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The Perl Journal

Volumes 1–6 (1996–2002)

Code tarballs available for issues 1–21.

I reformatted the CD-ROM contents. Some things may still be a little wonky — oh, why hello there <FONT> tag. Syntax highlighting is iffy. Please report any glaring issues.

Joe Johnston (2000) Building Directory Services with Net::LDAP. The Perl Journal, vol 5(4), issue #20, Winter 2000.

Building Directory Services with Net::LDAP

Joe Johnston

LDAP 3 https://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2251.html
OpenLDAP projecthttps://www.openldap.org/
PerLDAP home pagehttps://perl-ldap.sourceforge.net/
Setting up OpenLDAPhttps://metalab.unc.edu/Linux/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO-1.html
inetOrgPerson LDAP objectshttps://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2798.html
LDAP Object Schemashttps://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2256.html

Why You Need Directory Services

Your little black book has become threadbare over the years from frenetic discothequeing, tardy nocturnal appeals to friends for bail money, and other shady Saturday night activities best left to the godless Carter years of double digit inflation and oil embargos. These days, you're on the go. You're mobile. You're wireless. You can't be tied down to one workstation, but you need your address book to follow you. After all, these are the days of robot maids and personal jet packs, right?

Perhaps you're the type of person who realizes it's not all about you. You might be an administrator for a workgroup whose members all need access to the same set of email addresses and aliases. Maybe your workgroup users have an eclectic set of email clients, like Eudora, Outlook, and Netscape. Do you want to maintain three separate address books for each client and then replicate the changes to each workstation? Only if you relish pain.

Centralized network address books, which can be used by client email programs like Outlook or Netscape Mail, are just one example of the kinds of programs that can be built with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). In this article, we'll look at what goes into building just such a program with Perl.

What Is LDAP?

LDAP is a protocol for directory services -- database systems designed to allow fast searching against a large number of similar records. In particular, LDAP is optimized to serve information that is frequently requested but rarely changed. The canonical domain for LDAP is a company-wide address book.

Because modifications to the data are supposed to be infrequent, transactional database logic is not implemented by most LDAP servers. LDAP's emphasis is on speed, not robustness.

LDAP servers store data in a Directory Information Tree (DIT), which is a hierarchical grouping of related data. LDAP clients access that data for the user across a network. The clients might be web browsers, or they might be homebrew applications that need to iterate over all of the people, places, or things in the directory.

To make this more concrete, let's build a directory of national restaurants using an LDAP system. By using an LDAP client, you'll be able to get a list of restaurants given a city or state.

Each restaurant's information would be stored in a data structure called an entry. Each entry has several fields, like "name", "telephone", "city", or "state". Here's an example of a very skeletal restaurant entry in LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF), which is commonly used to move text data into and out of LDAP servers:

   dn:           o=Canestaro, l=Boston, st=MA
   o:            Canestaro
   l:            Boston
   st:           MA
   description:  Fine eatery in the heart of the Fens
   telephone:    999 555 1234
   objectclass:  top
   objectclass:  organization

In order to be found in the DIT, an entry must have a unique Distinguishing Name, or DN for short. In database speak, the DN is the record's key. It's made up of one or more Relative Distinguishing Names, or RDNs. An entry's RDN is a set of that entry's fields which uniquely identify it from the rest of its siblings. In the restaurant example, the RDN is the organizational name, o=Canestaro. This restaurant is in the city of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts and should be grouped with the rest of Beantown's bistros. To represent the city and state groupings, we need to add cities and states to our DIT. Here are the two entries needed to describe Boston, MA:

Figure 1

  dn: st=MA
  st: MA
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: name
  dn: l=Boston
  l: Boston
  st: MA
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: name

We have nearly all the components necessary to describe the DN of our example restaurant. The order in which attributes are listed in the DN are from the most entry specific to the least. Our example DN describes the name of the restaurant in its home city, which is located in some state.

The rest of our restaurant's entry description are a series of hash-like name-value pairs called attributes. Unlike the DN, which contains data of use only to the LDAP server, attributes are the information that users care about. Attribute names are usually terse, case-insensitive, and no more than two letters. You can find full descriptions of these in RFC 2256, but here o means "organization name", l stands for "locality" or city, and st is short for "state". The description field provides human-readable text about the entry.

The final attribute is objectclass, which identifies to the LDAP server which fields are allowable and which aren't. Again, RFC 2256 is a good resource for learning about all the objectclass options. Like Perl's OO object, LDAP object classes are hierarchical. But unlike Perl's objects (whose parentage can be found in the @ISA array), LDAP entries must explicitly list all of its parent classes. All object classes are descended from top (the equivalent of Perl's UNIVERSAL).

Both OpenLDAP and Netscape's LDAP come with a command-line utility called ldapsearch which allows us to examine our DIT. The basic arguments to ldapsearch are a search filter, which contains our search criteria, and an option list of fields to display. We will discuss how to build LDAP search filters in the section "A Searchable Web Interface To Manage Your Directory". To find all our Boston restaurant options, we could type:

  % ldapsearch "(&(l=Boston)(st=MA)(o=*)" o telephone

This would give us output like this:

  o=Canestaro, l=Boston, st=MA
  telephone=999 555 1234

  o=Boston BeerWorks, l=Boston, st=MA
  o=Boston BeerWorks
  telephone=999 555 1235

Obviously, this list has been shortened a bit, since there is at least one more good Boston restaurant.

Now that we know what information our LDAP server will contain, let's examine the server itself.

Setting Up An OpenLDAP Server

I recommend the open source LDAP server from the OpenLDAP Project, at https://www.openldap.org. Follow the supplied directions for compiling (./configure and make) to install it.

As mentioned above, OpenLDAP comes with a variety of command line tools, which all start with the word ldap, to manipulate our LDAP DIT. We've already seen ldapsearch. We could put our data into LDIF format and use ldapadd to populate our DIT. Check your local documentation for usage options.

The standalone LDAP daemon (slapd) is what provides access to our DIT. The most important item required by slapd is a definition of the suffix field, which is used for the back-end storage system used by LDAP. There must be at least one suffix field defined in the configuration file. The suffix is the topmost RDN, containing the rest of the DIT. All our entries will need to have this RDN tacked on to their DN. We'll use our hostname, daisypark.net, as our suffix:

  suffix "dc=daisypark, dc=net"

No authorization is required by our LDAP server to read the DIT. It's considered a public resource, much like a web server. But in order to make changes to the DIT, we need an administrative account. Like everything else, this account will be stored in our DIT as an entry. This account is normally called Manager (the cn below stands for Canonical Name) and ought to have a decent password:

  rootdn "cn=Manager, dc=daisypark, dc=net"
  rootpw s3cr3t

The password is stored in clear text in the configuration file. Worse, it's passed to the server unencrypted. The specification for LDAP 3 details two authentication schemes. The first, called "simple", transmits passwords in clear text. The other, Simple Authentication and Security Layer, is a protocol for plugging in our choice of authentication schemes. If your DIT will be updated over a public network, that's what you'll want to use.

One last detail is to create an entry corresponding to the suffix that slapd requires. Recall that the suffix is tacked on to each and every entry as an RDN, and all RDNs have a entry. Here is the entry for our example DIT:

  dn:  dc=daisypark, dc=net
  dc:  daisypark
  dc:  net
  o:   Testing, Inc
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: organization
  objectclass: dcobject

Now that the configuration file is tailored to our system, let's start the server and populate it with our sample address data. Directions for starting the LDAP server vary from system to system, so consult your server's documentation for more detail.

Loading Data Into The Directory

Graham Barr and Mark Wilcox have produced an excellent object-oriented interface to client LDAP operations called Net::LDAP, which should work with all standard LDAP servers. Let's use this module to build an LDAP client that populates a DIT.

Our sample data is in tab-separated format, with the field names occupying the first line of the file. We'll assume that our field values won't have any embedded tabs, so parsing the file will be easy.

The interesting fields in this text file are FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, HomePhone, Address, PostalCode, and StateOrProvince. We could use all of this information for each entry, but we will only be looking at names, email address, and phone numbers.

In our client that loads the addresses into the server (Listing 1), we'll focus on the code responsible for using the LDAP protocol. If you've worked with DBI, you may find similarities in the way Net::LDAP operates: connect to a server, do something, and then disconnect.

After connecting to our LDAP server as Manager, we read in our tab-delimited data one line at a time. Each line is a record that will be transformed into a hash, and each hash will become an entry in the DIT.

Line 11 instantiates a new Net::LDAP object that expects to find an LDAP server on a machine called daisypark.net. Recall that we can make changes to the DIT only if we are the authorized user, Manager. We use the Net::LDAP bind() method to "log in" to the LDAP server as this account. We pass the password and the full DN of the Manager account, cn=Manager, dc=daisypark, dc=net, to the bind() method to prove that we are who we say we are.

As we fetch more records from our text file, we add new entries to the DIT with the add() method. Line 25 does this with the dn and attr parameters. We put the entry attributes in an anonymous array of name-value pairs, beginning on line 28. To determine whether the add() fails, we examine the object returned by this method. This Net::LDAP::Message object, labeled in our script as $results, has a method called code(). If this method returns a non-zero value, we know that an error occurred during the add call; you can see the check on line 45.

Once we've read through the source text file, we perform a little object cleanup on line 54 by closing down the connection to the LDAP object with the unbind() method.

After running Listing 1 against our flat text address file, we should vet the data in the DIT for errors. There are a couple of ways to do this. LDAP servers typically come with tools to examine the DIT, like the previously mentioned ldapsearch. We can also use the Netscape 4.x Mail address book -- itself an LDAP client -- to look at our LDAP server. Either way, we can perform various searches until we are satisfied that all went well with our upload.

If we only needed to set up a company-wide Rolodex to which existing user email clients (and their accompanying LDAP address books) could connect, we'd be done. This may be you ever want to do with LDAP. However, we can do more with the Net::LDAP module. Let's build a searchable, editable web client interface to this DIT.

A Searchable Web Interface To Manage Your Directory

Our CGI LDAP client (Listing 2) is pretty run-of-the-mill, but you can tailor this code for your production needs. Listing 2 creates a form in which the user can enter a search term; it then displays all the matches found as an HTML table. Each row of the table can be edited and saved back into the DIT.

Perl has a wealth of modules to make a programmer's life easier, and Lines 5 through 9 demonstrate some familiar standbys: CGI, CGI::Carp (for error reporting), CGI::Pretty (for aesthetically displaying CGI output), and Net::LDAP. Efficiency wonks will note that CGI::Pretty is both slow and unneccessary, but it sure is nice being able to look at human-readable HTML during development. Also helpful for debugging is the fatalsToBrowser option of CGI::Carp.

As before, we need to make an authenticated connection to the LDAP server (lines 19 through 21) in order to make changes to the DIT.

The script has three functions. It renders to the screen or "paints" a blank HTML form prompting for a search term if none is given. If a search term is given, the script looks through our DIT and returns the results to the generic paint() function. If a entry is edited, it makes the requested change and repaints the screen.

Lines 26 to 49 contain an odd for loop. This is simply a switch statement that enumerates the three functions of the program. The script looks for the CGI variable action to determine which function to execute. The default function is painting a blank form.

The first interesting function begins on line 83. ldap_lookup() queries the LDAP server for the given terms and returns the results as an LDAP message object.

RFC 2254 describes the many ways that LDAP can compare data. In Listing 2, we use only one of those ways: the partial case insensitive match. If the search term matches any part of the country, email, full name, or telephone fields, the search is considered successful. More refined search functions can be created easily.

LDAP requires a somewhat odd syntax for describing search filters. Like anything that deals with a set of data, LDAP defines a group of boolean operators (e.g. "or" and "and"). These must precede the terms that they join. Fortunately, the operators themselves should look familiar:

  (| (c=US)(cn=joe*) )

  (& (c=US)(cn=joe*) )

In the first example, we are looking for entries in the DIT that have a country field of US or have canonical names that begin with joe. In the second example, we have the same terms "and"ed together, which selects only entries fulfilling both of those criteria.

The Net::LDAP search method returns a message object. We can check for error conditions by looking at the numeric code returned from the code() method; any non-zero value indicates an error. The specific error message can be retrieved with a call to the error() method.

On line 120, the search terms are passed to ldap_lookup(). Assuming no fatal errors occurred, we then look at the message object's count() method, which returns the number of matched entries for our terms. Provided at least one entry matches, we can use a simple foreach loop to iterate over all the entry objects returned by the message object's all_entries() method.

This Entry object is our interface to an individual DIT entry. Because all fields in an entry can be multi-valued, the get() method returns an anonymous list of values.

Figure 2

The spreadsheet is a useful metaphor for manipulating tabular data such as this address book. Implementing this metaphor calls for some tricky HTML code. Lines 148 to 164 create one row representing one DIT entry. This row is an editable form that can update the entry if the user changes any values. Figure 2 shows the result of searching for an empty string, which in our program is a special case that displays the whole DIT. The number of entries in this address book was trimmed for this screenshot, but I specifically left my mother's name in the list to give her some reward for reading this article. She's not really into Perl, and doesn't quite know what I do. (Mom, this is what I do.)

Before we modify an existing DIT node, we have to locate the desired entry. This code locates entries by searching for the right cn field, which our CGI program stores in a hidden field. Here, I'll admit to a fudge: the search could return more than one entry. After all, the CN, unlike the DN, isn't guaranteed to be unique. It would have been better to use the DN of the desired entry. That's what it's there for, after all.

Figure 3

If the user cleared out the CN field in the form, we will erase that entry. Otherwise, the script will call the Entry object's replace() method to change the relevant fields. The Entry does not get updated on the LDAP server until the update() method is called on line 200. Figure 3 shows the result of looking for bill. After I add his email address and press the submit button, Figure 4 depicts the dramatic results.

Figure 4

So there we have it. In about two hundred lines of code, we have a platform-independent address book. You can easily adapt the concept shown here to make a fabulous Perl/Tk version. One important note: this code does not ensure data integrity on updates. That is, if multiple users attempt to update the DIT at the same time, LDAP will make no attempt to lock its data. This sort of "Atomic Consistency Isolation and Durability" (ACID) support is well beyond LDAP's capabilities. If you find yourself needing it, use a real relational database management system.

Where LDAP Is Going

LDAP is becoming pervasive. It forms the backbone of both Microsoft's Active Directory system as well as Novell's Network Directory Services. Netscape has also been very active in developing their own LDAP server implementation, and even Sendmail, Inc. is supporting LDAP address systems. You'll likely see directory services mature and grow, eventually eclipsing such old network standards like NIS and possibly even DNS.

Joe Johnston (jjohn@oreilly.com) has just discovered the joy and the pain of gnapster and has learned that just because he can download the entire Olivia Newton-John catalog doesn't mean he should. He created the Aliens, Aliens, Aliens web site (https://aliensaliensaliens.com).

packages used

	LDAP 3	https://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2251.html
	OpenLDAP project	https://www.openldap.org/
	PerLDAP home page	https://perl-ldap.sourceforge.net/
	Setting up OpenLDAP 	https://metalab.unc.edu/Linux/HOWTO/LDAP-HOWTO-1.html
	inetOrgPerson LDAP objects	https://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2798.html
	LDAP Object Schemas	https://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2256.html

listing 1

Listing 1. A data-loading LDAP client.
Joe Johnston (2000) Building Directory Services with Net::LDAP. The Perl Journal, vol 5(4), issue #20, Winter 2000.
1   #!/usr/bin/perl --
2   # Script to transform tab delimited address data into LDAP.
6   use Net::LDAP;
7   use strict;
9   my $infile = $ARGV[0] || "addresses.txt";
11  my $conn = Net::LDAP->new("ldap.daisypark.net") or # Replace with your LDAP server
12    die "ERROR: Can't connect: $@";
14  # make a authenticated connection
15  $conn->bind( dn => 'cn=Manager, dc=daisypark, dc=net',
16              password => 'secret',
17            );
19  my $progress = 1;
20  $|++;
21  while ( my $rec = get_next_record($infile) ) {
23      next unless "$rec->{FirstName}$rec->{LastName}";
25      my $result = $conn->add(
26        dn => "cn=$rec->{FirstName} $rec->{LastName}, dc=daisypark, dc=net",
28        attr => [
29             cn	=> "$rec->{FirstName} $rec->{LastName}",
31             sn	=> $rec->{LastName},
32             mail	=> $rec->{EmailAddress},
33             telephoneNumber	=> $rec->{HomePhone},
34             street	=> $rec->{Address},
35             postalCode	=> $rec->{PostalCode},
36             st	=> $rec->{StateOrProvince},
37             l	=> $rec->{StateOrProvince},
38             c	=> 'US',
39             objectclass	=> [ 'top', 'person', 
40                                  'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson',
41                                ],
42               ],
43      );
45      if ( $result->code ) {
46          warn "WARN: Failed to add entry: $rec->{FirstName}, $rec->{LastName}: ",
47          sprintf "%x", $result->code;
48      }
50      printf "seen: %d\r", $progress++;
51  }
53  print "\nClosing LDAP connection\n";
54  $conn->unbind;
55  print "done\n";
57  #------
58  # Subroutines
59  #------
60  # get_next_record() opens the tab-delimited file, returning successive
61  # hashref records, one per entry.
62  {
63    my ($seen, @headers); # persistent variables
64    sub get_next_record {
65        my $file = shift || return;
67        unless ( $seen ) {
68            open F, $file or die "ERROR: Can't open $file: $!";
69            @headers   = split "\t", scalar ;
70            $seen = 1;
71        }
73        my $line;
74        unless ( defined ($line = <F>) ) {
75            close F;
76            return;
77        }
79        until ( $line ) {
80            chomp $line;
81            $line =~ s/\s*$//;
82        }
84        my $record = {};
86        @$record{ @headers } = (split "\t", $line);
88        return $record;
89    }
90  }

listing 2

Listing 2. A CGI interface to an LDAP server.
Joe Johnston (2000) Building Directory Services with Net::LDAP. The Perl Journal, vol 5(4), issue #20, Winter 2000.
1   #!/usr/bin/perl --
2   # jjohn 6/2000
3   # A CGI interface to a LDAP server. 
5   use strict;
6   use CGI         qw/:all *table/;
7   use CGI::Carp   qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
8   use CGI::Pretty qw/:all/;
9   use Net::LDAP;
11  # first, set up the main objects
12  my $cgi     = CGI->new();
14  my $base_dn = 'dc=daisypark, dc=net';  
15  my $conn    = Net::LDAP->new("ldap.daisypark.net") or
16    die "ERROR: Can't connect: $@";
18  # Make a authenticated connection with the s3cr3t password
19  $conn->bind( dn       => "cn=Manager, $base_dn",
20               password => 's3cr3t',
21            );
23  # Have we been asked to do anything?
24  my $action = $cgi->param('action');
26  for ($action){
27      my $message = '';
28      /search/ && do {
29        $message = search(
30                          ldap	=> $conn,
31                          base_dn	=> $base_dn,
32                          cgi	=> $cgi,
33                         );
34      };
36      /modify/ && do {
37        $message = modify(
38                          ldap	=> $conn,
39                          base_dn	=> $base_dn,
40                          cgi	=> $cgi,
41                        );
42      };
44      paint( ldap	=> $conn,
45             base_dn	=> $base_dn,
46             cgi	=> $cgi,
47             message	=> $message,
48           );
49  }
51  $conn->unbind;
52  exit;
54  #-------
55  # Subroutines
56  #-------
57  sub paint{
58      my %params = @_;
60      print
61        header,
62        start_html( -bgcolor => "#FFFFFF",
63                   -title   => ($params{title} ||
64                                'View LDAP for Daisypark'),
65                  ),
66        h2( ($params{title} || 'View LDAP for Daisypark') ),
67        hr,
68        ($params{message} || 'Please perform a search');
70      print
71        hr,
72        start_form,
73        '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="action" VALUE="search">',
74        'Search: ',
75        textfield( -name => 'search'),
76        submit,
77        end_form,
78        end_html;
79  }
81  # ldap_lookup() returns an LDAP entry object
82  # for the provided search term.
83  sub ldap_lookup {
84      my %params = @_;
86      my $criteria = $params{search};
87      my $filter;
89      # hack, I want to search for everything
90      # if I have an empty string
91      undef $criteria if $criteria eq '';
93      for (qw/c mail sn cn telephonenumber/) {
94          # todo: $params{search} needs to escape meta-chars!
95          if ( defined $criteria ) {
96              $filter .= "($_=*".$criteria."*) ";
97          } else {
98              $filter .= "($_=*) ";
99          }
100     }
101     $filter = "(| $filter)";
103     my $mesg = $params{ldap}->search(
104                                      base   => $params{base_dn},
105                                      filter => $filter,
106                                   );
107     if ( $mesg->code ) {
108         die "Oops ($filter): ", $mesg->error;
109     }
111     return $mesg;
112  }
114  # search() performs a lookup in the LDAP for a given string,
115  # returning a nice HTML table.
117  sub search {
118      my %params = @_;
120      my $mesg = ldap_lookup( @_,
121                              search => ( $params{search} ||
122                                          $params{cgi}->param('search')
123                                        ),
124                           );
126      if ( $mesg->count == 0 ) {
127          return "No matches found for '$params{search}'";
128      }
129      my $results;
130      $results .= p(small('Matches: ' .
131                          b($mesg->count) .
132                          ' for term ' .
133                          b( $params{cgi}->param('search') )
134                  ));
135      $results .= start_table( -cellspacing => 0,
136                             -cellpadding => 0,
137                             );
138      $results .= Tr(
139                     th({-bgcolor=>'pink'},
140                        [qw/Name E-Mail Phone Change/])
141                    );
142      # add some pretty color every third row
143      my $row = 0;
144      for my $entry ( $mesg->all_entries ) {
146          my $cn = $entry->get('cn')->[0];
148          $results .= Tr(
149                         {-bgcolor => (!($row%3) ? "#CCCCCC" :"#FFFFFF") },
150                         start_form,
151                         '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="action" VALUE="modify">',
152                         qq/<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="old_cn" VALUE="$cn">/,
153                         td(textfield( {   -name  => 'cn',
154                                        -default => $entry->get('cn')
155                                   })),
156                         td(textfield( {-name     => 'mail',
157                                        -default => $entry->get('mail')
158                                   })),
159                         td(textfield( {-name     => 'telephonenumber',
160                                        -default => $entry->get('telephonenumber')
161                                   })),
162                         td( submit ),
163                         end_form,
164                       );
166          $row++;
167       }
169       return $results .= end_table;
170  }
172  sub modify {
173    my %params = @_;
175    my $old_cn = $params{cgi}->param('old_cn');
176    my $mesg = ldap_lookup( @_,
177                              search => $old_cn );
179    if ( $mesg->count == 0 ) {
180        return "Oops: Can't find $old_cn";
181    }
183    my $cgi = $params{cgi};
184    my $entry = $mesg->entry(0); # really need to iterate over results
186    # Delete if 'cn' is empty, else modify
187    my $report = '';
188    if ( $cgi->param('cn') =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
189        $entry->delete();
190        $report = "Deleted";
191    } else {
192        $entry->replace(
193                        cn	=> $cgi->param('cn'),
194                        mail	=> $cgi->param('mail'),
195                        telephoneNumber	=> $cgi->param('telephonenumber'),
196                       );
197        $report = "Updated";
198    }
200    $entry->update( $params{ldap} );
201    return $report . " " . $cgi->param('cn');
202  }
Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
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