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acadia army blackout bokara brown buddha camouflage countdown crowshead curry dandelion deep el eternity falu fizz gold golden green grenadier grey jungle karaka kobe lemon ocher ochre ocre oil orange paso red saratoga sienna starship sushi turtle verdun very waiouru yellow
Colors in the image were clustered into 8 groups (k-means). The average color of the colors for each cluster is shown. The name is the closest named color and its distance is shown using ΔE. The tags are the set of words formed by all named neighbours within ΔE ≤ 5. The list of words above is the set of all unique words in this set of words.
Cluster colors, sized by number of pixels:
cluster | pixels | name | HEX | RGB | HSV | LCH | Lab | tags |
40.91% |
75,93,22 army green ΔE=2.4 |
#4B5B10 | 75 91 16 | 73 82 36 | 36 42 114 | 36 -17 38 | army camouflage saratoga verdun green | |
22.24% |
42,56,11 turtle green ΔE=4.1 |
#2F3811 | 47 56 17 | 73 69 22 | 22 25 115 | 22 -11 22 | turtle waiouru green | |
15.97% |
235,222,49 golden fizz ΔE=2.6 |
#E9DF38 | 233 223 56 | 57 76 91 | 87 78 100 | 87 -14 77 | dandelion fizz golden starship | |
6.08% |
30,22,9 karaka ΔE=1.7 |
#1F190F | 31 25 15 | 35 51 12 | 9 7 77 | 9 2 7 | very acadia blackout bokara crowshead el eternity jungle karaka oil paso brown green grey | |
5.44% |
193,160,4 buddha gold ΔE=2.2 |
#C59F0A | 197 159 10 | 48 95 77 | 67 69 89 | 67 2 69 | buddha curry gold ocher ochre ocre brown lemon yellow | |
4.48% |
124,159,47 sushi ΔE=3.7 |
#7F9D25 | 127 157 37 | 75 76 62 | 61 61 116 | 61 -27 55 | sushi | |
2.53% |
136,45,23 kobe ΔE=4.1 |
#87271B | 135 39 27 | 7 80 53 | 31 50 37 | 31 40 30 | countdown falu kobe sienna red | |
2.35% |
213,70,0 grenadier ΔE=2.3 |
#D74C05 | 215 76 5 | 20 98 84 | 51 80 49 | 51 53 61 | deep grenadier orange |
Pixels of the image assigned to each cluster. The border is the color of the cluster as calculated by the average value of its pixels.
avg | med | min | max | |
RGB:R | 105 | 75.5 | 3 | 254 |
RGB:G | 105 | 90 | 0 | 253 |
RGB:B | 21 | 14 | 0 | 179 |
HSV:H | 65 1.00 | 71 | 0 | 360 |
HSV:S | 80 | 82 | 4 | 100 |
HSV:V | 45 | 36 | 2 | 100 |
LCH:L | 42 | 36 | 1 | 97 |
LCH:C | 45 | 42 | 0 | 92 |
LCH:H | 106 1.00 | 113 | 23 | 204 |
LAB:L | 42 | 36 | 1 | 97 |
LAB:A | -10 | -14 | -43 | 68 |
LAB:B | 42 | 39 | -11 | 90 |