Trump Ipsum

All text is randomly and irretrievably generated. Haiku syllable counting is automated, so please pardon errors.


A reminder. The commission drafted tonight's format, Mr. Trump... My question, but it on this is scheduled for five... Good night, you saying that, let's start with you?


Hillary at keeping our country is speak to the one of millions of a minute. And you the most sophisticated, we're now. 7 percent.

Doesn't work. And if she caused the same time, many of it. She's made a great trade deals.

I've heard them out—it was just ask the American flag. We talk, the drugs pour through it kicked in the war, she also be on me.. Why didn't you can come back four more respect to pour through the womb of people, by being stolen from leaving our foreign policy, we're defending other places. It doesn't want—where e-mails criminally, we have to appoint will do.

We're talking about something about their job.


Donald of our two major disagreements with corporate tax returns. And it up. I saw Donald...

So I said, I'd blow them and looked at this election. And many leaders—17... And it.

No, and make their preferred methods of reforms that we are going to emphasize wellness. They were on in Iraq. They're doing so professionally to have to be cognizant of the kinds of course of future.

So we are, as almost a casino license, and defend Planned Parenthood.