data format requirements

The files you upload must be plain-text tabular data. The file can be space- or tab-delimited. Adjacent spaces will be collapsed, so don't use them to indicate missing fields (instead, use a hyphen — see below).

# use a space to separate fields
labels A B C
A 10 15 20
D 15 20 25
E 20 30 50

# use a tab to separate fields
labels	A	B	C
A	10	15	20
D	15	20	25
E	20	30	50

Row names are expected to be in the first column and column names in the first row. No two rows may have the same name. No two columns may have the same name.

Each line must have the same number of fields. This limitation requires that any leading cells in the header row are populated.

# leading header cells (here "labels") must be populated (i.e. this field must exist)
labels	A	B	C
A	10	15	20
D	15	20	25
E	20	30	50

Your table values are required to be non-negative integers. If your data value are floating values in the range [0,1], multiply each table cell by a large value, like 1000. The viewer will truncate any decimal components. Make sure that you have no thousands-separators in your output (1525, not 1,525) and no quotes around numbers (1525, not "1525").

Any lines with leading # are treated as comments and not parsed. Blank lines are also ignored.

Only the first 75 rows and 75 columns of your data will be parsed. If you would like to generate more complex images, download Circos and use the tableviewer tool.

encoding missing data

To encode missing fields (e.g. table cell for which no data is present, use a hyphen "-").

# missing data is encoded by -
labels	A	B	C
A	10	-	50
D	15	25	5
E	-	-	30

sample images

The sample images were generated using the default image settings.

sample 1

A simple table. All columns and rows have unique names.

Download tableVisualize table
# Small tab-delimited table with different row and column labels

data A B C D
E 105 450 92 96
F 20 46 78 33
G 118 553 94 317
H 100 18 108 104
Circos table viewer result
Figure 1. Visualization of a simple table with columns A,B,C,D and rows E,F,G,H.

sample 2

A table file with the same data as in the previous sample, but now some rows and columns have the same name. Columns and rows with the same name are joined on the same segment.

Download tableVisualize table
# Small tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels

data A B C D
A 105 450 92 96
B 20 46 78 33
G 118 553 94 317
H 100 18 108 104
Circos table viewer result
Figure 2. Visualization of a simple table with columns A,B,C,D and rows A,B,G,H. Because two pairs of row/column share the same label (A,B), the row/column of the pair are joined on the same segment.

sample 3

A table file with the same data as in the previous sample, but now each row has a corresponding column of the same name. Because there are only 4 unique labels (A,B,C,D), the image has four segments.

Download tableVisualize table
# Small tab-delimited table with same row and column labels

data A B C D
A 105 450 92 96
B 20 46 78 33
C 118 553 94 317
D 100 18 108 104
Circos table viewer result
Figure 3. Visualization of a simple table with columns A,B,C,D and rows A,B,C,D.

sample 4

A large table with a variety of row and column labels, some shared.

Download tableVisualize table
# Medium tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels

data A B C D E F G
A 105 450 92 96 5 301 195
B 20 46 78 33 53 28 83
C 118 553 94 317 25 89 287
D 100 18 108 104 105 25 173
H 23 83 123 342 98 48 205
I 73 428 103 25 82 5 23
J 105 173 38 49 81 258 207
Circos table viewer result
Figure 4. Visualization of a simple table with labels A..J. Labels E,F,G are unique to columns and H,I,J are unique to rows.

sample 5

Same table as in the sample above, but now the data file includes a row that specifies the order in which the column segments in the figure are arranged.

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with col order.

Download tableVisualize table
# Medium tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column order (first row)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [ ] col with row order	  [x] row with col order
# size	 [ ] col with row size	  [ ] row with col size
# color	 [ ] col with row colors  [ ] row with col colors

data 1 7 3 4 2 6 5
data A B C D E F G
A 105 450 92 96 5 301 195
B 20 46 78 33 53 28 83
C 118 553 94 317 25 89 287
D 100 18 108 104 105 25 173
H 23 83 123 342 98 48 205
I 173 428 103 325 82 215 23
J 305 173 138 49 81 258 207
Circos table viewer result
Figure 5. Column segment order is specified by the leading row. Any labels (e.g. uniquely named rows) that do not have an associated order (H,I,J) are placed at the end of the segment sequence.

sample 6

Both rows and column order is specified using a leading column and row.

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with col order and col with row order.

Download tableVisualize table
# Medium tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column order (first row)
# + row order (first column)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [x] col with row order	  [x] row with col order
# size	 [ ] col with row size	  [ ] row with col size
# color	 [ ] col with row colors  [ ] row with col colors

data data 1 7 3 4 2 6 5
data data A B C D E F G
1 A 105 450 92 96 5 301 195
7 B 20 46 78 33 53 28 83
3 C 118 553 94 317 25 89 287
4 D 100 18 108 104 105 25 173
0 H 23 83 123 342 98 48 205
9 I 173 428 103 325 82 215 23
8 J 305 173 138 49 81 258 207
Circos table viewer result
Figure 6. Order of row and column segments can be adjusted using a leading column or row.

sample 7

The size of the segment is automatically calculated based on the total cell values for a given label. You can override the segment size by including a size column and/or row.

If you set the size to be larger than the cell total for a label, the trailing part of the segment will be unoccupied.

If you set the size to be smaller than the cell total for a label, some cell ribbons will not be displayed.

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with col size and col with row size.

Download tableVisualize table
# Medium tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column size (first row)
# + row size (first column)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [ ] col with row order	  [ ] row with col order
# size	 [x] col with row size	  [x] row with col size
# color	 [ ] col with row colors  [ ] row with col colors

data data 3000 2750 2500 2500 750 1250 1500
data data A B C D E F G
3000 A 105 450 92 96 5 301 195
2750 B 20 46 78 33 53 28 83
2500 C 118 553 94 317 25 89 287
2500 D 100 18 108 104 105 25 173
1250 H 23 83 123 342 98 48 205
2000 I 173 428 103 325 82 215 23
1500 J 305 173 138 49 81 258 207
Circos table viewer result
Figure 7. Segment size can be controlled with a leading column or row.

sample 8

You can include both segment size and order rows and columns. If both are used, the first leading row/column will determine the order, and the second leading row/column will determine the size.

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with col size, col with row size, row with col order and col with row order.

Download tableVisualize table
# Medium tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column size (first row)
# + column order (second row)
# + row size (first column)
# + row order (second column)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [x] col with row order	  [x] row with col order
# size	 [x] col with row size	  [x] row with col size
# color	 [ ] col with row colors  [ ] row with col colors

data data data 5 2 7 4 1 3 6
data data data 3000 2750 2500 2500 750 1250 1500
data data data A B C D E F G
5 3000 A 105 450 92 96 5 301 195
2 2750 B 20 46 78 33 53 28 83
7 2500 C 118 553 94 317 25 89 287
4 2500 D 100 18 108 104 105 25 173
10 1250 H 23 83 123 342 98 48 205
9 2000 I 173 428 103 325 82 215 23
8 1500 J 305 173 138 49 81 258 207
Circos table viewer result
Figure 8. Order of row and column segments can be adjusted using a leading column or row.

sample 9

Normally colors are automatically assigned to segments. You can assign colors to segments by including a row (and/or column) that contains RGB colors for each segment.

If a column and row share a label (e.g. A), then both color definitions (in the color row and column) must be identical (here, 255,136,0 which is orange).

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with color column, col with color row.

Download tableVisualize table
# Small tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column color (first row)
# + row color (first column)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [ ] col with row order	  [ ] row with col order
# size	 [ ] col with row size	  [ ] row with col size
# color	 [x] col with row colors  [x] row with col colors

data data 255,136,0 186,255,0 104,152,178 38,82,153
data data A B C D
255,136,0 A 10 10 10 10
186,255,0 B 20 20 20 20
200,200,200 E 30 30 40 40
150,150,150 F 50 50 60 60
Circos table viewer result
Figure 9. Color for each row and column can be defined in the table file.

sample 10

Use custom colors to create images in which only ribbons for some columns and/or rows are colored.

Ribbons derive their color from the color of the row segment. Here, rows C1 and C2 have spot colors (C1 is red, C2 is blue) and all other segments are dark grey. Notice that you must specify a color for all segments, even if the same color is repeated.

If a column and row share a label (e.g. A), then both color definitions (in the color row and column) must be identical (here, 255,136,0 which is orange).

To parse this file correctly, you must check row with color column, col with color row.

Download tableVisualize table
# Large tab-delimited table with mixed row and column labels.
# + column color (first row)
# + row color (first column)
# When uploading this file, make sure you check off the fields shown below.
# order	 [ ] col with row order	  [ ] row with col order
# size	 [ ] col with row size	  [ ] row with col size
# color	 [x] col with row colors  [x] row with col colors
# This data set uses custom colors to draw focus to specific rows and/or columns.
# All rows and columns are dark grey RGB=(50,50,50) except for row C1 (orange) and C2 (blue).

data data 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50 50,50,50
data data A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50,50,50 A 91 558 96 113 109 125 57 109 115 102 92 89 42 51 45
50,50,50 B 21 1 21 21 18 18 8 25 17 20 16 21 11 8 10
236,28,36 C1 75 652 93 232 290 278 291 332 99 109 101 97 54 50 48
28,145,236 C2 104 22 100 940 120 109 52 958 112 116 92 96 49 50 45
50,50,50 E 97 22 122 86 112 102 47 104 81 898 79 101 55 54 47
50,50,50 F 83 23 103 96 114 483 46 95 97 94 93 92 50 51 52
50,50,50 G 12 2 10 10 8 10 0 8 10 8 9 9 6 5 247
50,50,50 H 96 20 109 102 106 107 48 117 98 88 94 111 44 46 48
50,50,50 I 100 21 98 87 97 95 45 92 119 111 86 106 50 57 49
50,50,50 J 101 18 81 83 777 111 52 115 100 100 109 99 44 48 45
50,50,50 K 96 19 96 97 400 105 43 86 103 112 92 86 52 52 48
50,50,50 L 100 19 122 70 97 90 41 110 94 85 97 98 60 46 47
50,50,50 M 45 9 49 42 280 47 28 50 47 40 49 50 25 22 29
50,50,50 N 81 16 80 1159 78 77 38 773 66 73 64 80 35 41 37
50,50,50 O 8 2 8 9 9 12 312 11 9 9 9 8 4 6 5
Circos table viewer result
Figure 10. Color for each row and column can be defined in the table file. Use this to generate images with spot colors for specific rows and columns.
Cookie version [NO_VERSION].
Wrong cookie version [NO_VERSION] but needed [0.63-10]. Making new cookie.
color_ribbons_by_value 0
fade_transparency 0
label_segment_color vvvdgrey
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q1ribbont inherit
q2ribbonc inherit
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q2ribbont inherit
q3ribbonc inherit
q3ribbons 1
q3ribbont inherit
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q4ribbons 1
q4ribbont inherit
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segment_order ascii
segment_order_progression size_desc
segment_radius 0.75
segment_spacing 0.0075r
segment_thickness 35p
transparency 1
version 0.63-10
Baking new cookie.
connection local


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