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Two real-life problems will be presented to show you how Perl is used. In Part I, the example will deal with analyzing C elegans data to address a biological question. We'll read sequence from a FASTA file and perform in-silico digests to analyze SAGE data. In Part II, we'll cover fetching, munging, and outputting - a common cycle. We'll show you how LWP::Simple and HTML::TreeBuilder can be used to fetch sample data from the web. Next, we'll examine how grep/map/sort can be used to manipulate hashes and arrays. We'll make some graphs using Graph::Undirected and GraphViz. Finally, we'll dump the munged data to a file and use grep/sort/uniq on it in bash.


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0 | introduction and orientation

1 | perl fundamentals

2 | shell and prompt tools

3 | web development

4 | CPAN Modules

5 | Ruby


level: all all ( 0 )

level: beginner beginner ( 1 )

level: intermediate intermediate ( 2 )

level: advanced advanced ( 3 )

[ use while/until and if/unless to draw attention to positive/negative conditions ]

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First Look at Perl
First Look at Perl
Sheldon McKay
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # file -- Estimate how many observed SAGE tags could be # due to partial digestion with the NlaIII anchoring enzyme # # The raw code -- see below for detailed comments # use strict; my $file = shift or die "Usage: ./ input_file\n"; die "File $file not found\n" unless -e $file; my @file = sort_by_position( $file ); my ( $count, %seen, %seenpos1, $maybepartial, %pos1_freq ); for (@file) { my @field = split; my $gene = $field[5]; my $pos = $field[3]; my $tcount = $field[0]; my $tag = $field[1]; $gene =~ s/[a-z]$//; $count++ unless $seen{$gene}; $seen{$gene} = 1; $seenpos1{$gene} ||= $pos; $pos1_freq{$gene} ||= $tcount; if ( $pos == ( $seenpos1{$gene} + 1 ) && $tcount <= ( $pos1_freq{$gene}/10 ) ) { $maybepartial++; print "$gene\t$tag\t$pos\t$tcount\n"; } } $file =~ s/\.txt//; warn "\n\n$file has $count unambiguously mapped genes\n", "There were a total of ", scalar( @file ), " tags mapped\n", "There were $maybepartial possible NlaIII partials\n\n"; sub sort_by_position { my $lib = shift; my @file = `grep coding_RNA $lib`; return map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map { [ (split)[3], $_ ] } @file; } __END__ # The code below is the same as above with comments added use strict; # get the input filename my $file = shift # or die with a complaint about not getting one or die "Usage: ./ input_file\n"; # die if the input file does not exist die "File $file not found\n" unless -e $file; # call the sort_by_position subroutine to process # the input file and return its contents as an array my @file = sort_by_position( $file ); # initialize some variables that will be used later my ( $count, %seen, %seenpos1, $maybepartial, %pos1_freq ); # Iterate through each element in the array. Each line in the file # is one array element. Unless otherwise specified, array elements # are assigned to the scalar variable '$_' for (@file) { # split $_ on whitespace (default bahavior if 'split' is called with no arguments) my @field = split; # assign some variables based on their position in the line of text # indexing is zero-based, so count would be position 0 # # count Tag Source Pos Str Gene Locus Description # 7548 GGATTCGGTC coding_RNA 1 + F25H2.10 rpa-0 "deoxyribonuclease" my $gene = $field[5]; my $pos = $field[3]; my $tcount = $field[0]; my $tag = $field[1]; # C. elegans alternative transcripts are listed as gene-name + a-z # eg: C05D2.1a, C05D2.1b, etc. The following line will remove the trailing # letter, so we know we are dealing with the same gene $gene =~ s/[a-z]$//; # Increment the gene counter unless we have seen this gene before $count++ unless $seen{$gene}; ######################################################################## # The first time we encounter a gene: # # 1) save a record of having seen this particular gene # $seen{$gene} = 1; # # # # 2) save a record of seeing the lowest position match (recall we did # # an ascending sort based on tag position, so the first one we see is # # the the lowest position match for this gene) # $seenpos1{$gene} ||= $pos; # # # # 3) save a record of the number of times this tag was observed # $pos1_freq{$gene} ||= $tcount; # ######################################################################## # We've been through this loop a few times, now we check to see if: if ( # the gene we are considering has been seen before and # the current tag match in is the second-lowest position $pos == ( $seenpos1{$gene} + 1 ) # -AND- && # the number of counts for this tag are at least 10-fold # lower than the lowest position match $tcount <= ( $pos1_freq{$gene}/10 ) ) { # If the above two conditions are satisfied: # increment the partial digest counter $maybepartial++; # print a record of the tag in question to STDOUT print "$gene\t$tag\t$pos\t$tcount\n"; } } $file =~ s/\.txt//; # print a summary to STDERR warn # scalars ($file) and escape characters (\n) are interpolated inside of "" "\n\n$file has $count unambiguously mapped genes\n", "There were a total of ", # count of lines in the input file (not inperpolated inside of "") scalar @file, # more text " tags mapped\n", "There were $maybepartial possible NlaIII partials\n\n"; # this subroutine loads the input file and sorts the line order sub sort_by_position { # get the filename (passed as an argument) my $lib = shift; # load the file, but first use command-line grep to grab only # lines that contain the keyword 'coding_RNA', which is what we # are interested in here. The backtick (``) operator runs a shell # command and returns whatever is printed to STDOUT. Whatever is # happening inside of `` is outside of this script my @file = `grep coding_RNA $lib`; # This is a bit of magic called a Schwartzian Transform. It allows us # to sort a list of text elements based on a precomputed field (in this case, # the tag position that is embedded in the middle of the text): # tells the subroutine to return the following and exit... return # Step 3 -- the sorted array # returns a list of the second elements in a list of anonymous arrays that contain # the precomuted field and the original text. # eg [ tag_position, line of original text from file ] # Each anonymous array is pointed to by the array reference ($_). # Array elements are pulled from the array reference with the dereferencing # operator '->'. Huh?? -- This is actually the last part of the transform # which works from the bottum upward map { $_->[1] } # Step 2 -- a custom sort function sort { # $a->[0] is the first element of the anonymous array referred to by $a # $b->[0] is the first element of the anonymous array referred to by $b # this is what were are sorting on. # the <=> operator returns: # -1 if $a->[0] > $b->[0] ($a goes before $b) # 0 if $a->[0] = $b->[0] (not sorting, they are equal) # 1 if $a->[0] < $b->[0] ($b goes before $a) $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } # make an array of array references to sort ( a meta-array, of you will). map { # the [] operator creates a reference to an anonyous array whose elements are listed # like so [ 'thing1', 'thing2', 'cat', 'hat' ] [ # start of anonymous array # this expression does the following: # 1) split the default variable $_ (line of text from @file) on whitespace # 2) return the fourth 'word' from the line of text (split)[3], # this is the line of text being considered $_ # end of the anonymous array ] # end of the map function } # the array we are sorting (where the lines of text are coming from) @file; }

1 | First Look at Perl | | Processing C Elegans Data | Sheldon McKay | ppt | Processing C Elegans Data | Sheldon McKay | pdf | Fetching Web Data and Making Graphs | Martin Krzywinski | ppt | Fetching Web Data and Making Graphs | Martin Krzywinski | pdf | | Sheldon McKay | code | grabdata | Sheldon McKay | code | | Sheldon McKay | code | | Sheldon McKay | code | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | data | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | images | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | images | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | images | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | images | First Look at Perl | Sheldon McKay | images | Processing C Elegans Data | Sheldon McKay | slides | Fetching Web Data and Making Graphs | Martin Krzywinski | slides