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The Perl Journal
Winter 1999
vol 4
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Searching for Rhymes with Perl
"I chanced upon a lovely toad..."
Just Another Perl Haiku
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Hacking the Perl Core
How you can help change Perl. .
CS-Web: A Lightweight Summarizer for HTML
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Review: Perl Programmer's Reference and Annotated Archives
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Sean M. Burke (1999) Searching for Rhymes with Perl. The Perl Journal, vol 4(4), issue #16, Winter 1999.

Searching for Rhymes with Perl

"I chanced upon a lovely toad..."

Sean M. Burke

La poésie doit être faite par tous.
Poetry is for everyone to make.
-- Lautréamont (Isidore Ducasse, 1846-1870)

Wherever I go, people always come up to me and say "Sean, you gotta help me --I need to find a three-syllable word that rhymes with 'toad'." And my answer is always the same; I always say "Well, we. re going to have to pull out the Perl for this one!"

Because, while The Perl Journal articles constantly demonstrate that Perl is good at everything from designing sundials to peppering IRC with Eliza bots, one thing that it's really really good at is making short little programs for searching text. And that's what this article is about --how to search text (specifically wordlists or pronunciation databases) for rhymes of various kinds.

Where To Look

If this article were about rhyming in Spanish or Italian, or Finnish, it'd be a whole lot shorter! Because for the most part, the way something is spelled in these languages tells you pretty well how to pronounce it; ending with the same letters may not be exactly the same thing as rhyming, but often you can start with the spelling and apply some trivial string replacement operations to get a phonetic form that can be searched for the presence of a rhyme. This can work even with with French, where (for the most part) spelling tells you pronunciation, even though the pronunciation won't tell you the spelling.

However, English isn't that kind of language --not only does the English pronunciation of a word not tell you how to spell it, its spelling doesn't tell you how to pronounce it. But luckily, lexicons exist that tell are basically simple databases, associating the normal written form of a word with some representation of its pronunciation. One of my favorite lexicons (partly because it's free!) is Moby Pronunciator. It consists of about 177,000 entries, one word to a line, that look like this:

   accipitrine /&/k's/I/p/I/tr/I/n 
   Accius '/&/k/S//i//@/s 
   acclaim /@/'kl/eI/m 
   acclamation ,/&/kl/@/'m/eI//S//@/n 
   acclamation_medal ,/&/kl/@/'m/eI//S//@/n_'m/E/d/-/l 
   acclamatory /@/'kl/&/m/@/,t/oU/r/i/ 
   acclimate /@/'kl/aI/m/I/t 
   acclimation ,/&/kl/@/'m/eI//S//@/n 
   acclimation_fever ,/&/kl/@/'m/eI//S//@/n_'f/i/v/@/r 
   acclimatise /@/'kl/aI/m/@/,t/aI/z 
   acclimatize /@/'kl/aI/m/@/,t/aI/z 
   acclivity /@/'kl/I/v/I/t/i/ 

Ignoring the meanings of these symbols, you can see that (as the README will tell you), the format of each line is the word (or underscore-separated multiword phrase, like "acclamation_medal"), then a space, then the phonetic notation. What the slashes mean (and why there isn't one between the /k/ and /l/) is something I'm unsure of. But I am sure that these slashes are annoying, since they get in the way of me trying to search. I have to remember to stick them in my search patterns, and I always worry that I stuck in one too many. The same goes for the commas and apostrophes, which indicate stress --and when I'm looking for a rhyme, I may not care about stress.

Preparing the Data

So the first thing to do, whether it's for the Moby Pronunciator wordlist or for any other wordlist you choose, is to strip out the parts you don't want, take what's left, and format it the way you like. Here, we can do that by deleting certain tokens in the pronunciation part:

  slashes (used to separate phonemes?)
  spaces and underscores (used to separate words)
"   apostrophes (used to precede syllables with primary stress)
"   commas (used to precede syllables with secondary stress)

Since these tokens are all single characters, we can delete them by just applying a tr operator to slashes, spaces, underscores, commas, and apostrophes. We use the d switch ("d" for delete):

tr/\/ _,'//d;

Personally, I find it disconcerting to have the backslash-escaped slash in there, so I tend to use different delimiters, like matching wedges:


Either way, you can build this into a program that reads the Moby Pronunciator database:

	 open(IN, '<mobypron.unc') or die $!;
         while (<IN>) {
              ($word, $pron) = split(' ', $_);
              $pron =~ tr</ _,'><>d;
              ... then do something with $word and $pron ...

designtimesp="29857">Now, to search this database for rhymes (or any other phonetic information), there are two ways to go about it:

•  use the code above, and once you've modified $pron, search it for a pattern;


•  write $word and the modified $pron to a file, and then use grep on that file.

The benefit of the former is simplicity, but the benefit of the latter is efficiency . no need to constantly chomp, split, and tr for each line. Now, normally I say that program (as opposed to programmer) efficiency is overvalued in programming. But in this case, the Moby wordlist is so very large that the waste of the first approach is significant. So I say the second approach the one to take. We can save each line' s $word and $pron values to a file called mpron.dat, like so:

 open(IN, '<mobypron.unc') or die $!;
 open(OUT, '>mpron.dat') or die $!;
 while (<IN>) {
      ($word, $pron) = split(' ', $_);
      $pron =~ tr</ _,'><>d;
      print OUT $word, "\t", $pron, "\n";
      # tab makes a nice delimiter

The resulting file, mpron.dat, begins like this:

	accipitrine         &ksIpItrIn
	Accius              &kSi@s
	acclaim             @kleIm
	acclamation         &kl@meIS@n
    	acclamation_medal   &kl@meIS@nmEd-l
    	acclamatory         @kl&m@toUri
    	acclimate           @klaImIt
    	acclimation         &kl@meIS@n
    	acclimation_fever   &kl@meIS@nfiv@r
    	acclimatise         @klaIm@taIz
    	acclimatize         @klaIm@taIz
    	acclivity           @klIvIti

Searching The Prepared Data

With mpron.dat prepared, we can grep it for whatever pattern we want in the pronunciation. Suppose we're still after a three-syllable word that rhymes with "toad". The idea of rhyme in English is a pretty straightforward matter: if two words rhyme, this means they end for Moby Pronunciator (or whatever alternate pronunciation database you might use), I could, off the top of my head, say how to represent the sound "-oad" (from "toad"). However, I've never bothered, since so easy to just look up the word you want to rhyme with, and see how it's represented:

in some sounds (generally last vowel and any consonants following it). If I were quite familiar with the phonetic notation >

% grep '^toad' mpron.dat
toad                toUd
toad's-mouth        toUdzmouT
toadeater           toUdit@r
toadfish            toUdfIS
toadflax            toUdfl&ks
toadstone           toUdstoUn
toadstool           toUdstul
toadstool_disease   toUdstuldIziz
toady               toUdi

oUd it is!
% grep 'oUd$' mpron.dat
abode           @boUd
access_road     &ksEsroUd
acnode          &knoUd
Aeolian_mode    ioUli@nmoUd
alamode         &l@moUd
Alexis_Claude   AlEksikloUd
all-hallowed    Olh&loUd
anchor_rode     &Nk@rroUd

...and 281 other matches, ending with zip_code (zIpkoUd). There are so many because we haven't limited our search to three-syllable words. So how do we do that?

Counting Syllables

As with most models of syllables in most languages, an English syllable is basically a vowel sound with some number of consonants before and after it. Now, actually settling on what consonants go with what vowels is a sticky subject (is rostrum rAs-tr@m or rA-str@m?), but since all we want to do now is count the syllables, we merely need to count the number of vowel sounds.

You've seen that some vowel sounds, like the long "o" sound in "toad" are represented by a pair of ASCII characters, oU. That means that we can't simply count the number of vowel characters in the pronunciation string, because then oU would count as two. We could count the number of times we find a sequence of some number of vowel characters, but that would match only once in each of these two-syllable words:

eon   i@n   (one sequence: "i@")
Noah  noU@  (one sequence: "oU@")

(The @ character here represents the "uh" sound in unstressed syllables.) However, if we go back to the format of the original Moby Pronunciator file (as opposed to our cooked mpron.dat file), we see that those slashes can do us some good:

eon '/i//@/n
Noah 'n/oU//@/

One consistency is that there's at least one between vowels in different syllables. So where the vowels in the two syllables in "Noah" in our prepared file run together, they are still separate in the original file. This means that if we start with the original form of the pronunciation entry, and count the number of occurrences of sequences of vowel characters:

eon '/i//@/n  (two sequences: "i", "@")
Noah 'n/oU//@/  (two sequences: "oU", "@")

...then we get a correct syllable count. All we need to know now is what "vowel characters" means. The Moby Pronunciator documentation says that it uses all of the following characters (or sequences of them):

a e i u o  A E I O U  y Y  & @ -

We can count syllables by seeing how often this matches:


We can simply write that into our program that produces mpron.dat, by matching it against $pron before we delete the slashes.

Coping with (Syllabic) Stress

Let's say this three-syllable word to rhyme with "toad" is needed not merely for its austere artistic potency, but because we need it to complete our Baudelairean opus magnum which ends:

I chanced upon a lovely toad,
It gleamed and danced like ____!

...DUM-duh-DUM. In technical terms, you've got eight-syllable lines, with this metrical pattern (where slash means stressed, and underscore means unstressed):

I chanced upon a lovely toad,
_   /     _ /  _  /   _  /
It gleamed and danced like ____!
_    /     _    /      _   / _ /

So not only do you want the word you're after to have three syllables, but you want it to have a particular stress pattern. A word like:

_ /   _

has the exactly the wrong stress pattern, even though it is three syllables long, and rhymes with "toad". (That's aside from "danced like electrode" being a bit ungrammatical --hey, this is poetry!). Since we're about to rebuild mpron.dat to contain each entry's syllable count, we might as well note syllable stress patterns too.

Stress is noted in the original data file with commas and apostrophes:

acclamatory /@/'kl/&/m/@/,t/oU/r/i/
acclimate /@/'kl/aI/m/I/t
acclimation ,/&/kl/@/'m/eI//S//@/n

Unfortunately, the apostrophe (primary stress) or comma (secondary stress) that marks the following syllable as stressed isn't right before the vowel that we'd match in order to count that syllable. If it were, we could come up with a single regex that would match any vowel cluster as well as its stress notation:


Each time this matched, we could just look in $1 to see what kind of stress the syllable had. However, that's not the way the data is. As it is, we have to match the stress marks wherever they are, and then set a flag so that the following syllable will be marked as stressed (and in the absence of the flag, marked unstressed). We can combine this with the syllable counter that works its way through the word, based on this regex:


We can work this into part of the main loop for our converter program, so that it can cook up a field representing the meter of each word for each line in mpron.dat.
(Usually "meter" is used for talking about the consistent stress pattern of whole lines of poetry --but I'm using it here to refer to just the stress pattern of particular words, mostly because $meter is easier to type than $metrical_structure or $stress_pattern!)

while (<IN>) {
     ($word, $pron) = split(' ', $_);
     $meter = '';
      # This is where we'll stack up a
      # '0', '1', or '2', one for each
      # vowel-character-group in this
      # word, as seen in $pron
     $next_stress_flag = '0'; # initial value
     foreach my $x (
          $pron =~ m/[',]|[-\&yYaeiouAEIOU\@]+/g
           # loop over the vowels and accent marks
           # in $pron — before we go changing $pron!
     ) {
         if ($x eq ',') {
           $next_stress_flag = '2'; # secondary stress
         } elsif ($x eq "'") {
           $next_stress_flag = '1'; # primary stress
         } else {
           # It's a vowel
           $meter .= $next_stress_flag;
            # Note it as another syllable
           $next_stress_flag = '0';
            # Clear flag for next time
     # okay, NOW we can change it
     $pron =~ tr</ _,'><>d;
     print OUT join("\t", $word, $pron, $meter), "\n";

In case the whole business of $next_stress_flag being set in one iteration for use in the next doesn't make much sense. Here's a rough English summary of how $meter is devised for each word:

Each time a vowel-character cluster is found in this word's $pron, add a character to $meter representing the stress level of this syllable. If this syllable was preceded by an apostrophe, note this syllable as "1". If it was preceded by a comma, note this syllable as a "2". Otherwise, note it as a "0".

What this whole bother gives us is a mpron.dat file like this:

accipitrine        0100    &ksIpItrIn
Accius             100     &kSi@s
acclaim            01      @kleIm
acclamation        2010    &kl@meIS@n
acclamation_medal  201010  &kl@meIS@nmEd-l
acclamatory        01020   @kl&m@toUri
acclimate          010     @klaImIt
acclimation        2010    &kl@meIS@n
acclimation_fever  201010  &kl@meIS@nfiv@r
acclimatise        0102    @klaIm@taIz
acclimatize        0102    @klaIm@taIz
acclivity          0100    @klIvIti

There are three tab-separated fields to each line. If we merely want to know the number of syllables in a word, we just count the number of characters in the second field. But if we want to know more (say, to stipulate the stress pattern of those syllables), we have the data to do that, too.

Now recall that we're looking for a word that meets these criteria:

• rhymes with "toad"
• is three syllables long
• and those three syllables have to have the stress pattern
 /_/ (stressed, unstressed, stressed).

We figured out that we could formalize "rhymes with 'toad'" as a matter of matching the regex m/oUd$/. But when it comes to matching the stress pattern of the word, we're thinking in terms of stressed and unstressed - a two-term distinction - but the data we've got (from the Moby Pronunciator, but most pronunciation databases do it this way) represents stress in terms of primary stress, secondary stress, and unstressed --a three-term distinction.

After some experimentation, I settled on this as the best way to reconcile these two systems: When I say "stressed", I mean having primary ("1") or secondary ("2") stress. When I say "unstressed", I mean having secondary ('2") stress, or no stress ("0").

So we can now formulate "I want the word to go DUM-duh-DUM" as a matter of its meter string matching the regex /[12][02][12]/.

Now, to pull off a search with these criteria, we could go back to our command-line grep pattern:

% grep 'oUd$' mpron.dat

and amend it with:

% grep 'oUd$' mpron.dat | grep '[12][02][12]' | more

But all this grepping is getting rather cumbersome, and won't work terribly nicely with increasingly complex search patterns. In the end, it'd be so much simpler if we just wrote a custom (and therefore customizable!) search tool in Perl.

A Simple mpron Searcher

Since there are three fields in our database, it makes sense to be able to provide search criteria for any of those three fields. And currently, using regular expressions seems the most powerful way to stipulate search patterns. So each of our searches could be thought of as specified by three regular expressions: the first to match the spelling form of the word (probably not your primary interest, but it could be useful), the second to match the meter of the word, and the third to match the pronunciation of the word.

So I figure this search tool (which we might as well call mpron) could have the command line syntax:

% mpron spelling_re stress_re pron_re

...with the assumption that if we stipulate nothing for one or any of these regexes, then we. re not imposing any limitation on that field. So "rhymes with toad" would be just a matter of:

% mpron  ''  ''  'ouD$'

We can implement this simply with a program like this:

 ($word_re, $meter_re, $pron_re) = @ARGV[0,1,2];
   open(IN, '<mpron.dat') or die "Can't read-open mpron.dat: $!";
   print  # For the record, note our input
     "# Word RE: <$word_re>  ",
     "Meter RE: <$meter_re>  ",
     "Pron RE: <$pron_re>\n";
   # Then loop over every line
   while (<IN>) {
       print $_, "\n" # the matching line
         ...it meets all our criteria...

Now, how do we formalize "it meets all our criteria"? We could just say:

       $bits[0] =~ m/$word_re/oi
                     # /o for "compile this regex once",
                     # /i for case insensitive — I figure
                     #    that'd be useful for just $word_re
    && $bits[1] =~ m/$meter_re/o
    && $bits[2] =  m/$pron_re/o


However, that makes sense only if we've provided all three criteria. We don't want to bother trying to match an element of @bits against the contents of a variable like $meter_re if there's nothing in that variable (that is, if the search criterion it corresponds to is no criterion at all).

For each kind of test, we want the comparison to succeed if there was a criterion and it matches, or if there was no search criterion at all. In terms of logical operators, this is an "or" relationship. Specifically,

pass this test if:
  there was no criterion specified OR I pass the criterion

Passing each of the three criteria is a matter of matching the appropriate regex, as with:

$bits[1] =~ m/$meter_re/o

As for how to express "there was no criterion specified", we can simply test the string length of the variable containing the regex:


This is true when $meter_re is empty. Put it all together and you get:

 !length($meter_re) || $bits[1] =~ m/$meter_re/o

For all the tests put together:

print $_, "\n" if
      (!length($word_re)  || $bits[0] =~ m/$word_re/oi)
   && (!length($meter_re) || $bits[1] =~ m/$meter_re/o)
   && (!length($pron_re)  || $bits[2] =~ m/$pron_re/o );

Incidentally, you can use the and operator (the low-precedence variant of &&) to minimize the number of parentheses:

 print $_, "\n" if
	 !length($word_re)  || $bits[0] =~ m/$word_re/oi
     and !length($meter_re) || $bits[1] =~ m/$meter_re/o
     and !length($pron_re)  || $bits[2] =~ m/$pron_re/o ;

And that's all we've got to do for a fully featured program that searches any of mpron.dat's fields.

Let's put it to work. Our command line for "find three syllable word, rhyming with 'toad', and having a DUM-duh-DUM stress pattern" is:

  mpron  ''  '^[12][02][12]$'  'ouD$'

The ^ and $ in ^[12][02][12]$ is so that the stress pattern string consists entirely of that stress pattern, instead of merely having that stress pattern in the word somewhere. Here we go!

  % mpron  ''  '^[12][02][12]$'  'ouD$'
  alamode	102	&l@moUd
  antinode	102	&ntInoUd
  antipode	102	&ntIpoUd
  arillode	102	&r@loUd
  autocode	102	At@koUd
  a_la_mode	201	&l@moUd
  calicoed	102	k&l@koUd
  discommode	201	dIsk@moUd
  episode	102	EpIsoUd
  hemipode	102	hEmIpoUd
  incommode	201	Ink@moUd
  internode	102	Int@rnoUd
  keratode	102	kEr@toUd
  Kozhikode	101	koUZIkoUd
  manucode	102	m&nj@koUd
  megapode	102	mEg@poUd
  microcode	102	maIkroUkoUd
  nematode	102	nEm@toUd
  Nesselrode	102	nEs@lroUd
  overstowed	201	oUv@rstoUd
  palinode	102	p&lInoUd
  pigeon-toed	102	pIdZ@ntoUd
  porticoed	102	poUrt@koUd
  staminode	102	st&m@noUd
  superload	102	sup@rloUd
  trematode	102	trEm@toUd
  waggonload	102	w&g@nloUd                


Poetry in motion -- or rather, in automation!

AcAccommodatingnother Notation

One minor quibble, though: it's a bit cumbersome converting our /_/ (DUM-duh-DUM) notation into the regex ^[12][02][12]$. We should have our program accept the slash and underscore notation. We can do that by just adding, very early in our program, some code to convert from that notation (if that's what it sees) into regex notation. Namely:

 if ($meter_re =~ m<^[/_]+$>) {
    # If the string consists entirely of
    #  slashes and underscores...
    $meter_re =~ s<[12]>g;
    $meter_re =~ s<[20]>g;
    $meter_re = '^' . $meter_re . '$';

This translates /_/ to ^[12][02][12]$ as the second argument:

  % mpron '' '/_/' 'oUd$' | less
  # Word RE: <>  Meter RE: <^[12][20][12]$>  Pron RE: <oUd$>
  alamode         102     &l@moUd
  ...and so on...


By the way, if you want /_/ to mean "ends in DUM-duh-DUM" instead of specifically "consists entirely of DUM-duh-DUM", then you could change that last line to this instead:

	  $meter_re = $meter_re . '$';
                      # no '^' at the beginning

The only question left to answer is: what exactly did our poetic toad gleam and dance like? No program can tell you which of the twenty-six matching words (three-syllable, /_/, rhyming with "toad") that we found is le mot juste, but given the circumstances, the choice is clear:

 I chanced upon a lovely toad,
 It gleamed and danced like microcode!

Sean M. Burke uses Perl and the principles of Vogon poetics to develop haiku of immense destructive power.

Information on downloading a copy of the free Moby Pronunciator database is available at https://www.netadventure.net/~sburke/bounce.cgi/mpron/ along with the text of the programs described here.

Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
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