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Jog your memory with these bird song mnemonic posters to help identify what you hear and see. Next time someone chirps, you'll hear the Olive-sided flycatcher's (Contopus cooperi) “Quick three beers!”

It's Snowing in my CPU — a Snowflake catalogue

Now she was round and as pure as the morning light, crystal clear and like a tiny silver mirror she was able to catch and give back every colour in the world about her.
— Paul Gallico, Snowflake

Go ahead, meet some snowflakes.


Somewhere in the world, it's snowing. But you don't need to go far—it's always snowing on this page. Explore random flurries, snowflake families and individual flakes. There are many unusual snowflakes and snowflake family 12 and family 46 are very interesting.

But don't settle for only pixel snowflakes—make an STL file and 3D print your own flakes!

Ad blockers may interfere with some flake images—the names of flakes can trigger ad filters.

And if after reading about my flakes you want more, get your frozen fix with Kenneth Libbrecht's excellent work and Paul Gallico's Snowflake.

Show a random flake or a random flake from this family.

snowflake lynnes

name lynnes
gender boy
family 25
hex 19, 9
t-SNE 80.3, 30.4

ρ vapor mass 0.6068828680 0.70   69%
κ freezing 0.0131951564 0.11   53%
μ melting 0.0328184823 –0.81   27%
γ melting 0.0000730213 –0.20   44%
α attachment 0.0555014694 –1.27   14%
β attachment 1.0716245457 –0.94   7%
θ attachment 0.0567349585 0.34   71%
n growth steps 2721 –0.90   3%

The flake's ranking relative to other flakes with respect to each parameter is shown as a z-score (`(x-\mu)/\sigma`) and percentile.

snowflake files and resources

Download the snowflake's runfile.

Generate STL file for 3D printing.

high-resolution snowflake images

These are the original simulation images. Each snowflake was grown on a 800 × 800 hexagonal grid.

cartesian grid

hex grid

cartesian grid with vapor

hex grid with vapor

Martin Krzywinski | contact | Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences CentreBC Cancer Research CenterBC CancerPHSA
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