Trump Ipsum

All text is randomly and irretrievably generated. Haiku syllable counting is automated, so please pardon errors.


So my question for people why would they got a politician to... There's been the tape that whoever ends up... I'd like to thank you won the land?


Hillary will create an accurate one that's being made a lot of carried interest. But we're bringing our great migration. They talk.

At the other things. We need law and President Obama goes in a sudden, when we are in the great to step further. And all our trade deal you've done in the back to sign Trans-Pacific Partnership.

And sadly, but even though she talks tough things and replace it or four or places, if she wants to fight. And frankly, he approved NAFTA and speak to happen. We have.

You know, let's say, and he said is over the violence.


Donald goes to denying responsibility of efforts to an apology from them. But we face while you can have I could talk about it clear that there should be able to really important decisions about nuclear weapons. So, will stick with the last weeks ago.

The goal. And she was upset because he started tweeting that will be those conflicts? Yes, it's not telling you and work.

Well, because our air, why we going to make. I do. Thank you want more we have I talk about the Second Amendment.

And I think it must be much smarter here is how Donald was trying to pass a difference having a really boost the civil war, and technology, we want to the Iranian nuclear codes or you're right, and the current court didn't support this is an important to talk about 250,000 still left to buy a young man who were doing the communities together to do.