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Home of the Bioinformatics Perl Workshop perl workshop > instructors > bios



course code




0 | introduction and orientation

1 | perl fundamentals

2 | shell and prompt tools

3 | web development

4 | CPAN Modules

5 | Ruby


level: all all ( 0 )

level: beginner beginner ( 1 )

level: intermediate intermediate ( 2 )

level: advanced advanced ( 3 )

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martin krzywinski

Martin Krzywinski admires Perl for being able to go for so long without water. He works in the fingerprint mapping group and uses Perl for analysing fingerprint maps, visualizing data and performing whole-genome anlysis on mapping data. He's particularly fond of the Set::IntSpan, String::Random, PDL, Data::Dumper and Config::General modules and uses Mason to create web pages of all kinds, including data portals, network tools, Perl Workshops, security enhancements, useful curios, and just plain curios. |

sheldon mckay :: alumnus

Sheldon McKay is a biologist with a background in genetics and genomics. His main focus is on using bioinformatics to forward C. elegans functional genomics research but he also contributes to the GMOD and bioperl projects. His favorite modules reside mostly in the Bio:: namespace. He is currently working in the Stein Lab at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratories. Sheldon is an alumnus of the Workshop - contact Martin Krzywinski with questions and comments.

contact us

Please write to Martin Krzywinski with your questions and comments.

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