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course categories


course code




0 | introduction and orientation

1 | perl fundamentals

2 | shell and prompt tools

3 | web development

4 | CPAN Modules

5 | Ruby


level: all all ( 0 )

level: beginner beginner ( 1 )

level: intermediate intermediate ( 2 )

level: advanced advanced ( 3 )

[ Camels are known to spit up to 36 feet in the US and 11 meters everywhere else. ]

shell and prompt tools

Perl is very close to the UNIX prompt. For those needing a UNIX refresher, these workshops will cover customizing your workstation environment, using shells effectively and data analysis at the prompt. | Introduction to Unix

As an introduction to UNIX, we'll cover the basics of using the command line. This may be useful particularly for those of you who are not very familiar with the Linux system in use at the GSC. Topics to be covered: navigating the file system, viewing and editing text files, permissions, customizing the shell environment, input and output redirection, job control, command line goodies, command line Perl, and others. Those of you more familiar with UNIX are also welcome to attend - you might pick up a tidbit of useful information, and even better you can share with us tips and tricks that you have found helpful. | Data Mining and Analysis at the Command Line

You don't need to write scripts extract information from text files. Nor do you always want to. This 4-week series will take Perl's idiom philosophy and apply it to getting things done at the prompt. Learn how to leverage standard UNIX tools to perform rapid data analysis without writing any code. We'll introduce a set of custom Perl scripts to add to your prompt toolbox - these have been designed to provide additional functionality, such as histogramming, random sampling, conditional line extraction and others. | Prompt Tools

An introduction to the Perl prompt toolbox, including the perl shell and a collection of perl extensions to command-line utilities like cut, grep and others.

course codes

Courses are labeled by a unique Perl Workshop code. The code has the format category . course . level . sessions [.session].

  • category represents the broad topic area covered by the course
  • course is a unique course identifier within a given category
  • level encodes the level of difficulty from 0 (all) to 3 (advanced)
  • sessions gives the number of lectures in the course
  • .session is an optional session index field which is used when the code refers to a sessions; for example encodes "Introduction to Perl" but refers to the second session in the course.

All code components are zero-indexed except for the final optional session index.

course levels

level: all level 0 | all

level: beginner level 1 | beginner

level: intermediate level 2 | intermediate

level: advanced level 3 | advanced