Image Color Summarizer

RGB, HSV, LCH & Lab image color statistics and clustering—simple and easy

image color summary

NEW You can now download all results of the analysis. This includes your original file, cluster partition images and text/JSON/XML reports — all organized under a randomly named (9Rd7HFd8R) subdirectory, which will be different for each analysis. The link expires in 15 minutes.

the image in words

all altitude aqua atomic azure beau black blue bluewood bluish cerulean charcoal chimney cyan cyanish dark eerie fiord frost grayish grey heather juan kashmir kingfisher leap light metallic oxygen pacify pale pickled quantum san sky slate spindle spinnaker sweep sweetwaters talker very wanaka wavelength wedgewood wind

color clusters

Colors in the image were clustered into 5 groups (k-means). The average color of the colors for each cluster is shown. The name is the closest named color and its distance is shown using ΔE. The tags are the set of words formed by all named neighbours within ΔE ≤ 5. The list of words above is the set of all unique words in this set of words.

Cluster colors, sized by number of pixels:

cluster pixels name HEX RGB HSV LCH Lab tags

spinnaker ΔE=2.3
#354B63 53 75 99 211 47 39 31 17 265 31 -2 -17 slate dark atomic bluewood fiord juan pickled san spinnaker talker wanaka wind blue grey

wedgewood ΔE=1.5
#506C88 80 108 136 210 41 53 44 19 263 44 -2 -19 kashmir kingfisher leap metallic quantum sky wavelength wedgewood blue

very dark cyan ΔE=2.8
#131A1C 19 26 28 196 32 11 9 4 229 9 -2 -3 dark very all bluish charcoal chimney cyan cyanish eerie sweep azure black grey

cerulean frost ΔE=3.2
#6F94B9 111 148 185 210 40 73 60 24 263 60 -3 -23 cerulean frost

spindle ΔE=3.2
#B3CADB 179 202 219 205 18 86 80 12 247 80 -4 -11 pale light altitude aqua beau grayish heather oxygen pacify spindle sweetwaters azure blue grey

image cluster partitions

Pixels of the image assigned to each cluster. The border is the color of the cluster as calculated by the average value of its pixels.

rgb histogram

hsv histograms

lch histograms

Lab histograms

color space and channel statistics

avg med min max
RGB:R 76 72 3 254
RGB:G 99 98 6 246
RGB:B 122 125 4 234
HSV:H 205 1.00 209 30 215
HSV:S 40 42 1 67
HSV:V 48 49 2 100
LCH:L 40 41 2 97
LCH:C 16 18 0 28
LCH:H 254 1.00 262 75 274
LAB:L 40 41 2 97
LAB:A -2 -2 -8 1
LAB:B -15 -18 -28 9