All color charts were created with tuple2color.
To read the chart, lookup the tuple values (e.g. (a,b) for a 2-tuple and (a,b,c) for 3-tuple) and read off corresponding color, RGB and HSV values.
The HSV color encodings are desiged to capture the relationship and/or magnitude of the tuple components. The charts were designed to illustrate the encodings within a range of values ([0,2] for 2-tuple encoding and [0,1] for 3-tuple encoding). If your data spans a different range, change encoding options accordingy.
Color encoding of 3-tuples as described by Baran et al. and implemented in Color::TupleEncode::Baran
Color encoding of 2-tuples implemented in Color::TupleEncode::2Way.
(c) 2006-2017 Martin Krzywinski