Trump Ipsum

All text is randomly and irretrievably generated. Haiku syllable counting is automated, so please pardon errors.


Why did disagree with these 200 admirals and he would like Pennsylvania Avenue into this person that. That wasn't even worse. You would they weren't taken away from the pile-on is. They know what Hillary complaining. A cease-fire three or four mothers of dollars, African-Americans and how she's been there anymore.

Now, very serious crime like it, said deplorables, also. She totally lied about time they've wanted it from January 1st. Wait. You think that we have investments, I've gotten to 100 percent to act holier than these 200 generals... Excuse me tell you : It's because of these are—I was so much.

Why do what they're coming in this for everybody else, the Second Amendment, the states. There's never have right now for her and I'm not my attorney general, meaning I'm saying, frankly, Hillary. So I'm satisfied with Russia and our jobs. We will tell you very nice sign on. Well, and they can't bring back law and jobs.

Excuse me.