for this color by linearly interpolating between SRM 31 and 33 in LCH space.
color from list of named colors
One of the first colors in the named color lookup table is
with the name eggshell blue. The entry (single line, shown below as multiple lines for clarity) for this color is
0 eggshell_blue rgb 196 255 247 hex C4FFF7 hsv 171.8644 0.2314 1.0000
xyz 0.7531 0.8997 1.0139 lab 95.9838 -20.0130 -2.2212
lch 95.9838 29.4569 -179.9609 cmyk 0.2314 0.0000 0.0314 0.0000
The color space components are straightforward. The list of 5 nearest named neighbours gives
duck egg blue,
light blue,
pale turquoise and
pale cyan as the nearest neighbours as measured by ΔE. For example,
duck egg blue is a distance of ΔE = 1.6 away. The index and RGB coordinates for each neighbour are shown.
There are 8 neighbours within ΔE ≤ 5.
The last field is pale:light:cyan:duck:egg:opal:blue:turquoise
and lists all the words formed by the names of the nearest neighbours. This list is organized so that common prefixes such as "very", "dark" or "light" come first and hues such as "green" and "red" are placed last.
rgb color
Here I show the entry for (r,g,b) = (208,250,244), which is very close to the scandal color listed above. You can see that scandal is indeed its closest neighbour with ΔE = 0.03 and 10 colors are within ΔE ≤ 5.
rgb 208 250 244 hex D0FAF4 hsv 171.4286 0.1680 0.9804
xyz 0.7652 0.8831 0.9860 lab 95.2917 -14.5569 -1.6055
lch 95.2917 21.6262 179.9008 cmyk 0.1647 0.0000 0.0235 0.0196
swatches of named colors
Colors are ordered by hue (rounded to nearest 30) and luminance (rounded to nearest 20). Within each `(H,L)` group colors are sorted by chroma (C) and any with the same name are not shown. If a color name appears more than once in the entire list, this number is shown after the name. The RGB components for each color are shown encoded as HEX.
`(H,L) = (0,0)`
`(H,L) = (0,20)`
double sidewinder #473F40
`(H,L) = (0,40)`
pale violet red [5] #8B475D
dark grayish crimson #594248
jazzberry jam [2] #C63061
amaranth deep purple #AB274F
pictorial carmine #C30B4E
`(H,L) = (0,60)`
pale violet red [5] #CD6889
brilliant raspberry #E75189
medium violet red [2] #DB7093
carnation pink [3] #FF7FA7
luminous vivid rose #FF0080
tickle me pink [2] #FC80A5
light crimson [2] #E78BA2
light brilliant crimson #FF658B
brilliant crimson #E75177
vivid raspberry [2] #FF006C
wild watermelon [2] #FC6C85
`(H,L) = (0,80)`
pale violet red [5] #FF82AB
pale light grayish crimson #E7B8C4
tickle me pink [2] #FC89AC
baker miller pink #FF91AF
very light crimson #FF9EB6
cherry blossom pink #FFB7C5
very light amaranth #FF9EAA
`(H,L) = (0,100)`
very pale crimson #FFE2E9
carousel pink [2] #F8DBE0
`(H,L) = (30,0)`
very deep reddish brown #1D0000
very reddish brown #1D1111
very dark brown [2] #1D0200
`(H,L) = (30,20)`
bulgarian rose [2] #482427
reddish brownish black #1D1A1A
style pasifika hibiscus blood #651C26
style pasifika red soil #4E2728
burnt crimson [2] #582124
japanese maple [2] #672F30
filmpro burnt sienna #522C2B
reddish brown [2] #592727
kenyan copper [2] #6C322E
crown of thorns [2] #771F1F
style pasifika burnt charcoal #322C2B
deep reddish brown #590000
style pasifika black tan #3A2F2D
style pasifika brown earth #452924
triple lumberjack #5A372F
metallic copper [2] #71291D
cedar wood finish #711A00
`(H,L) = (30,40)`
vivid raspberry [2] #E70057
moderate amaranth #A84A55
reddish brownish grey #595353
dark grayish reddish brown #594242
permanent red violet #DB2645
sanguine brown [2] #6C3736
vivid crimson [2] #CC0033
bittersweet shimmer #BF4F51
guardsman red [2] #952E31
roof terracotta [2] #A14743
style pasifika red frangipani #832B29
style pasifika red pineapple #983D39
medium candy apple red #E2062C
apple blossom [2] #A95249
fire engine red [2] #CE2029
permanent geranium lake #E12C2C
crown of thorns [2] #763C33
medium tuscan red #79443B
international orange [3] #C0362C
metallic copper [2] #6E3D34
double lumberjack #633E36
western red cedar #7A372A
dark candy apple red #A40000
boston university red #CC0000
moderate vermilion #A8614A
`(H,L) = (30,60)`
luminous vivid raspberry #FF0060
wild watermelon [2] #FD5B78
light brilliant amaranth #FF6578
brilliant amaranth #E75164
light carmine pink #E66771
oriental pink [2] #C69191
fuzzy wuzzy brown [2] #CC6666
luminous vivid crimson #FF0040
new york pink [2] #D7837F
light brilliant red [2] #FF6565
petite orchid [2] #DB9690
quarter lumberjack #96706B
deep carmine pink #EF3038
sunset orange [2] #FD5E53
luminous vivid amaranth #FF0020
light brilliant scarlet #FF7865
brilliant scarlet #E76451
cadmium red light #FF030D
fire engine red [2] #FE0002
luminous vivid red #FF0000
luminous vivid scarlet #FF2000
outrageous orange [2] #FF6E4A
`(H,L) = (30,80)`
pale grayish pink #E7B8B8
light salmon pink #FF9999
very light scarlet #FFAA9E
vivid tangerine [2] #FFA089
light brilliant vermilion #FF8B65
very light vermilion #FFB69E
`(H,L) = (30,100)`
peach schnapps [2] #FFDCD6
forget me not [2] #FFF1EE
very pale vermilion #FFE9E2
`(H,L) = (60,0)`
`(H,L) = (60,20)`
chocolate brownie #3C241B
english walnut [2] #3E2B23
filmpro burnt umber #3A302C
zinnwaldite brown #2C1608
milk chocolate [2] #4C3429
morocco brown [2] #442D21
brown bramble [2] #592804
baker's chocolate #5C3317
nutmeg wood finish #683600
style pasifika dark soil #362D26
space shuttle [2] #433120
`(H,L) = (60,40)`
dark grayish vermilion #594842
orange roughy [2] #A85335
reddish brown [2] #7F2B0A
copper canyon [2] #77422C
rose of sharon [2] #AC512D
very dark brown [2] #5C4033
cape palliser [2] #75482F
semi sweet chocolate #6B4226
dark brown tangelo #88654E
style pasifika shore sand #A56531
milk chocolate [2] #7F4E1E
antique brass [4] #6C461F
tobacco brown [2] #6D5843
triple stonehenge #665C52
`(H,L) = (60,60)`
vivid vermilion [2] #E73A00
luminous vivid vermilion #FF4000
grayish vermilion #A8887D
brilliant vermilion #E77751
international orange [3] #FF4F00
clementine orange #DE7348
style pasifika orange wood #BB5F34
vivid red tangelo #DF6124
deep carrot orange #E9692C
vivid tangelo [2] #E75700
cadmium orange [2] #FF6103
luminous vivid tangelo #FF6000
orange roughy [2] #C45719
safety orange [2] #FF6700
peach schnapps [2] #C68059
brilliant tangelo #E78951
antique brass [4] #C88A65
double kalgoorie sands #A8724E
luminous vivid orange #FF8000
university of tennessee orange #F77F00
pristine lavender #B2A49B
half kalgoorie sands #C19676
double perfect taupe #988B80
triple perfect taupe #867A6F
sorrell brown [2] #9D7F61
vivid gamboge [2] #E79100
filmpro yellow oxide #B98036
quarter sorrell brown #C1A07D
style pasifika sandalwood #B78239
`(H,L) = (60,80)`
pale light grayish vermilion #E7C4B8
atomic tangerine [2] #FF9966
quarter milestone #DBD0CB
light brilliant tangelo #FF9F65
very light tangelo [2] #FFC29E
pastel orange [2] #FF964F
sea buckthorn [2] #EF9548
macaroni and cheese [3] #FFBD88
quarter kalgoorie sands #CDAA8F
cadmium yellow [2] #FF9912
light brilliant orange #FFB265
vivid gamboge [2] #FF9900
eighth kalgoorie sands #D7BDA6
lightning yellow [2] #F7A233
luminous vivid gamboge #FF9F00
vivid orange peel #FFA000
quarter perfect taupe #CCC3BB
very light orange #FFCF9E
yellow orange [3] #FFAE42
half perfect taupe #BBB2A9
bright yellow [2] #FFAA1D
naples yellow deep #FFA812
pale light grayish brown #E7D0B8
`(H,L) = (60,100)`
provincial pink [2] #FEF5F1
very pale orange [2] #FFDFBF
`(H,L) = (90,0)`
`(H,L) = (90,20)`
metallic bronze [2] #49371B
filmpro raw umber #3F3930
`(H,L) = (90,40)`
dark grayish brown #594E42
antique brass [4] #704A07
antique bronze [2] #704A07
metallic bronze [2] #554A3C
double stonehenge #70675B
triple colins wicket #7A6441
dark goldenrod [5] #8B6508
medium goldenrod [6] #8B6508
double colins wicket #826F4C
triple friar grey #666156
double friar grey #756F62
filmpro raw sienna #66592E
dark grayish amber #595442
ironside grey [2] #706E66
costa del sol [2] #625D2A
style pasifika dark moss #4F4D32
`(H,L) = (90,60)`
triple sandcastle #A38A6D
quarter nullarbor #B29F88
triple canterbury clay #B59465
quarter stonehenge #ABA59E
university of california gold #B78727
dark goldenrod [5] #B8860B
medium goldenrod [6] #B8860B
quarter sandstone #9D968D
antique white [5] #8B8378
metallic sunburst #9C7C38
double canterbury clay #B89F6F
heathered grey [2] #948C7E
half colins wicket #A4936F
quarter colins wicket #B7A786
aquashield stonewall #807661
triple bison hide #9A8F77
double bison hide #A19781
triple grey olive #867B5D
quarter stonewall #A69F8E
quarter arrowtown #A8A293
double grey olive #948A6C
granite green [2] #8B8265
quarter evolution #989280
style pasifika dark sun #B6A237
mountain mist [2] #A09F9C
light goldenrod [5] #8B814C
old goldenrod [5] #8B814C
quarter friar grey #A9A7A0
neutral green [2] #ACA586
style pasifika sand frond #B3AB6E
`(H,L) = (90,80)`
orange yellow [2] #FFAD01
cadmium yellow light #FFB00F
yellow orange [3] #FCB001
brilliant gamboge #E7AF51
antique white [5] #CDC0B0
light brilliant gamboge #FFC565
filmpro golden yellow #F7B52D
dark goldenrod [5] #FFB90F
medium goldenrod [6] #FFB90F
golden tainoi [2] #FFC152
quarter stonewashed #B2A99D
macaroni and cheese [3] #EFB435
half mountain mist #B7B4B0
light french beige #C8AD7F
fluorescent orange #FFBF00
luminous vivid amber #FFBF00
very light gamboge #FFDB9E
lightning yellow [2] #FCC01E
half sandspit brown #DAD2C6
aquashield canterbury clay #C6AE83
style pasifika pink night #CDAE70
eighth colins wicket #C4B59C
golden yellow [2] #FEC615
quarter sandspit brown #E1DACF
eighth friar grey #C1BCB4
style pasifika sky white #D9D0C1
sorrell brown [2] #CEB98F
half canterbury clay #D3BF99
quarter canterbury clay #E5D2AF
eighth bison hide #DED7CB
triple dutch white #F3DAA9
eighth stonehenge #BDB9B2
half spanish white [2] #E6DBC7
aquashield akaroa #BEB29A
double spanish white [2] #D2C3A3
triple spanish white #D5C4A1
aquashield spanish white #DED1B7
spanish white [2] #DED1B7
eighth canterbury clay #E3D7BF
light brilliant amber #FFD865
half albescent white #E5DFD4
creme de banane [2] #E0C161
quarter craigieburn #BFB7A6
aquashield acropolis #CEC6B5
quarter silver sand #D3D0CA
double colonial white [2] #E4CF99
colonial white [2] #E9D7AB
albescent white [2] #E1DACB
double pearl lusta [2] #E9DCBE
style pasifika fallen gold #C6AA24
triple thorndon cream #C5BDAA
double white pointer #D1CCC1
school bus yellow #FFD800
double villa white #E6DCC5
stil de grain yellow #FADA5E
triple pearl lusta #EBDFC3
energy yellow [2] #F5D752
triple wheatfield #D1C6A6
quarter bison hide #D0CABA
double wheatfield #D9CFB3
filmpro lemon yellow #F3D52C
white pointer [2] #DAD6CC
double chandelier #E5D7AD
mellow yellow [2] #F8DE7E
luminous vivid gold #FFDF00
quarter grey olive #C2BCAB
triple white pointer #C8C3B5
quarter ecru white #E2DED3
pale light grayish amber #E7DCB8
light goldenrod [5] #CDBE70
old goldenrod [5] #CDBE70
half thorndon cream #E5E1D3
quarter parchment #E6E1CF
heathered grey [2] #B6B095
double thorndon cream #CDC8B5
coconut cream [2] #E1DABB
style pasifika white cloud #DFDDD6
double travertine #DBD5BA
triple black white #D7D5CC
quarter taupe grey #AFADA3
half white pointer #E2E1DB
quarter crisp green #B8B47B
quarter foggy grey #C4C3BC
lemon chiffon [4] #CDC9A5
`(H,L) = (90,100)`
antique white [5] #FFEFDB
forget me not [2] #FDEFDB
eighth spanish white #F6EEE2
quarter milk white #EDE9E3
double dutch white #F7E1B7
quarter solitaire #F5EDDF
quarter spanish white [2] #EBE2D2
albescent white [2] #F5E9D3
quarter albescent white #EEE8DD
half dutch white [2] #FBF0D6
colonial white [2] #FFEDBC
half spanish white [2] #FEF4DB
banana yellow [2] #FFE135
half colonial white [2] #F2E5BF
spanish white [2] #F4EBD3
quarter villa white #F5F1E7
eighth dutch white #F9F4E7
buttery white [2] #F1EBDA
half pearl lusta [2] #F1EAD7
apricot white [2] #F7F0DB
quarter dutch white #FBF4DF
light goldenrod [5] #FFEC8B
old goldenrod [5] #FFEC8B
quarter pearl lusta [2] #F2EDDD
eighth black white #F6F4EE
quarter wheatfield #F0ECDE
light brilliant gold #FFEC65
half orchid white #F7F4EA
double colonial white [2] #EEE3AD
quarter white pointer #EAE8E1
canary yellow [2] #FFEF00
eighth wheatfield #F4F1E6
quarter rice cake #F6F4ED
double pearl lusta [2] #FCF4D0
double black white #E4E2DA
quarter thorndon cream #E9E6DA
quarter black white #F2F1ED
quarter alabaster #F7F6F2
eighth thorndon cream #F0EEE5
cadmium yellow [2] #FFF600
double barely there #E4E2D8
bright yellow [2] #FFFD01
lemon chiffon [4] #EEE9BF
quarter wan white #EDECE6
electric yellow [2] #FFFF33
luminous vivid yellow #FFFF00
filmpro reduction base #F1F0E9
`(H,L) = (120,0)`
green waterloo [2] #101405
gordons green [2] #0B1107
very deep chartreuse green #0E1D00
`(H,L) = (120,20)`
style pasifika dark stone #2D2D24
green waterloo [2] #2C2D24
rangoon green [2] #1C1E13
style pasifika volcanic rock #2D2F28
mediterranean olive #353F2A
very dark chartreuse green #171D11
deep forest green #182D09
`(H,L) = (120,40)`
dark olive green [7] #4F4F2F
dark grayish olive #595942
dark olivish grey #595953
style pasifika palm green #667028
dark lime green [2] #4D5927
dark grayish lime green #545942
camouflage green [2] #4B6113
deep spring bud [2] #385900
deep chartreuse green #2D5900
dark chartreuse green #405927
dark grayish chartreuse green #4E5942
pickled aspen [2] #5B6452
`(H,L) = (120,60)`
lemon chiffon [4] #8B8970
triple lemon grass #818068
style pasifika dry bamboo #88885B
old medium goldenrod [5] #8B8B66
malachite green [2] #97976F
double lemon grass #8B8B74
battleship grey [4] #848482
aquashield half tapa #929288
strong apple green #93A800
moderate apple green #9CA84A
dark yellow green #728F02
chrome oxide green #668014
moderate lime green #91A84A
strong lime green #7EA800
grayish lime green #9EA87D
industrial silver #7C7D79
medium forest green #6B8E23
dark olive green [7] #6E8B3D
moderate spring bud #85A84A
strong spring bud #69A800
half washed green #A1A894
chelsea cucumber [2] #88A95B
moderate chartreuse green #79A84A
grayish chartreuse green #93A87D
strong chartreuse green #54A800
camouflage green [2] #78866B
moderate pistachio #6DA84A
moderate harlequin #61A84A
`(H,L) = (120,80)`
eighth castle rock #BEBDB4
citrine white [2] #DEDDCB
old medium goldenrod [5] #CDCD96
quarter beryl green #D9D9CA
brilliant apple green #D5E751
vivid apple green #CAE700
light apple green #DCE78B
vivid lime green [2] #A6D608
medium spring bud #C9DC87
brilliant lime green #C2E751
light olive green #A4BE5C
light lime green [2] #D0E78B
eighth lemon grass #C7C9BF
quarter lemon grass #BABEAF
dark lime green [2] #7EBD01
dark olive green [7] #A2CD5A
brilliant spring bud #AFE751
light moss green [2] #A6C875
silver chalice [2] #ACAEA9
brilliant chartreuse green #9CE751
aquashield tasman #BAC0B3
light chartreuse green #B9E78B
vivid chartreuse green #74E700
pale light grayish chartreuse green #D0E7B8
robins egg blue [2] #BDC8B3
quarter silver chalice #C7C8C6
brilliant pistachio #89E751
light grass green #9AF764
bright lime green #65FE08
luminous vivid pistachio #60FF00
brilliant harlequin #77E751
chlorophyll green #4AFF00
luminous vivid harlequin #40FF00
`(H,L) = (120,100)`
half barely there #EDECE4
eighth pearl lusta #F9F8F0
citrine white [2] #FAF7D6
creme de banane [2] #FFFC99
unmellow yellow [2] #FDFC74
pastel yellow [2] #FFFE71
banana yellow [2] #FAFE4B
light brilliant yellow #FFFF65
chilean heath [2] #F9F7DE
very light yellow #FFFF9E
pale spring bud [2] #ECEBBD
apricot white [2] #FFFEEC
pale light grayish olive #E7E7B8
medium goldenrod [6] #EAEAAE
old medium goldenrod [5] #EEEEAF
hint of yellow [2] #F6F5D7
coconut cream [2] #F8F7DC
very pale yellow [2] #FFFFBF
light goldenrod yellow #FAFAD2
light yellowish grey #E7E7DA
chartreuse yellow #DFFF00
luminous vivid apple green #DFFF00
light brilliant apple green #ECFF65
australian mint [2] #EFF8AA
very light apple green #F3FF9E
electric lime [3] #CEFF1D
fluorescent yellow #CCFF00
black squeeze [2] #E5E6DF
light brilliant lime green #D8FF65
very light lime green #E7FF9E
pale light grayish lime green #DCE7B8
luminous vivid lime green #BFFF00
twilight blue [3] #F4F6EC
pale lime green [2] #F0FFC2
very pale lime green #F8FFE2
periglacial blue [2] #E1E6D6
dark olive green [7] #CAFF70
light brilliant spring bud #C5FF65
very light spring bud #DBFF9E
light yellow green #CCFD7F
bright yellow green #9DFF00
luminous vivid spring bud #9FFF00
light lime green [2] #B9FF66
light brilliant chartreuse green #B2FF65
light yellowish green #C2FF89
very light chartreuse green #CFFF9E
luminous vivid chartreuse green #80FF00
medium spring green [2] #7FFF00
pale chartreuse green #E0FFC2
catskill white [2] #E0E4DC
very pale chartreuse green #F0FFE2
light brilliant pistachio #9FFF65
very light pistachio #C2FF9E
light brilliant harlequin #8BFF65
hint of green [2] #DFF1D6
very light green [2] #D1FFBD
`(H,L) = (150,0)`
midnight moss [2] #041004
very dark green [2] #111D11
very deep spring green #001D0E
very dark spring green #111D17
`(H,L) = (150,20)`
very dark green [2] #062E03
british racing green [2] #05480D
filmpro chrome green #2F452C
dark forest green #002D04
cal poly pomona green #1E4D2B
gordons green [2] #29332B
black leather jacket #253529
kaitoke green [2] #004620
english holly [2] #022D15
permanent green [2] #25442F
midnight moss [2] #242E28
sherwood green [2] #02402C
`(H,L) = (150,40)`
pickled aspen [2] #3F4C3A
dark grayish harlequin #485942
japanese laurel [2] #0A6906
battleship grey [4] #51574F
deep emerald green #00590B
deep malachite green #005916
medium sea green [2] #426F42
dark emerald green #27592D
dark grayish green #425942
filmpro emerald green #2C8139
dark greenish grey #535953
deep sea green [2] #005921
dark malachite green #275934
deep spring green #00592D
dark grayish malachite green #425948
mineral green [2] #506355
dartmouth green [2] #00703C
kaitoke green [2] #245336
dark sea green [7] #27593A
dark spring green [2] #177245
deep aquamarine [2] #005938
emerald green [3] #006C46
dark grayish spring green #42594E
`(H,L) = (150,60)`
spanish green [3] #7B8976
grayish harlequin #88A87D
greenish grey [2] #96AE8D
strong emerald green #00A815
moderate sap green #55A84A
emerald green [3] #028F1E
strong malachite green #00A82A
dark pastel green [2] #56AE57
north texas green #059033
dark sea green [7] #698B69
flat medium green [5] #698B69
light forest green #4F9153
moderate emerald green #4AA855
robin egg blue [4] #9EAA9E
robins egg blue [2] #9EAA9E
shamrock green [2] #02C14D
chateau green [2] #419F59
moderate malachite green #4AA861
strong spring green #00A854
grayish malachite green #7DA888
moderate sea green #4AA86D
medium sea green [2] #3CB371
dark seafoam green #3EAF76
viridian green [3] #678975
strong aquamarine #00A869
moderate spring green #4AA879
grayish spring green #7DA893
`(H,L) = (150,80)`
luminous vivid sap green #20FF00
brilliant sap green #64E751
radioactive green #2CFA1F
electric green [2] #21FC0D
highlighter green #1BFC06
pale light grayish harlequin #C4E7B8
fluorescent green #08FF08
luminous vivid green #00FF00
half silver chalice #B7BAB6
vivid emerald green #00E71D
luminous vivid emerald green #00FF20
permanent green [2] #0AC92B
vivid malachite green #00E73A
granny smith apple [2] #9DE093
luminous vivid malachite green #00FF40
light brilliant green #65FF65
light bright green #53FE5C
bright light green #2DFE54
filmpro digital green #44C553
brilliant emerald green #51E764
dark sea green [7] #8FBC8F
flat medium green [5] #8FBC8F
light moss green [2] #ADDFAD
pale light grayish green #B8E7B8
luminous vivid sea green #00FF60
half robin egg blue #B5C0B5
light emerald green #8BE796
emerald green [3] #00C957
brilliant malachite green #51E777
very light malachite green [2] #64E986
fringy flower [2] #B4E1BB
vivid spring green #00E774
light malachite green #8BE7A2
luminous vivid spring green #00FF80
brilliant sea green #51E789
pale light grayish malachite green #B8E7C4
turquoise green [2] #04F489
light sea green [3] #8BE7AE
quarter periglacial blue #CCD2CE
medium spring green [2] #00FA9A
spring green medium #00FA9A
brilliant spring green #51E79C
luminous vivid aquamarine #00FF9F
light greenish blue #63F7B4
light spring green #8BE7B9
greenish turquoise #00FBB0
turquoise blue [5] #00C78C
medium aquamarine [3] #66DDAA
pale light grayish spring green #B8E7D0
duck egg blue [2] #B7C1BC
brilliant aquamarine #51E7AF
`(H,L) = (150,100)`
very light harlequin #B6FF9E
very pale green [2] #CFFDBC
light brilliant sap green #78FF65
very pale harlequin #E9FFE2
light pastel green #B2FBA5
very light sap green #AAFF9E
light brilliant emerald green #65FF78
very light green [2] #9EFF9E
dark sea green [7] #C1FFC1
flat medium green [5] #C1FFC1
light greenish grey #DAE7DA
very light emerald green #9EFFAA
light brilliant malachite green #65FF8B
light seafoam green #A7FFB5
pale emerald green #C2FFC9
hint of green [2] #E6FFE9
light sea green [3] #98F6B0
very light malachite green [2] #9EFFB6
pale malachite green #C2FFD1
light brilliant sea green #65FF9F
very pale malachite green #E2FFE9
light bluish green #76FDA8
very light sea green #9EFFC2
light brilliant spring green #65FFB2
very light spring green #9EFFCF
pale spring green #C2FFE0
very pale spring green #E2FFF0
light aquamarine [2] #7BFDC7
pale turquoise [7] #A5FBD5
light brilliant aquamarine #65FFC5
`(H,L) = (180,0)`
`(H,L) = (180,20)`
sherwood green [2] #1B4636
te papa green [2] #2B4B40
medium jungle green #1C352D
dark jungle green #1A2421
deep jungle green #004B49
`(H,L) = (180,40)`
dark aquamarine [2] #275946
viridian green [3] #4B5F56
sacramento state green #00563F
deep turquoise [2] #005943
style pasifika whirlpool #406356
deep green cyan turquoise #0E7C61
mineral green [2] #3F5D53
tropical rain forest [2] #00755E
filmpro pthalo green #005645
dark turquoise [5] #27594D
dark grayish turquoise #425954
dark green copper #4A766E
rolling stone [2] #6D7876
`(H,L) = (180,60)`
moderate aquamarine #4AA885
mountain meadow [2] #1AB385
deep aquamarine [2] #40826D
illuminating emerald #319177
paolo veronese green #009B7D
moderate turquoise #4AA891
wintergreen dream #56887D
grayish turquoise #7DA89E
light sea green [3] #20B2AA
`(H,L) = (180,80)`
caribbean green [2] #00CC99
half periglacial blue #BFC8C4
light aquamarine [2] #8BE7C5
aquamarine medium #66CDAA
medium aquamarine [3] #66CDAA
light turquoise [2] #7EF4CC
periglacial blue [2] #ACB6B2
brilliant turquoise #51E7C2
half duck egg blue #C6CCCA
pale light grayish turquoise #B8E7DC
pale robin egg blue #96DED1
bright turquoise [2] #08E8DE
medium turquoise [3] #48D1CC
robin egg blue [4] #1FCECB
`(H,L) = (180,100)`
luminous vivid turquoise #00FFBF
very light aquamarine #9EFFDB
light brilliant turquoise #65FFD8
very light turquoise #9EFFE7
pale turquoise [7] #C2FFF0
luminous vivid opal #00FFDF
very pale turquoise #E2FFF8
light brilliant opal #65FFEC
turquoise blue [5] #00FFEF
duck egg blue [2] #C3FBF4
bright turquoise [2] #0FFEF9
`(H,L) = (210,0)`
`(H,L) = (210,20)`
`(H,L) = (210,40)`
dark slate grey [5] #2F4F4F
deep sea green [2] #095859
dark grayish cyan #425959
deep turquoise [2] #017374
dark cyanish grey #535959
dark grayish cerulean #425459
`(H,L) = (210,60)`
dark slate grey [5] #528B8B
pale turquoise [7] #668B8B
viridian green [3] #009698
fountain blue [2] #65ADB2
moderate arctic blue #4A9CA8
turquoise blue [5] #06B1C4
strong arctic blue #0093A8
`(H,L) = (210,80)`
robin's egg blue [2] #00CCCC
robin egg blue [4] #00CCCC
dark slate grey [5] #79CDCD
medium turquoise [3] #70DBDB
pale turquoise [7] #96CDCD
pale light grayish cyan #B8E7E7
dark turquoise [5] #00CED1
quarter surrender #D6D8D8
bright light blue #26F7FD
morning glory [2] #9EDEE0
turquoise blue [5] #77DDE7
light arctic blue #8BDCE7
brilliant arctic blue #51D5E7
blizzard blue [2] #A3E3ED
light brilliant arctic blue #65ECFF
vivid arctic blue #00CAE7
quarter powder blue #BEC6C8
luminous vivid arctic blue #00DFFF
regent st blue [2] #A0CDD9
`(H,L) = (210,100)`
luminous vivid cyan #00FFFF
very pale blue [2] #D6FFFE
light brilliant cyan #65FFFF
dark slate grey [5] #97FFFF
pale turquoise [7] #AEEEEE
light cyanish grey #DAE7E7
really light blue #D4FFFF
very light blue [3] #D5FFFF
black squeeze [2] #F2FAFA
electric blue [2] #7DF9FF
light sky blue [6] #C6FCFF
robin's egg blue [2] #98EFF9
robin egg blue [4] #8AF1FE
catskill white [2] #EEF6F7
twilight blue [3] #EEFDFF
very light arctic blue #9EF3FF
`(H,L) = (240,20)`
deep cerulean [2] #004359
astronaut blue [2] #214559
dark cornflower blue #274659
blue charcoal [2] #262B2F
`(H,L) = (240,40)`
deep space sparkle #4A646C
dark cerulean [2] #274D59
pickled bluewood [2] #4F5A5F
deep sky blue [5] #00688B
style pasifika turquoise sea #274A5D
chathams blue [2] #2C5971
deep cerulean [2] #007BA7
dark electric blue #536878
half new denim blue #535C64
`(H,L) = (240,60)`
moderate cerulean #4A91A8
battleship grey [4] #6B7C85
light sky blue [6] #607B8B
rolling stone [2] #747D83
deep sky blue [5] #009ACD
vivid cerulean [2] #00AEE7
moderate cornflower blue #4A85A8
air force blue [2] #5D8AA8
air superiority blue #72A0C1
brilliant cornflower blue #51AFE7
`(H,L) = (240,80)`
pale light grayish cerulean #B8DCE7
triple athens grey #C2C5C6
very light cerulean #9EE7FF
regent st blue [2] #AAD6E6
brilliant cerulean #51C2E7
light brilliant cerulean #65D8FF
columbia blue [2] #C4D8E2
dark sky blue [2] #8CBED6
light cornflower blue [2] #93CCEA
light sky blue [6] #8DB6CD
very light cornflower blue #9EDBFF
deep sky blue [5] #00BFFF
luminous vivid cerulean #00BFFF
pale cerulean [2] #9BC4E2
light brilliant cornflower blue #65C5FF
`(H,L) = (240,100)`
very pale cerulean #E2F8FF
pale cerulean [2] #C2F0FF
pale cornflower blue [2] #C2E8FF
`(H,L) = (270,0)`
blue charcoal [2] #010D1A
`(H,L) = (270,20)`
style pasifika ocean deep #1E2F3C
dark slate blue [3] #214761
prussian blue [3] #192F41
deep cornflower blue #003859
astronaut blue [2] #013E62
pickled bluewood [2] #314459
dark imperial blue [2] #00416A
catalina blue [2] #273C5A
twilight blue [3] #0A437A
dark cerulean [2] #08457E
celestial blue [2] #1A202F
dark midnight blue #003366
midnight blue [6] #003366
`(H,L) = (270,40)`
bleached cedar [2] #454647
dark grayish azure #424E59
chathams blue [2] #175579
quarter grey friars #5E6267
star command blue #007BB8
medium persian blue #0067A5
strong cornflower blue #0069A8
midnight blue [6] #1A4876
style pasifika lagoon blue #4E699A
moderate cobalt blue #4A6DA8
dark grayish sapphire blue #424859
medium electric blue #035096
quarter fuscous grey #595A5E
style pasifika blue whale #3D4D78
`(H,L) = (270,60)`
cyan cornflower blue #188BC2
carolina blue [3] #56A0D3
rich electric blue #0892D0
celestial blue [2] #4997D0
light steel blue [6] #6E7B8B
style pasifika lagoon spray #93A2B7
vivid cornflower blue #0091E7
brilliant azure [2] #519CE7
luminous vivid cornflower blue #009FFF
havelock blue [2] #5784C1
dark sky blue [2] #448EE4
united nations blue #5B92E5
grayish sapphire blue #7D88A8
dark turquoise [5] #7093DB
light brilliant cobalt blue #659FFF
cornflower blue [3] #6495ED
brilliant cobalt blue #5189E7
wild blue yonder [2] #7A89B8
light sapphire blue #8BA2E7
`(H,L) = (270,80)`
pale light grayish azure #B8D0E7
pale cornflower blue [2] #ABCDEF
very light azure [2] #9ECFFF
tropical blue [2] #C3DDF9
carolina blue [3] #99BADD
half grey chateau #BABDC1
light steel blue [6] #A2B5CD
light brilliant azure #65B2FF
light cobalt blue [2] #88ACE0
very light cobalt blue #9EC2FF
pale light grayish sapphire blue #B8C4E7
wild blue yonder [2] #A2ADD0
pale sapphire blue #C2D1FF
very light sapphire blue #9EB6FF
`(H,L) = (270,100)`
very pale sapphire blue #E2E9FF
`(H,L) = (300,0)`
very dark blue [2] #11111D
midnight blue [6] #020035
midnight express [2] #000741
black russian [2] #0A001C
deep phthalo blue #000B59
deep persian blue #0B0059
`(H,L) = (300,20)`
black russian [2] #24252B
filmpro ultramarine blue #2C3E6B
midnight express [2] #21263A
dark sapphire blue #273459
filmpro pthalo blue #2B3860
resolution blue [2] #323F75
style pasifika night fox #2C2C32
flat medium blue [4] #27408B
dark phthalo blue #272D59
dark grayish blue #424259
catalina blue [2] #062A78
midnight blue [6] #2F2F4F
air force blue [2] #00308F
jacksons purple [2] #3D3F7D
deep sapphire blue #001659
saint patrick blue #23297A
st. patrick's blue #23297A
international klein blue #002FA7
style pasifika purple deep #2A2551
strong sapphire blue #002AA8
dark persian blue #2D2759
dark grayish indigo #484259
dark imperial blue [2] #00147E
filmpro digital blue #2D2480
cornflower blue [3] #222298
strong phthalo blue #0015A8
violent violet [2] #2E2249
new midnight blue #00009C
ultramarine blue [2] #1805DB
strong persian blue #1500A8
vivid persian blue #1D00E7
strong blue violet #3F00A8
kingfisher daisy [2] #3E0480
style pasifika black light #252525
bleached cedar [2] #2C2133
`(H,L) = (300,40)`
moderate sapphire blue #4A61A8
cerulean blue [2] #056EEE
chetwode blue [2] #666FB4
flat medium blue [4] #3A5FCD
strong cobalt blue #003FA8
moderate phthalo blue #4A55A8
vivid cobalt blue #0057E7
luminous vivid cobalt blue #0060FF
ultramarine blue [2] #4166F5
brilliant phthalo blue #5164E7
electric blue [2] #0652FF
vivid sapphire blue #003AE7
moderate persian blue #554AA8
luminous vivid sapphire blue #0040FF
dark slate blue [3] #483D8B
blue marguerite [2] #6A5BB1
brilliant persian blue #6451E7
butterfly bush [2] #624E9A
vivid phthalo blue #001DE7
luminous vivid phthalo blue #0020FF
blue with a hint of purple #533CC6
luminous vivid blue #0000FF
medium purple [6] #5D478B
luminous vivid persian blue #2000FF
blue magenta violet #553592
electric ultramarine #3F00FF
luminous vivid indigo #4000FF
moderate blue violet #6D4AA8
vivid blue violet #5700E7
luminous vivid blue violet #6000FF
brilliant blue violet #8951E7
dark grayish violet #4E4259
kingfisher daisy [2] #583580
rebecca purple [2] #663499
dark lavender [2] #734F96
luminous vivid violet #8000FF
medium slate blue [2] #7F00FF
electric violet [2] #8B00FF
`(H,L) = (300,60)`
luminous vivid azure #0080FF
deep sky blue [5] #0D75F8
light brilliant sapphire blue #658BFF
cornflower blue [3] #5170D7
brilliant sapphire blue #5177E7
light phthalo blue #8B96E7
flat medium blue [4] #436EEE
light steel blue [6] #8F8FBD
light brilliant phthalo blue #6578FF
very light blue [3] #9E9EFF
chetwode blue [2] #8581D9
lavender blue [2] #8B88F8
light persian blue #968BE7
light brilliant blue #6565FF
medium slate blue [2] #7B68EE
slate blue medium #7B68EE
light brilliant persian blue #7865FF
light brilliant indigo #8B65FF
light pastel purple #B19CD9
medium purple [6] #8968CD
medium orchid [6] #9370DB
biloba flower [2] #AE99D2
amethyst smoke [2] #A397B4
light blue violet #AE8BE7
dark pastel purple #966FD6
light brilliant blue violet #9F65FF
purple mountain's majesty #9678B6
purple mountain majesty #9678B6
purple mountain's majesty #9D81BA
purple mountains majesty #9D81BA
light brilliant violet #B265FF
bright lavender [2] #BF94E4
`(H,L) = (300,80)`
pale phthalo blue #C2C9FF
very light phthalo blue #9EAAFF
light bluish grey #DADAE7
pale light grayish blue #B8B8E7
lavender blue [2] #CCCCFF
lavender grey [2] #BDBBD7
pale persian blue #C9C2FF
very light persian blue #AA9EFF
pale lavender [2] #DCD0FF
biloba flower [2] #B2A1EA
pale light grayish indigo #C4B8E7
very light indigo #B69EFF
very light blue violet #C29EFF
pastel purple [2] #CAA0FF
pale light grayish violet #D0B8E7
very light violet #CF9EFF
silver chalice [2] #ACACAC
`(H,L) = (300,100)`
very pale blue [2] #E2E2FF
`(H,L) = (330,0)`
very deep magenta #1D001D
very dark magenta #1D111D
`(H,L) = (330,20)`
ultramarine violet #5C246E
palatinate purple #682860
`(H,L) = (330,40)`
luminous vivid purple #9F00FF
electric purple [2] #AA23FF
style pasifika coconut crab #5C3C6D
boogie wonderland #84579B
dark slate blue [3] #6B238E
dark grayish mulberry #544259
vivid mulberry [2] #AE00E7
moderate mulberry #914AA8
medium orchid [6] #7A378B
strong heliotrope #9300A8
moderate heliotrope #9C4AA8
cobalt violet deep #91219E
style pasifika purple flax #69326E
dark magentaish grey #595359
heliotrope magenta #AA00BB
dark grayish magenta #594259
medium purple [6] #9E43A2
style pasifika ocean clam #6A3968
dark grayish fuchsia #594254
half fuscous grey #494648
`(H,L) = (330,60)`
amethyst smoke [2] #95879C
mountain mist [2] #959396
light brilliant purple #C565FF
bright lavender [2] #C760FF
electric purple [2] #BF00FF
luminous vivid mulberry #BF00FF
brilliant mulberry #C251E7
light brilliant mulberry #D865FF
medium orchid [6] #B452CD
luminous vivid heliotrope #DF00FF
psychedelic purple #DF00FF
pastel purple [2] #B39EB5
brilliant heliotrope #D551E7
light brilliant heliotrope #EC65FF
light grayish magenta #CC99CC
pink flamingo [2] #FF66FF
light brilliant magenta #FF65FF
shocking pink [4] #FF6FFF
brilliant magenta #E751E7
luminous vivid magenta #FF00FF
magenta / fuchsia #FF00FF
light magenta [2] #FA5FF7
lavender pink [2] #DD85D7
quarter sidewinder #9C979B
light brilliant orchid #FF65EC
luminous vivid orchid #FF00DF
purple pizzazz [3] #FE4EDA
brilliant fuchsia #E751C2
light brilliant fuchsia #FF65D8
razzle dazzle rose [2] #FF48D0
luminous vivid fuchsia #FF00BF
light brilliant cerise #FF65C5
`(H,L) = (330,80)`
very light purple [2] #DB9EFF
pale lavender [2] #EECFFE
very light mulberry #E79EFF
pale light grayish mulberry #DCB8E7
brilliant lavender #F4BBFF
electric lavender #F4BBFF
rich brilliant lavender #F1A7FE
very light heliotrope #F39EFF
light magentaish grey #E7DAE7
medium lavender magenta #DDA0DD
very light magenta #FF9EFF
pale light grayish magenta #E7B8E7
light magenta [2] #E78BE7
pink flamingo [2] #FC74FD
shocking pink [4] #FB7EFD
light medium orchid #D39BCB
light fuchsia pink #F984EF
very light orchid #FF9EF3
pale light grayish fuchsia #E7B8DC
very light fuchsia #FF9EE7
very light cerise #FF9EDB
eighth sidewinder #B0ACAE
`(H,L) = (330,100)`
very pale mulberry #F8E2FF
white pointer [2] #FEF8FF
very pale magenta #FFE2FF
very pale fuchsia #FFE2F8
carousel pink [2] #F9E0ED
`(H,L) = (360,0)`
`(H,L) = (360,20)`
dark raspberry [2] #59273A
rose bud cherry [2] #800B47
`(H,L) = (360,40)`
dark grayish rose #59424E
medium red violet #BB3385
twilight lavender #8A496B
medium violet red [2] #C71585
violet red medium #C71585
dark raspberry [2] #872657
jazzberry jam [2] #A50B5E
moderate raspberry #A84A6D
rose bud cherry [2] #8A2D52
quinacridone magenta #8E3A59
`(H,L) = (360,60)`
shocking pink [4] #FE02A2
lavender blush [4] #8B8386
lavenderblush [3] #8B8386
brilliant rose [3] #F653A6
light brilliant rose #FF65B2
luminous vivid cerise #FF009F
wild strawberry [2] #FF43A4
light thulian pink #E68FAC
light brilliant raspberry #FF659F
`(H,L) = (360,80)`
pale light grayish rose #E7B8D0
pale magenta pink #FF99CC
lavender pink [2] #FBAED2
carnation pink [3] #FFAACC
lavender blush [4] #CDC1C5
lavenderblush [3] #CDC1C5
very light raspberry #FF9EC2
`(H,L) = (360,100)`
lavender blush [4] #EEE0E5
lavenderblush [3] #EEE0E5