# To understand this file, see https://mk.bcgsc.ca/debates2016/?methods
# clinton-trump-01/parsed/sentence.clinton.tag.all.len.txt
15 4 How/WRB are/VBP you/NNP Donald/NNP
48 11 Well/NNP thank/VB you/NNP Lester/NNP and/CC thanks/NNS to/TO Hofstra/NNP for/IN hosting/VBG us/CD
104 24 The/DT central/JJ question/NN in/IN this/DT election/NN is/VBZ really/RB what/WP kind/NN of/IN country/NN we/PRP want/VBP to/TO be/VB and/CC what/WP kind/NN of/IN future/NN we'll/NN build/NN together/JJ
57 13 Today/NN is/VBZ my/PRP granddaughter/NNS second/JJ birthday/NN so/IN I/PRP think/VBP about/IN this/DT a/DT lot/JJ
67 17 First/NNP we/PRP have/VBP to/TO build/VB an/DT economy/NN that/IN works/NNS for/IN everyone/NN not/RB just/RB those/DT at/IN the/DT top/JJ
47 11 That/DT means/VBZ we/PRP need/VBP new/JJ jobs/NN good/JJ jobs/NN with/IN rising/VBG incomes/CD
20 7 I/PRP want/VBP us/PRP to/TO invest/VB in/IN you/CD
27 8 I/PRP want/VBP us/PRP to/TO invest/VB in/IN your/PRP future/JJ
159 28 That/DT means/VBZ jobs/NNS in/IN infrastructure/NN in/IN advanced/VBN manufacturing/NN innovation/NN and/CC technology/NN clean/NN renewable/JJ energy/NN and/CC small/JJ business/NN because/IN most/RBS of/IN the/DT new/JJ jobs/NNS will/MD come/VB from/IN small/JJ business/CD
32 8 We/PRP also/RB have/VBP to/TO make/VB the/DT economy/NN fairer/CD
86 17 That/DT starts/VBZ with/IN raising/VBG the/DT national/JJ minimum/JJ wage/NN and/CC also/RB guarantee/VBP finally/VBG equal/JJ pay/NN for/IN women/NNS work/CD
43 9 I/PRP also/RB want/VBP to/TO see/VB more/JJR companies/NNS do/VBP profit-sharing/JJ
81 21 If/IN you/PRP help/VBP create/VB the/DT profits/NN you/PRP should/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO share/VB in/IN them/NN not/RB just/RB the/DT executives/NNS at/IN the/DT top/JJ
71 18 And/CC I/PRP want/VBP us/PRP to/TO do/VB more/JJR to/TO support/VB people/NNS who/WP are/VBP struggling/VBG to/TO balance/VB family/NN and/CC work/CD
84 19 I've/NNP heard/VBD from/IN so/RB many/NN of/IN you/PRP about/IN the/DT difficult/JJ choices/NNS you/PRP face/VBP and/CC the/DT stresses/NNS that/WDT you're/VBP under/JJ
38 9 So/RB let/NNS have/VBP paid/VBN family/NN leave/NN earned/VBD sick/JJ days/NNS
53 11 Let/NNP be/VB sure/JJ we/PRP have/VBP affordable/JJ child/NN care/NN and/CC debt-free/JJ college/CD
19 7 How/WRB are/VBP we/PRP going/VBG to/TO do/VB it/NN
80 18 We're/NNP going/VBG to/TO do/VB it/PRP by/IN having/VBG the/DT wealthy/JJ pay/VB their/PRP fair/JJ share/NN and/CC close/VB the/DT corporate/JJ loopholes/CD
75 19 Finally/NNP we/PRP tonight/RB are/VBP on/IN the/DT stage/NN together/NNP Donald/NNP Trump/NNP and/CC I/NNP Donald/NNP it/NNS good/JJ to/TO be/VB with/IN you/CD
79 17 We're/NNP going/VBG to/TO have/VB a/DT debate/NN where/WRB we/PRP are/VBP talking/VBG about/IN the/DT important/JJ issues/NNS facing/VBG our/PRP country/JJ
131 28 You/PRP have/VBP to/TO judge/VB us/NN who/WP can/MD shoulder/VB the/DT immense/VBG awesome/JJ responsibilities/NNS of/IN the/DT presidency/NN who/WP can/MD put/VB into/IN action/NN the/DT plans/NNS that/WDT will/MD make/VB your/PRP life/NN better/JJ
47 14 I/PRP hope/VBP that/IN I/PRP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO earn/VB your/PRP vote/NN on/IN November/NNP 8th/JJ
37 9 Well/NNP I/PRP think/VBP that/DT trade/NN is/VBZ an/DT important/JJ issue/CD
72 17 Of/IN course/NN we/PRP are/VBP percent/NN of/IN the/DT world/NNS population/VBP we/PRP have/VBP to/TO trade/VB with/IN the/DT other/JJ percent/JJ
34 9 And/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/TO have/VB smart/NN fair/JJ trade/NN deals/JJ
78 17 We/PRP also/VBP though/VBG need/NN to/TO have/VB a/DT tax/NN system/NN that/IN rewards/NNS work/VBP and/CC not/RB just/RB financial/JJ transactions/JJ
77 17 And/CC the/DT kind/NN of/IN plan/NN that/IN Donald/NNP has/VBZ put/VBN forth/RB would/MD be/VB trickle-down/JJ economics/NNS all/DT over/IN again/CD
109 27 In/IN fact/NN it/PRP would/MD be/VB the/DT most/RBS extreme/JJ version/VBG the/DT biggest/JJS tax/NN cuts/NNS for/IN the/DT top/JJ percent/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS in/IN this/DT country/NN than/IN we've/NN ever/RB had/JJ
60 12 I/PRP call/VBP it/PRP trumped-up/JJ trickle-down/NN because/IN that/NNS exactly/RB what/WP it/PRP would/MD be/CD
28 8 That/DT is/VBZ not/RB how/WRB we/PRP grow/VBP the/DT economy/CD
120 25 We/PRP just/RB have/VBP a/DT different/JJ view/NN about/IN what/NNS best/JJS for/IN growing/VBG the/DT economy/NN how/WRB we/PRP make/VBP investments/NNS that/WDT will/MD actually/RB produce/VB jobs/NNS and/CC rising/VBG incomes/CD
49 10 I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP come/VBP at/IN it/PRP from/IN somewhat/RB different/JJ perspectives/JJ
15 3 I/PRP understand/VBP that/JJ
60 15 You/PRP know/VBP Donald/NNP was/VBD very/RB fortunate/JJ in/IN his/PRP life/NN and/CC that/VBZ all/DT to/TO his/PRP benefit/JJ
158 34 He/PRP started/VBD his/PRP business/NN with/IN million/NN borrowed/VBN from/IN his/PRP father/NN and/CC he/PRP really/RB believes/VBZ that/IN the/DT more/JJR you/PRP help/VBP wealthy/JJ people/VBG the/DT better/JJR off/IN we'll/NN be/VB and/CC that/DT everything/NN will/MD work/VB out/IN from/IN there/JJ
13 4 I/PRP don't/VB buy/NN that/JJ
25 5 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT different/JJ experience/CD
29 5 My/PRP father/NN was/VBD a/DT small-businessman/CD
18 4 He/PRP worked/VBD really/RB hard/JJ
140 32 He/PRP printed/VBD drapery/NN fabrics/NNS on/IN long/JJ tables/NN where/WRB he/PRP pulled/VBD out/RP those/DT fabrics/NNS and/CC he/PRP went/VBD down/RB with/IN a/DT silkscreen/VBN and/CC dumped/VBD the/DT paint/NN in/IN and/CC took/VBD the/DT squeegee/VBP and/CC kept/VBD going/CD
147 39 And/CC so/RB what/WP I/PRP believe/VBP is/VBZ the/DT more/JJR we/PRP can/MD do/VB for/IN the/DT middle/NN class/VBG the/DT more/JJR we/PRP can/MD invest/VB in/IN you/VBG your/PRP education/VB your/PRP skills/VB your/PRP future/NN the/DT better/JJR we/PRP will/MD be/VB off/IN and/CC the/DT better/JJR we'll/NN grow/CD
37 11 That/NNP the/DT kind/NN of/IN economy/NN I/PRP want/VBP us/PRP to/TO see/VB again/CD
56 14 Well/JJ let/NNS stop/VBP for/IN a/DT second/JJ and/CC remember/VB where/WRB we/PRP were/VBD eight/CD years/NNS ago/RB
66 14 We/PRP had/VBD the/DT worst/JJS financial/JJ crisis/VBG the/DT Great/NNP Recession/NNP the/DT worst/JJS since/IN the/DT 1930s/CD
147 34 That/DT was/VBD in/IN large/JJ part/NN because/IN of/IN tax/NN policies/NNS that/WDT slashed/VBD taxes/NNS on/IN the/DT wealthy/NN failed/VBD to/TO invest/VB in/IN the/DT middle/NN class/NN took/VBD their/PRP eyes/NNS off/IN of/IN Wall/NNP Street/NNP and/CC created/VBD a/DT perfect/JJ storm/JJ
57 14 In/IN fact/NNP Donald/NNP was/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT people/NNS who/WP rooted/VBN for/IN the/DT housing/NN crisis/CD
79 23 He/PRP said/VBP back/RB in/IN Gee/NN I/PRP hope/VBP it/PRP does/VBZ collapse/NN because/IN then/RB I/PRP can/MD go/VB in/IN and/CC buy/VB some/DT and/CC make/VB some/DT money/CD
17 4 Well/NNP it/PRP did/VBD collapse/CD
47 9 Nine/CD million/CD people/NNS nine/CD million/CD people/NNS lost/VBD their/PRP jobs/CD
31 6 Five/CD million/CD people/NNS lost/VBD their/PRP homes/CD
36 8 And/CC trillion/CD in/IN family/NN wealth/NN was/VBD wiped/VBN out/JJ
30 8 Now/NNP we/PRP have/VBP come/VBN back/RB from/IN that/DT abyss/CD
19 6 And/CC it/PRP has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN easy/CD
136 35 So/RB we're/VBP now/RB on/IN the/DT precipice/NN of/IN having/VBG a/DT potentially/RB much/RB better/JJR economy/NN but/CC the/DT last/JJ thing/NN we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ to/TO go/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT policies/NNS that/WDT failed/VBD us/PRP in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/CD
298 60 Independent/JJ experts/NNS have/VBP looked/VBN at/IN what/WP I've/NNP proposed/VBD and/CC looked/VBD at/IN what/WP Donald/NNP proposed/NN and/CC basically/RB they've/VBP said/VBD this/NN that/IN if/IN his/PRP tax/NN plan/NN which/WDT would/MD blow/VB up/IN the/DT debt/NN by/IN over/IN trillion/CD and/CC would/MD in/IN some/DT instances/NNS disadvantage/NN middle-class/JJ families/NNS compared/VBN to/TO the/DT wealthy/NN were/VBD to/TO go/VB into/IN effect/NN we/PRP would/MD lose/VB million/CD jobs/NNS and/CC maybe/RB have/VBP another/DT recession/CD
156 40 They've/NNP looked/VBD at/IN my/PRP plans/NNS and/CC they've/NN said/NNP OK/NNP if/IN we/PRP can/MD do/VB this/NN and/CC I/PRP intend/VBP to/TO get/VB it/PRP done/VB we/PRP will/MD have/VB million/CD more/RBR new/JJ jobs/NN because/IN we/PRP will/MD be/VB making/VBG investments/NNS where/WRB we/PRP can/MD grow/VB the/DT economy/CD
15 3 Take/VB clean/JJ energy/CD
63 14 Some/DT country/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO be/VB the/DT clean-/JJ energy/NN superpower/NN of/IN the/DT 21st/JJ century/JJ
59 12 Donald/NNP thinks/VBZ that/DT climate/NN change/NN is/VBZ a/DT hoax/NN perpetrated/VBN by/IN the/DT Chinese/NNP
12 4 I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS real/CD
19 5 I/PRP think/VBP science/NN is/VBZ real/CD
66 18 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS important/JJ that/IN we/PRP grip/VBP this/DT and/CC deal/NN with/IN it/VBG both/DT at/IN home/NN and/CC abroad/JJ
18 6 And/CC here/NNS what/WP we/PRP can/MD do/VB
39 10 We/PRP can/MD deploy/VB a/DT half/PDT a/DT billion/CD more/RBR solar/JJ panels/CD
42 10 We/PRP can/MD have/VB enough/RB clean/JJ energy/NN to/TO power/VB every/DT home/NN
32 8 We/PRP can/MD build/VB a/DT new/JJ modern/JJ electric/JJ grid/JJ
43 12 That/NNP a/DT lot/NN of/IN jobs/NN that/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN new/JJ economic/JJ activity/JJ
217 53 So/RB I've/NNP tried/VBD to/TO be/VB very/RB specific/JJ about/IN what/WP we/PRP can/MD and/CC should/MD do/VB and/CC I/PRP am/VBP determined/VBN that/DT we're/NN going/VBG to/TO get/VB the/DT economy/NN really/RB moving/VBG again/NN building/NN on/IN the/DT progress/NN we've/NN made/VBN over/IN the/DT last/JJ eight/CD years/NN but/CC never/RB going/VBG back/RB to/TO what/WP got/VBD us/PRP in/IN trouble/NN in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/CD
12 2 Well/NNP actually
42 10 Well/JJ actually/NN I/PRP have/VBP thought/VBN about/IN this/DT quite/RB a/DT bit/JJ
28 8 And/CC I/PRP have/VBP well/NN not/RB quite/RB that/DT long/CD
42 12 I/PRP think/VBP my/PRP husband/NN did/VBD a/DT pretty/RB good/JJ job/NN in/IN the/DT 1990s/CD
51 15 I/PRP think/VBP a/DT lot/NN about/IN what/WP worked/VBD and/CC how/WRB we/PRP can/MD make/VB it/PRP work/VB again
29 6 million/CD new/JJ jobs/VBG a/DT balanced/JJ budget
25 5 Incomes/NNP went/VBD up/IN for/IN everybody/JJ
73 17 Manufacturing/NN jobs/NNS went/VBD up/IN also/RB in/IN the/DT 1990s/CD if/IN we're/NN actually/RB going/VBG to/TO look/VB at/IN the/DT facts/JJ
86 26 When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP I/PRP had/VBD a/DT number/NN of/IN trade/NN deals/NNS that/WDT came/VBD before/IN me/NN and/CC I/PRP held/VBD them/PRP all/DT to/TO the/DT same/JJ test/JJ
27 6 Will/MD they/PRP create/VB jobs/NNS in/IN America/NNP
29 6 Will/MD they/PRP raise/VB incomes/NNS in/IN America/NNP
36 8 And/CC are/VBP they/PRP good/JJ for/IN our/PRP national/JJ security/NN
19 6 Some/DT of/IN them/PRP I/PRP voted/VBD for/CD
55 12 The/DT biggest/JJS one/VBG a/DT multinational/JJ one/CD known/VBN as/IN CAFTA/NNP I/PRP voted/VBD against/JJ
60 16 And/CC because/IN I/PRP hold/VBP the/DT same/JJ standards/NNS as/IN I/PRP look/VBP at/IN all/DT of/IN these/DT trade/NN deals/JJ
60 15 But/CC let/NNS not/RB assume/VB that/DT trade/NN is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ challenge/NN we/PRP have/VBP in/IN the/DT economy/CD
46 16 I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT part/NN of/IN it/NN and/CC I've/NNP said/VBD what/WP I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO do/VB
32 7 I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO have/VB a/DT special/JJ prosecutor/JJ
74 16 We're/NNP going/VBG to/TO enforce/VB the/DT trade/NN deals/NNS we/PRP have/VBP and/CC we're/NN going/VBG to/TO hold/VB people/NNS accountable/JJ
73 13 When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD secretary/NN of/IN state/NN we/PRP actually/RB increased/VBD American/JJ exports/NNS globally/RB percent/JJ
29 6 We/PRP increased/VBD them/PRP to/TO China/NNP percent/JJ
78 22 So/RB I/PRP know/VBP how/WRB to/TO really/RB work/VBP to/TO get/VB new/JJ jobs/NNS and/CC to/TO get/VB exports/NNS that/WDT helped/VBD to/TO create/VB more/RBR new/JJ jobs/CD
26 6 Well/NNP I've/NNP been/VBN a/DT senator/NN Donald
29 8 And/CC I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN a/DT secretary/NN of/IN state
16 6 And/CC I/PRP have/VBP done/VBN a/DT lot
19 4 Well/JJ that/NNS your/PRP opinion/CD
17 4 That/DT is/VBZ your/PRP opinion/CD
25 6 Well/NNP that/WDT is/VBZ just/RB not/RB accurate/JJ
61 15 I/PRP was/VBD against/IN it/PRP once/RB it/PRP was/VBD finally/RB negotiated/VBN and/CC the/DT terms/NNS were/VBD laid/VBN out/JJ
17 5 I/PRP wrote/VBD about/IN that/DT in
2 1 No/NN
58 16 Well/NNP Donald/NNP I/PRP know/VBP you/PRP live/VBP in/IN your/PRP own/JJ reality/NN but/CC that/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT facts/JJ
64 19 The/DT facts/NNS are/VBP I/PRP did/VBD say/VBP I/PRP hoped/VBD it/PRP would/MD be/VB a/DT good/JJ deal/NN but/CC when/WRB it/PRP was/VBD negotiated
44 10 which/WDT I/PRP was/VBD not/RB responsible/JJ for/NN I/PRP concluded/VBD it/PRP wasn't/JJ
23 7 I/PRP wrote/VBD about/IN that/DT in/NN my/PRP book
22 4 before/IN you/PRP even/RB announced/VBN
23 4 Look/NNP there/EX are/VBP differences
8 2 There/EX are
84 18 There/EX are/VBP different/JJ views/NNS about/IN what/NNS good/JJ for/IN our/PRP country/VB our/PRP economy/NN and/CC our/PRP leadership/NN in/IN the/DT world/JJ
67 19 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS important/JJ to/TO look/VB at/IN what/WP we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB to/TO get/VB the/DT economy/NN going/VBG again/CD
92 22 That/NNP why/WRB I/PRP said/VBD new/JJ jobs/NNS with/IN rising/VBG incomes/NN investments/NN not/RB in/IN more/JJR tax/NN cuts/NNS that/WDT would/MD add/VB trillion/CD to/TO the/DT debt/JJ
13 6 But/CC in/IN oh/NN but/CC I/PRP do/JJ
30 9 In/IN fact/NN I/PRP have/VBP written/VBN a/DT book/NN about/IN it/JJ
24 4 It/NNP called/VBD Stronger/NNP Together/NNP
34 9 You/PRP can/MD pick/VB it/PRP up/IN tomorrow/NN at/IN a/DT bookstore
20 6 or/CC at/IN an/DT airport/NN near/IN you/CD
69 16 But/CC it/NNS because/IN I/PRP see/VBP this/DT we/PRP need/VBP to/TO have/VB strong/JJ growth/NN fair/JJ growth/NN sustained/VBD growth/JJ
99 20 We/PRP also/RB have/VBP to/TO look/VB at/IN how/WRB we/PRP help/VBP families/NNS balance/VBP the/DT responsibilities/NNS at/IN home/NN and/CC the/DT responsibilities/NNS at/IN business/CD
29 9 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP a/DT very/RB robust/JJ set/VBN of/IN plans/CD
149 33 And/CC people/NNS have/VBP looked/VBN at/IN both/DT of/IN our/PRP plans/NN have/VBP concluded/VBN that/DT mine/NN would/MD create/VB million/CD jobs/NNS and/CC yours/PRP would/MD lose/VB us/PRP million/CD jobs/NN and/CC explode/VB the/DT debt/NN which/WDT would/MD have/VB a/DT recession/CD
31 8 That/DT can't/MD that/WDT can't/MD be/VB left/VBN to/TO stand/VB
62 17 I/PRP kind/NN of/IN assumed/VBN that/IN there/EX would/MD be/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN these/DT charges/NNS and/CC claims/NN and/CC so
86 18 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP taken/VBN the/DT home/NN page/NN of/IN my/PRP website/NNP HillaryClinton.com/NNP and/CC we've/NN turned/VBD it/PRP into/IN a/DT fact-checker/JJ
62 18 So/RB if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO see/VB in/IN real-time/JJ what/WP the/DT facts/NNS are/VBP please/VB go/NN and/CC take/VB a/DT look/CD
24 5 Because/IN what/WP I/PRP have/VBP proposed
63 17 would/MD not/RB add/VB a/DT penny/NN to/TO the/DT debt/NN and/CC your/PRP plans/NNS would/MD add/VB trillion/CD to/TO the/DT debt/JJ
71 13 What/WP I/PRP have/VBP proposed/VBN would/MD cut/VB regulations/NNS and/CC streamline/VB them/PRP for/IN small/JJ businesses/CD
99 24 What/WP I/PRP have/VBP proposed/VBN would/MD be/VB paid/VBN for/IN by/IN raising/VBG taxes/NNS on/IN the/DT wealthy/NN because/IN they/PRP have/VBP made/VBN all/PDT the/DT gains/NNS in/IN the/DT economy/CD
82 18 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/NNS time/NN that/IN the/DT wealthy/JJ and/CC corporations/NNS paid/VBD their/PRP fair/JJ share/NN to/TO support/VB this/DT country/JJ
32 10 Well/NNS at/IN least/JJS I/PRP have/VBP a/DT plan/NN to/TO fight/VB ISIS/NNP
10 3 No/JJ we're/NN not/NN
10 3 No/JJ we're/NN not/NN
43 12 That/NNP a/DT that/NNS go/VB to/TO the/DT please/NN fact/NN checkers/NN get/VB to/TO work/CD
85 21 I/PRP have/VBP a/DT feeling/VBG that/DT by/VBG the/DT end/NN of/IN this/DT evening/NNP I'm/NNP going/VBG to/TO be/VB blamed/VBN for/IN everything/NN that/NNS ever/RB happened/JJ
6 2 Why/WRB not/NN
10 3 Yeah/NNP why/WRB not/NN
47 11 You/PRP know/VBP just/RB join/VB the/DT debate/NN by/IN saying/VBG more/RBR crazy/JJ things/JJ
36 10 Now/NNP let/VB me/PRP say/VB this/NN it/PRP is/VBZ absolutely/RB the/DT case
35 8 Yeah/JJ well/NN let/NNS start/VBP the/DT clock/NN again/NNP Lester/NNP
29 6 We've/NN looked/VBD at/IN your/PRP tax/NN proposals/CD
144 29 I/PRP don't/VB see/VB changes/NNS in/IN the/DT corporate/JJ tax/NN rates/NNS or/CC the/DT kinds/NNS of/IN proposals/NNS you're/VBP referring/VBG to/TO that/WDT would/MD cause/VB the/DT repatriation/NN bringing/VBG back/RB of/IN money/NN that/NNS stranded/VBN overseas/CD
20 5 I/PRP happen/VBP to/TO support/VB that/JJ
67 18 I/PRP happen/VBP to/TO I/PRP happen/VBP to/TO support/VB that/IN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT will/MD actually/RB work/VB to/TO our/PRP benefit/JJ
118 29 But/CC when/WRB I/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/WP you/PRP have/VBP proposed/VBG you/PRP have/VBP what/WP is/VBZ called/VBN now/RB the/DT Trump/NNP loophole/NN because/IN it/PRP would/MD so/RB advantage/VB you/PRP and/CC the/DT business/NN you/PRP do/JJ
32 7 You've/NN proposed/VBD an/DT approach/NN that/WDT has/VBZ a
30 6 billion/CD tax/NN benefit/NN for/IN your/PRP family/CD
35 9 And/CC when/WRB you/PRP look/VBP at/IN what/WP you/PRP are/VBP proposing
29 5 as/IN I/PRP said/VBP trumped-up/JJ trickle-down/JJ
22 4 Trickle-down/NNP did/VBD not/RB work/CD
31 11 It/PRP got/VBD us/PRP into/IN the/DT mess/NN we/PRP were/VBD in/NN in/IN and/CC
37 7 Slashing/VBG taxes/NNS on/IN the/DT wealthy/JJ hasn't/NN worked/JJ
41 10 And/CC a/DT lot/NN of/IN really/RB smart/VBP wealthy/JJ people/NNS know/VBP that/JJ
94 23 And/CC they/PRP are/VBP saying/VBG hey/NN we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB more/JJR to/TO make/VB the/DT contributions/NNS we/PRP should/MD be/VB making/VBG to/TO rebuild/VB the/DT middle/NN class/CD
33 7 I/PRP don't/VB think/VBP top-down/JJ works/NNS in/IN America/NNP
171 34 I/PRP think/VBP building/VBG the/DT middle/NN class/NN investing/VBG in/IN the/DT middle/NN class/NN making/VBG college/NN debt-free/JJ so/RB more/RBR young/JJ people/NNS can/MD get/VB their/PRP education/NN helping/VBG people/NNS refinance/VB their/PRP their/PRP debt/NN from/IN college/NN at/IN a/DT lower/JJR rate/JJ
53 12 Those/DT are/VBP the/DT kinds/NNS of/IN things/NNS that/WDT will/MD really/RB boost/VB the/DT economy/CD
85 18 Broad-based/NNP inclusive/JJ growth/NN is/VBZ what/WP we/PRP need/VBP in/IN America/NNP not/RB more/JJR advantages/NNS for/IN people/NNS at/IN the/DT very/RB top/JJ
55 11 Well/NNP I/PRP think/VBP you've/VBG seen/VBN another/DT example/NN of/IN bait-and-/JJ switch/NN here/CD
61 11 For/IN years/NN everyone/NN running/VBG for/IN president/NN has/VBZ released/VBN their/PRP tax/NN returns/JJ
66 18 You/PRP can/MD go/VB and/CC see/VB nearly/NN I/PRP think/VBP years/NNS of/IN our/PRP tax/NN returns/NN but/CC everyone/NN has/VBZ done/VBN it/JJ
77 18 We/PRP know/VBP the/DT IRS/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN clear/JJ there/EX is/VBZ no/DT prohibition/NN on/IN releasing/VBG it/PRP when/WRB you're/NN under/IN audit/JJ
54 13 So/RB you've/VBP got/VBD to/TO ask/VB yourself/NN why/WRB won't/NN he/PRP release/VBP his/PRP tax/NN returns/NN
35 10 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP there/EX may/MD be/VB a/DT couple/NN of/IN reasons/CD
33 11 First/NNP maybe/RB he/VBZ not/RB as/RB rich/JJ as/IN he/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP is/CD
42 11 Second/NNP maybe/RB he/VBZ not/RB as/RB charitable/JJ as/IN he/PRP claims/VBZ to/TO be/CD
135 28 Third/NNP we/PRP don't/VB know/NN all/DT of/IN his/PRP business/NN dealings/NN but/CC we/PRP have/VBP been/VBN told/VBN through/IN investigative/JJ reporting/NN that/IN he/PRP owes/VBZ about/IN million/CD to/TO Wall/NNP Street/NNP and/CC foreign/JJ banks/CD
271 64 Or/CC maybe/RB he/PRP doesn't/VBP want/VBP the/DT American/NNP people/VBG all/DT of/IN you/PRP watching/VBG tonight/NN to/TO know/VB that/IN he/NNS paid/VBD nothing/NN in/IN federal/JJ taxes/NN because/IN the/DT only/JJ years/NNS that/IN anybody/NNS ever/RB seen/VBN were/VBD a/DT couple/NN of/IN years/NNS when/WRB he/PRP had/VBD to/TO turn/VB them/PRP over/IN to/TO state/VB authorities/NNS when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD trying/VBG to/TO get/VB a/DT casino/NN license/NN and/CC they/PRP showed/VBD he/PRP didn't/VBD pay/VB any/DT federal/JJ income/NN tax/JJ
69 18 So/RB if/IN he/NNS paid/VBD zero/NN that/WDT means/VBZ zero/CD for/IN troops/NN zero/CD for/IN vets/NN zero/CD for/IN schools/NNS or/CC health/JJ
164 36 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP probably/RB he/VBZ not/RB all/DT that/NN enthusiastic/JJ about/IN having/VBG the/DT rest/NN of/IN our/PRP country/NN see/VB what/WP the/DT real/JJ reasons/NNS are/VBP because/IN it/PRP must/MD be/VB something/NN really/RB important/VBP even/JJ terrible/NN that/IN he/NNS trying/VBG to/TO hide/VB
61 12 And/CC the/DT financial/JJ disclosure/NN statements/NN they/PRP don't/VB give/NN you/PRP the/DT tax/NN rate/JJ
48 11 They/PRP don't/VB give/NN you/PRP all/PDT the/DT details/NNS that/IN tax/NN returns/NNS would/JJ
70 17 And/CC it/PRP just/RB seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP that/IN this/DT is/VBZ something/NN that/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS deserve/VBP to/TO see/CD
91 21 And/CC I/PRP have/VBP no/DT reason/NN to/TO believe/VB that/IN he/NNS ever/RB going/VBG to/TO release/VB his/PRP tax/NN returns/NN because/IN there/NNS something/NN he/NNS hiding/JJ
13 3 And/CC we'll/NN guess/CD
44 11 We'll/NNP keep/VB guessing/VBG at/IN what/WP it/PRP might/MD be/VB that/DT he/NNS hiding/JJ
79 20 But/CC I/PRP think/VBP the/DT question/NN is/NN were/VBD he/PRP ever/RB to/TO get/VB near/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP what/WP would/MD be/VB those/DT conflicts/NN
19 6 Who/WP does/VBZ he/PRP owe/VBP money/NN to/NN
51 13 Well/NNP he/PRP owes/VBZ you/PRP the/DT answers/NNS to/TO that/VB and/CC he/PRP should/MD provide/VB them/JJ
3 2 I/PRP do/JJ
39 11 You/PRP know/VBP I/PRP made/VBD a/DT mistake/NN using/VBG a/DT private/JJ e-/JJ mail/CD
54 15 And/CC if/IN I/PRP had/VBD to/TO do/VB it/PRP over/IN again/NN I/PRP would/VBP obviously/VBG do/VBP it/PRP differently/JJ
30 8 But/CC I'm/NNP not/RB going/VBG to/TO make/VB any/DT excuses/CD
42 10 It/PRP was/VBD a/DT mistake/NN and/CC I/PRP take/VBP responsibility/NN for/IN that/JJ
62 15 And/CC maybe/RB because/IN you/PRP haven't/VBP paid/VBD any/DT federal/JJ income/NN tax/NN for/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN years/CD
33 8 And/CC the/DT other/JJ thing/NN I/PRP think/VBP is/VBZ important
98 25 is/VBZ if/IN your/PRP if/IN your/PRP main/JJ claim/NN to/TO be/VB president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS is/VBZ your/PRP business/NN then/RB I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP should/MD talk/VB about/IN that/JJ
80 19 You/PRP know/VBP your/PRP campaign/NN manager/NN said/VBD that/IN you/PRP built/VBD a/DT lot/NN of/IN businesses/NNS on/IN the/DT backs/NNS of/IN little/JJ guys/CD
74 19 And/JJ indeed/NN I/PRP have/VBP met/VBN a/DT lot/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS who/WP were/VBD stiffed/VBN by/IN you/PRP and/CC your/PRP businesses/NNP Donald/NNP
157 31 I've/NNP met/VBD dishwashers/NN painters/NN architects/NN glass/NN installers/NN marble/NN installers/NN drapery/NN installers/NN like/IN my/PRP dad/NN was/NN who/WP you/PRP refused/VBD to/TO pay/VB when/WRB they/PRP finished/VBD the/DT work/NN that/IN you/PRP asked/VBD them/PRP to/TO do/VB
82 19 We/PRP have/VBP an/DT architect/NN in/IN the/DT audience/NN who/WP designed/VBD one/CD of/IN your/PRP clubhouses/NNS at/IN one/CD of/IN your/PRP golf/NN courses/CD
20 4 It/NNP a/DT beautiful/JJ facility/JJ
24 6 It/PRP immediately/RB was/VBD put/VBN to/TO use/CD
65 18 And/CC you/PRP wouldn't/VBP pay/NN what/WP the/DT man/NN needed/VBN to/TO be/VB paid/VBN what/WP he/PRP was/VBD charging/VBG you/PRP to/TO do
6 2 Well/NNP to
178 40 Do/VBP the/DT thousands/NNS of/IN people/NNS that/IN you/PRP have/VBP stiffed/VBN over/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN your/PRP business/NN not/RB deserve/VB some/DT kind/NN of/IN apology/NN from/IN someone/NN who/WP has/VBZ taken/VBN their/PRP labor/NN taken/VBN the/DT goods/NNS that/IN they/PRP produced/VBP and/CC then/RB refused/VBD to/TO pay/VB them/NN
74 17 I/PRP can/MD only/RB say/VB that/IN I'm/NNP certainly/RB relieved/VBD that/IN my/PRP late/JJ father/NN never/RB did/VBD business/NN with/IN you/CD
98 24 He/PRP provided/VBD a/DT good/JJ middle-class/JJ life/NN for/IN us/NN but/CC the/DT people/NNS he/PRP worked/VBD for/NN he/PRP expected/VBD the/DT bargain/NN to/TO be/VB kept/VBN on/IN both/DT sides/JJ
67 13 And/CC when/WRB we/PRP talk/VBP about/IN your/PRP business/NN you've/NN taken/VBN business/NN bankruptcy/NN six/CD times/JJ
65 13 There/EX are/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN great/JJ businesspeople/NN that/WDT have/VBP never/RB taken/VBN bankruptcy/NN once/CD
28 7 You/PRP call/VBP yourself/PRP the/DT King/NNP of/IN Debt/NNP
20 4 You/PRP talk/VBP about/IN leverage/CD
87 20 You/PRP even/RB at/IN one/CD time/NN suggested/VBD that/IN you/PRP would/MD try/VB to/TO negotiate/VB down/RP the/DT national/JJ debt/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
131 25 Well/NNP sometimes/RB there/VBZ not/RB a/DT direct/JJ transfer/NN of/IN skills/NNS from/IN business/NN to/TO government/VB but/CC sometimes/RB what/WP happened/VBD in/IN business/NN would/MD be/VB really/RB bad/JJ for/IN government/JJ
31 9 And/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB very/RB clear/JJ about/IN that/JJ
15 3 Well/JJ you're/NN right/JJ
44 8 Race/NNP remains/VBZ a/DT significant/JJ challenge/NN in/IN our/PRP country/JJ
189 35 Unfortunately/JJ race/NN still/RB determines/VBZ too/RB much/VBP often/RB determines/VBZ where/WRB people/NNS live/VBP determines/VBZ what/WP kind/NN of/IN education/NN in/IN their/PRP public/JJ schools/NNS they/PRP can/MD get/VB and/NN yes/NN it/PRP determines/VBZ how/WRB they're/NN treated/VBN in/IN the/DT criminal/JJ justice/NN system/JJ
58 12 We've/NN just/RB seen/VBD those/DT two/CD tragic/JJ examples/NNS in/IN both/DT Tulsa/NNP and/CC Charlotte/NNP
41 11 And/CC we've/NN got/VBD to/TO do/VB several/JJ things/NNS at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/JJ
50 10 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO restore/VB trust/NN between/IN communities/NNS and/CC the/DT police/CD
125 28 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO work/VB to/TO make/VB sure/JJ that/IN our/PRP police/NN are/VBP using/VBG the/DT best/JJS training/VBG the/DT best/JJS techniques/VBG that/DT they're/NN well/RB prepared/VBD to/TO use/VB force/NN only/RB when/WRB necessary/CD
63 13 Everyone/NN should/MD be/VB respected/VBN by/IN the/DT law/NN and/CC everyone/NN should/MD respect/VB the/DT law/NN
46 12 Right/JJ now/NN that/NNS not/RB the/DT case/NN in/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN our/PRP neighborhoods/JJ
69 16 So/RB I/PRP have/VBP ever/RB since/IN the/DT first/JJ day/NN of/IN my/PRP campaign/NN called/VBN for/IN criminal/JJ justice/NN reform/CD
97 23 I've/NNP laid/VBD out/RP a/DT platform/NN that/IN I/PRP think/VBP would/MD begin/VB to/TO remedy/VB some/DT of/IN the/DT problems/NNS we/PRP have/VBP in/IN the/DT criminal/JJ justice/NN system/JJ
128 28 But/CC we/PRP also/RB have/VBP to/TO recognize/VB in/IN addition/NN to/TO the/DT challenges/NNS that/IN we/PRP face/VBP with/IN policing/NN there/EX are/VBP so/RB many/JJ good/NN brave/JJ police/NN officers/NNS who/WP equally/RB want/VBP reform/CD
74 18 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO bring/VB communities/NNS together/RB in/IN order/NN to/TO begin/VB working/VBG on/IN that/DT as/IN a/DT mutual/JJ goal/CD
61 17 And/CC we've/NN got/VBD to/TO get/VB guns/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN people/NNS who/WP should/MD not/RB have/VB them/JJ
100 21 The/DT gun/NN epidemic/NN is/VBZ the/DT leading/VBG cause/NN of/IN death/NN of/IN young/JJ African-American/NNP men/NN more/JJR than/IN the/DT next/JJ nine/CD causes/NNS put/VBP together/JJ
28 10 So/RB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB two/CD things/NN as/IN I/PRP said/JJ
20 5 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO restore/VB trust/JJ
25 7 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO work/VB with/IN the/DT police/CD
69 14 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO make/VB sure/JJ they/PRP respect/VBP the/DT communities/NNS and/CC the/DT communities/NNS respect/VBP them/JJ
100 25 And/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO tackle/VB the/DT plague/NN of/IN gun/NN violence/NN which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT big/JJ contributor/NN to/TO a/DT lot/NN of/IN the/DT problems/NNS that/WDT we're/VBP seeing/VBG today/JJ
135 29 Well/NNP I've/NNP heard/VBD I've/NNP heard/VBD Donald/NNP say/VBP this/DT at/IN his/PRP rallies/NN and/CC it/NNS really/RB unfortunate/JJ that/IN he/PRP paints/VBZ such/JJ a/DT dire/JJ negative/JJ picture/NN of/IN black/JJ communities/NNS in/IN our/PRP country/JJ
139 29 You/PRP know/VBG the/DT vibrancy/NN of/IN the/DT black/JJ church/VBG the/DT black/JJ businesses/NNS that/WDT employ/VBP so/RB many/JJ people/VBG the/DT opportunities/NNS that/IN so/RB many/JJ families/NNS are/VBP working/VBG to/TO provide/VB for/IN their/PRP kids/JJ
65 17 There/NNS a/DT lot/NN that/IN we/PRP should/MD be/VB proud/JJ of/IN and/CC we/PRP should/MD be/VB supporting/VBG and/CC lifting/VBG up/RB
43 12 But/CC we/PRP do/VBP always/RB have/VB to/TO make/VB sure/JJ we/PRP keep/VBP people/NNS safe/CD
66 16 There/EX are/VBP the/DT right/NN ways/NNS of/IN doing/VBG it/NN and/CC then/RB there/EX are/VBP ways/NNS that/WDT are/VBP ineffective/JJ
74 13 Stop-and-frisk/NNP was/VBD found/VBN to/TO be/VB unconstitutional/JJ and/NN in/IN part/NN because/IN it/PRP was/VBD ineffective/JJ
26 9 It/PRP did/VBD not/RB do/VB what/WP it/PRP needed/VBD to/TO do/VB
30 6 Now/NNP I/PRP believe/VBP in/IN community/NN policing/CD
44 12 And/NNS in/IN fact/NN violent/JJ crime/NN is/VBZ one-half/NN of/IN what/WP it/PRP was/VBD in/IN
26 5 Property/NN crime/NN is/VBZ down/RB percent/JJ
33 10 We/PRP just/RB don't/VB want/VBP to/TO see/VB it/PRP creep/VB back/RB up/RB
34 7 We've/NN had/VBD years/NNS of/IN very/RB good/JJ cooperation/JJ
50 8 But/CC there/EX were/VBD some/DT problems/VBG some/DT unintended/JJ consequences/CD
74 14 Too/RB many/JJ young/JJ African-American/NNP and/CC Latino/JJ men/NNS ended/VBD up/IN in/IN jail/NN for/IN nonviolent/JJ offenses/CD
146 34 And/CC it/NNS just/RB a/DT fact/NN that/IN if/IN you're/VBG a/DT young/JJ African-American/NNP man/NN and/CC you/PRP do/VBP the/DT same/JJ thing/NN as/IN a/DT young/JJ white/JJ man/NN you/PRP are/VBP more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB arrested/VBN charged/NN convicted/NN and/CC incarcerated/JJ
62 13 So/RB we've/VBP got/VBD to/TO address/VB the/DT systemic/JJ racism/NN in/IN our/PRP criminal/JJ justice/NN system/JJ
26 7 We/PRP cannot/MD just/RB say/VB law/NN and/CC order/JJ
181 42 We/PRP have/VBP to/TO say/VB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO come/VB forward/RB with/IN a/DT plan/NN that/WDT is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO divert/VB people/NNS from/IN the/DT criminal/JJ justice/NN system/NN deal/NN with/IN mandatory/JJ minimum/JJ sentences/NN which/WDT have/VBP put/VBN too/RB many/JJ people/NNS away/RB for/IN too/RB long/RB for/IN doing/VBG too/RB little/JJ
36 8 We/PRP need/VBP to/TO have/VB more/RBR second/JJ chance/NN programs/CD
89 21 I'm/NNP glad/JJ that/DT we're/NN ending/VBG private/JJ prisons/NNS in/IN the/DT federal/JJ system/NN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO see/VB them/PRP ended/VBD in/IN the/DT state/NN system/JJ
68 13 You/PRP shouldn't/MD have/VB a/DT profit/NN motivation/NN to/TO fill/VB prison/NN cells/NNS with/IN young/JJ Americans/NNP
41 11 So/RB there/EX are/VBP some/DT positive/JJ ways/NNS we/PRP can/MD work/VB on/IN this/JJ
64 12 And/CC I/PRP believe/VBP strongly/RB that/DT commonsense/NN gun/NN safety/NN measures/NNS would/MD assist/VB us/CD
120 26 Right/RB now/RB and/CC this/DT is/VBZ something/NN Donald/NNP has/VBZ supported/NN along/IN with/IN the/DT gun/NN lobby/NN right/JJ now/NN we've/NN got/VBD too/RB many/JJ military-/JJ style/NN weapons/NNS on/IN the/DT streets/JJ
35 9 In/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN places/VBG our/PRP police/NN are/VBP outgunned/JJ
87 21 We/PRP need/VBP comprehensive/JJ background/NN checks/NN and/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/TO keep/VB guns/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN those/DT who/WP will/MD do/VB harm/CD
102 26 And/CC we/PRP finally/RB need/VBP to/TO pass/VB a/DT prohibition/NN on/IN anyone/NN who/NNS on/IN the/DT terrorist/JJ watch/NN list/NN from/IN being/VBG able/JJ to/TO buy/VB a/DT gun/NN in/IN our/PRP country/JJ
52 14 If/IN you're/NN too/RB dangerous/JJ to/TO fly/VB you/PRP are/VBP too/RB dangerous/JJ to/TO buy/VB a/DT gun/CD
55 17 So/RB there/EX are/VBP things/NNS we/PRP can/MD do/VB and/CC we/PRP ought/MD to/TO do/VB it/PRP in/IN a/DT bipartisan/JJ way/CD
58 13 Lester/NNP I/PRP think/VBP implicit/JJ bias/NN is/VBZ a/DT problem/NN for/IN everyone/NN not/RB just/RB police/CD
78 17 I/PRP think/VBP unfortunately/VBG too/RB many/NN of/IN us/PRP in/IN our/PRP great/JJ country/NN jump/NN to/TO conclusions/NNS about/IN each/DT other/NN
86 23 And/CC therefore/NN I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP need/VBP all/DT of/IN us/PRP to/TO be/VB asking/VBG hard/JJ questions/NNS about/VBP you/PRP know/VBP why/WRB am/VBP I/PRP feeling/VBG this/DT way/NN
180 42 But/CC when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO policing/VB since/IN it/PRP can/MD have/VB literally/RB fatal/JJ consequences/NN I/PRP have/VBP said/VBG in/IN my/PRP first/JJ budget/NN we/PRP would/MD put/VB money/NN into/IN that/DT budget/NN to/TO help/VB us/PRP deal/VB with/IN implicit/JJ bias/NN by/IN retraining/VBG a/DT lot/NN of/IN our/PRP police/NN officers/CD
71 15 I've/NNP met/VBD with/IN a/DT group/NN of/IN very/JJ distinguished/NN experienced/VBD police/NN chiefs/NNS a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB
18 5 They/PRP admit/VBP it/VBZ an/DT issue/CD
24 6 They've/NNP got/VBD a/DT lot/NN of/IN concerns/CD
122 26 Mental/JJ health/NN is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS concerns/NN because/IN now/JJ police/NN are/VBP having/VBG to/TO handle/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN really/RB difficult/JJ mental/JJ health/NN problems/NNS on/IN the/DT street/JJ
57 11 They/PRP want/VBP support/VBG they/PRP want/VBP more/JJR training/NN they/PRP want/VBP more/RBR assistance/JJ
78 18 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP the/DT federal/JJ government/NN could/MD be/VB in/IN a/DT position/NN where/WRB we/PRP would/MD offer/VB and/CC provide/VB that/JJ
111 25 Well/JJ it/NNS also/RB fair/JJ to/TO say/VB if/IN we're/NN going/VBG to/TO talk/VB about/IN mayors/NN that/IN under/IN the/DT current/JJ mayor/NN crime/NN has/VBZ continued/VBN to/TO drop/VB including/VBG murders/JJ
9 3 So/RB there/EX is
8 3 No/NNP I'm/NNP not/NN
35 9 New/NNP York/NNP New/NNP York/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN an/DT excellent/JJ job/CD
90 21 And/CC I/PRP give/VBP credit/NN I/PRP give/VBP credit/NN across/IN the/DT board/NN going/VBG back/RB two/CD mayors/NN two/CD police/NN chiefs/NN because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ worked/JJ
59 14 And/CC other/JJ communities/NNS need/VBP to/TO come/VB together/RB to/TO do/VB what/WP will/MD work/VB as/IN well/CD
22 6 Look/NNP one/CD murder/NN is/VBZ too/RB many/CD
52 12 But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ important/JJ that/IN we/PRP learn/VBP about/IN what/WP has/VBZ been/VBN effective/JJ
79 21 And/CC not/RB go/VB to/TO things/NNS that/WDT sound/VBP good/JJ that/IN really/RB did/VBD not/RB have/VB the/DT kind/NN of/IN impact/NN that/IN we/PRP would/MD want/VB
40 6 Who/WP disagrees/VBZ with/IN keeping/VBG neighborhoods/NNS safe/VBP
93 20 But/CC let/NNS also/RB add/VBG no/DT one/PRP should/MD disagree/VB about/IN respecting/VBG the/DT rights/NNS of/IN young/JJ men/NNS who/WP live/VBP in/IN those/DT neighborhoods/JJ
135 31 And/CC so/IN we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB a/DT better/JJR job/NN of/IN working/NN again/NN with/IN the/DT communities/NN faith/NN communities/NN business/NN communities/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN the/DT police/NN to/TO try/VB to/TO deal/VB with/IN this/DT problem/CD
13 5 Well/NNP I/PRP I/PRP do/VBP think
65 15 I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP think/VBP Donald/NNP just/RB criticized/VBD me/PRP for/IN preparing/VBG for/IN this/DT debate/JJ
10 4 And/JJ yes/NN I/PRP did/JJ
30 8 And/CC you/PRP know/VBP what/WP else/RB I/PRP prepared/VBD for/NN
22 5 I/PRP prepared/VBD to/TO be/VB president/JJ
23 7 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP that/VBZ a/DT good/JJ thing/JJ
28 7 Well/NNP just/RB listen/VB to/TO what/WP you/PRP heard/JJ
155 39 And/CC clearly/NN as/IN Donald/NNP just/RB admitted/VBG he/PRP knew/VBD he/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO stand/VB on/IN this/DT debate/NN stage/NN and/CC Lester/NNP Holt/NNP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO be/VB asking/VBG us/PRP questions/VBP so/IN he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO put/VB the/DT whole/JJ racist/JJ birther/NN lie/NN to/TO bed/VB
31 7 But/CC it/PRP can't/MD be/VB dismissed/VBN that/DT easily/CD
107 22 He/PRP has/VBZ really/RB started/VBN his/PRP political/JJ activity/NN based/VBN on/IN this/DT racist/JJ lie/NN that/IN our/PRP first/JJ black/JJ president/NN was/VBD not/RB an/DT American/JJ citizen/JJ
175 38 There/EX was/VBD absolutely/RB no/DT evidence/NN for/IN it/NN but/CC he/PRP persisted/VBP he/PRP persisted/VBD year/NN after/IN year/NN because/IN some/DT of/IN his/PRP supporters/NN people/NNS that/IN he/PRP was/VBD trying/VBG to/TO bring/VB into/IN his/PRP fold/NN apparently/RB believed/VBD it/PRP or/CC wanted/VBD to/TO believe/VB it/JJ
232 46 But/JJ remember/NNP Donald/NNP started/VBD his/PRP career/NN back/RB in/IN being/VBG sued/VBN by/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP for/IN racial/JJ discrimination/NN because/IN he/PRP would/MD not/RB rent/VB apartments/NNS in/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP developments/NNS to/TO African-Americans/NNP and/CC he/PRP made/VBD sure/JJ that/IN the/DT people/NNS who/WP worked/VBD for/IN him/PRP understood/VBD that/WDT was/VBD the/DT policy/CD
44 9 He/PRP actually/RB was/VBD sued/VBN twice/RB by/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP
44 11 So/RB he/PRP has/VBZ a/DT long/JJ record/NN of/IN engaging/VBG in/IN racist/JJ behavior/CD
34 9 And/CC the/DT birther/NN lie/NN was/VBD a/DT very/RB hurtful/JJ one/CD
38 10 You/PRP know/VBP Barack/NNP Obama/NNP is/VBZ a/DT man/NN of/IN great/JJ dignity/JJ
85 21 And/CC I/PRP could/MD tell/VB how/WRB much/JJ it/PRP bothered/VBD him/PRP and/CC annoyed/VBN him/PRP that/IN this/DT was/VBD being/VBG touted/VBN and/CC used/VBN against/IN him/NN
111 25 But/CC I/PRP like/VB to/TO remember/VB what/WP Michelle/NNP Obama/NNP said/VBD in/IN her/PRP amazing/JJ speech/NN at/IN our/PRP Democratic/NNP National/NNP Convention/NNP When/WRB they/PRP go/VBP low/VBG we/PRP go/VBP high/CD
65 14 And/CC Barack/NNP Obama/NNP went/VBD high/NN despite/IN Donald/NNP Trump/NNP best/JJS efforts/NNS to/TO bring/VB him/PRP down/RP
154 30 Well/NNP I/PRP think/VBP cyber/VBG security/NN cyber/NN warfare/NN will/MD be/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS challenges/NNS facing/VBG the/DT next/JJ president/NN because/IN clearly/RB we're/VBP facing/VBG at/IN this/DT point/NN two/CD different/JJ kinds/NNS of/IN adversaries/JJ
117 25 There/EX are/VBP the/DT independent/JJ hacking/JJ groups/NNS that/WDT do/VBP it/PRP mostly/RB for/IN commercial/JJ reasons/NNS to/TO try/VB to/TO steal/VB information/NN that/IN they/PRP can/MD use/VB to/TO make/VB money/CD
68 13 But/CC increasingly/NN we/PRP are/VBP seeing/VBG cyber/NN attacks/NNS coming/VBG from/IN states/NN organs/NNS of/IN states/JJ
45 10 The/DT most/RBS recent/JJ and/CC troubling/JJ of/IN these/DT has/VBZ been/VBN Russia/NNP
116 25 There/NNS no/DT doubt/NN now/RB that/IN Russia/NNP has/VBZ used/VBN cyber/NN attacks/NNS against/IN all/DT kinds/NNS of/IN organizations/NNS in/IN our/PRP country/NN and/CC I/PRP am/VBP deeply/RB concerned/VBN about/IN this/JJ
66 14 I/PRP know/VBP Donald/NNP very/RB praiseworthy/JJ of/IN Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP but/CC Putin/NNP is/VBZ playing/VBG a/DT really
17 4 tough/NN long/JJ game/NN here/CD
135 29 And/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT things/NNS he/NNS done/VBN is/VBZ to/TO let/VB loose/JJ cyber/NN attackers/NNS to/TO hack/VB into/IN government/NN files/NN to/TO hack/VB into/IN personal/JJ files/NN hack/NN into/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP National/NNP Committee/NNP
112 24 And/CC we/PRP recently/RB have/VBP learned/VBN that/NN you/PRP know/VBP that/IN this/DT is/VBZ one/CD of/IN their/PRP preferred/JJ methods/NNS of/IN trying/VBG to/TO wreak/VB havoc/NN and/CC collect/VB information/JJ
97 22 We/PRP need/VBP to/TO make/VB it/PRP very/RB clear/JJ whether/IN it/NNP Russia/NNP China/NNP Iran/NNP or/CC anybody/NN else/RB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS has/VBZ much/RB greater/RBR capacity/JJ
127 25 And/CC we/PRP are/VBP not/RB going/VBG to/TO sit/VB idly/RB by/IN and/CC permit/NN state/NN actors/NNS to/TO go/VB after/IN our/PRP information/VB our/PRP private-sector/JJ information/NN or/CC our/PRP public-sector/NN information/JJ
77 22 And/CC we're/NN going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO make/VB it/PRP clear/JJ that/IN we/PRP don't/VB want/VBP to/TO use/VB the/DT kinds/NNS of/IN tools/NNS that/DT we/PRP have/CD
44 11 We/PRP don't/VB want/VBP to/TO engage/VB in/IN a/DT different/JJ kind/NN of/IN warfare/CD
39 9 But/CC we/PRP will/MD defend/VB the/DT citizens/NNS of/IN this/DT country/JJ
34 7 And/CC the/DT Russians/NNPS need/NN to/TO understand/VB that/JJ
74 20 I/PRP think/VBP they've/VBG been/VBN treating/VBG it/PRP as/IN almost/RB a/DT probing/NN how/WRB far/RB would/MD we/PRP go/VB how/WRB much/JJ would/MD we/PRP do/JJ
78 19 And/CC that/NNS why/WRB I/PRP was/VBD so/RB I/PRP was/VBD so/RB shocked/VBN when/WRB Donald/NNP publicly/RB invited/VBD Putin/NNP to/TO hack/VB into/IN Americans/NNP
22 4 That/DT is/VBZ just/RB unacceptable/JJ
94 16 It/NNP one/CD of/IN the/DT reasons/NNS why/WRB national/JJ security/NN officials/NNS who/WP served/VBD in/IN Republican/NNP information/NN in/IN administrations
50 11 have/VBP said/VBD that/IN Donald/NNP is/VBZ unfit/JJ to/TO be/VB the/DT commander-/JJ in-chief/CD
72 15 It/NNP comments/NNS like/IN that/DT that/WDT really/RB worry/VB people/NNS who/WP understand/VBP the/DT threats/NNS that/DT we/PRP face/CD
57 14 Well/NNP I/PRP think/VBP there/EX are/VBP a/DT number/NN of/IN issues/NNS that/IN we/PRP should/MD be/VB addressing/JJ
30 9 I/PRP have/VBP put/VBN forth/RB a/DT plan/NN to/TO defeat/VB ISIS/NNP
33 7 It/PRP does/VBZ involve/VB going/VBG after/IN them/PRP online/CD
165 37 I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB much/RB more/JJR with/IN our/PRP tech/NN companies/NNS to/TO prevent/VB ISIS/NNP and/CC their/PRP operatives/NNS from/IN being/VBG able/JJ to/TO use/VB the/DT Internet/NNP to/TO radicalize/VB even/RB direct/JJ people/NNS in/IN our/PRP country/NN and/CC Europe/NNP and/CC elsewhere/CD
159 36 But/CC we/PRP also/RB have/VBP to/TO intensify/VB our/PRP air/NN strikes/NNS against/IN ISIS/NNP and/CC eventually/RB support/VBP our/PRP Arab/NNP and/CC Kurdish/JJ partners/NNS to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO actually/RB take/VB out/RP ISIS/NNP in/IN Raqqa/NNP end/VB their/PRP claim/NN of/IN being/VBG a/DT Caliphate/NNP
19 3 We're/NNP making/VBG progress/CD
28 6 Our/PRP military/NN is/VBZ assisting/VBG in/IN Iraq/NNP
99 25 And/CC we're/NN hoping/VBG that/IN within/IN the/DT year/NN we'll/NN be/VB able/JJ to/TO push/VB ISIS/NNP out/IN of/IN Iraq/NNP and/CC then/NN you/PRP know/VBP really/RB squeeze/VBP them/PRP in/IN Syria/NNP
142 32 But/CC we/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB cognizant/JJ of/IN the/DT fact/NN that/DT they've/NN had/VBD foreign/JJ fighters/NNS coming/VBG to/TO volunteer/VB for/IN them/NN foreign/JJ money/NN foreign/JJ weapons/NN so/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO make/VB this/DT the/DT top/JJ priority/JJ
57 12 And/CC I/PRP would/MD also/RB do/VB everything/NN possible/JJ to/TO take/VB out/IN their/PRP leadership/JJ
114 27 I/PRP was/VBD involved/VBN in/IN a/DT number/NN of/IN efforts/NNS to/TO take/VB out/IN Al/NNP Qaida/NNP leadership/NN when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD secretary/NN of/IN state/NN including/NN of/IN course/NN taking/VBG out/IN bin/NN Laden/NNP
74 18 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP need/VBP to/TO go/VB after/IN Baghdadi/NNP as/IN well/NN make/NN that/IN one/CD of/IN our/PRP organizing/NN principles/CD
94 20 Because/IN we've/NN got/VBD to/TO defeat/VB ISIS/NNP and/CC we've/NN got/VBD to/TO do/VB everything/NN we/PRP can/MD to/TO disrupt/VB their/PRP propaganda/NN efforts/NNS online/CD
66 14 Well/NNP I/PRP hope/VBP the/DT fact-checkers/NNS are/VBP turning/VBG up/IN the/DT volume/NN and/CC really/RB working/VBG hard/JJ
32 6 Donald/NNP supported/VBD the/DT invasion/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP
38 8 That/DT is/VBZ absolutely/RB proved/VBN over/IN and/CC over/IN again/CD
118 26 He/PRP actually/RB advocated/VBD for/IN the/DT actions/NNS we/PRP took/VBD in/IN Libya/NNP and/CC urged/VBD that/WDT Gadhafi/NNP be/VB taken/VBN out/NN after/IN actually/RB doing/VBG some/DT business/NN with/IN him/PRP one/CD time/JJ
120 26 But/CC the/DT larger/JJR point/NN and/CC he/PRP says/VBZ this/DT constantly/RB is/VBZ George/NNP W/NNP Bush/NNP made/VBD the/DT agreement/NN about/IN when/WRB American/JJ troops/NNS would/MD leave/VB Iraq/NNP not/RB Barack/NNP Obama/NNP
165 35 And/CC the/DT only/JJ way/NN that/IN American/JJ troops/NNS could/MD have/VB stayed/VBN in/IN Iraq/NNP is/VBZ to/TO get/VB an/DT agreement/NN from/IN the/DT then-Iraqi/JJ government/NN that/WDT would/MD have/VB protected/VBN our/PRP troops/NN and/CC the/DT Iraqi/JJ government/NN would/MD not/RB give/VB that/JJ
40 9 But/CC let/NNS talk/VBP about/IN the/DT question/NN you/PRP asked/VBP Lester/NNP
52 14 The/DT question/NN you/PRP asked/VBD is/NN what/WP do/VBP we/PRP do/VB here/RB in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP
30 7 That/NNP the/DT most/RBS important/JJ part/NN of/IN this/JJ
21 5 How/WRB do/VBP we/PRP prevent/VB attacks/VBG
23 6 How/WRB do/VBP we/PRP protect/VB our/PRP people/NN
85 19 And/CC I/PRP think/VBP we've/VBG got/VBN to/TO have/VB an/DT intelligence/NN surge/NN where/WRB we/PRP are/VBP looking/VBG for/IN every/DT scrap/NN of/IN information/JJ
58 15 I/PRP was/VBD so/RB proud/JJ of/IN law/NN enforcement/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP in/IN Minnesota/NNP in/IN New/NNP Jersey/NNP
77 15 You/PRP know/VBP they/PRP responded/VBD so/RB quickly/VBP so/RB professionally/RB to/TO the/DT attacks/NNS that/WDT occurred/VBD by/IN Rahami/NNP
21 5 And/CC they/PRP brought/VBD him/PRP down/RP
89 20 And/CC we/PRP may/MD find/VB out/IN more/JJR information/NN because/IN he/PRP is/VBZ still/JJ alive/NN which/WDT may/MD prove/VB to/TO be/VB an/DT intelligence/NN benefit/JJ
78 18 So/RB we've/VBP got/VBD to/TO do/VB everything/NN we/PRP can/MD to/TO vacuum/VB up/IN intelligence/NN from/IN Europe/NNP from/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP
96 21 That/DT means/VBZ we've/NN got/VBN to/TO work/VB more/RBR closely/RB with/IN our/PRP allies/NN and/CC that/NNS something/NN that/IN Donald/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN very/RB dismissive/JJ of/CD
103 21 We're/NNP working/VBG with/IN NATO/NNP the/DT longest/JJS military/JJ alliance/NN in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN to/TO really/RB turn/VB our/PRP attention/NN to/TO terrorism/VB
85 19 We're/NNP working/VBG with/IN our/PRP friends/NNS in/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP many/NN of/IN which/NN as/IN you/PRP know/VBP are/VBP Muslim/NNP majority/NN nations/JJ
130 24 Donald/NNP has/VBZ consistently/RB insulted/VBN Muslims/NNPS abroad/NN Muslims/NNPS at/IN home/NN when/WRB we/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB cooperating/VBG with/IN Muslim/NNP nations/NNS and/CC with/IN the/DT American/NNP Muslim/NNP community/JJ
22 5 They're/NNS on/IN the/DT front/NN lines/CD
58 13 They/PRP can/MD provide/VB information/NN to/TO us/PRP that/IN we/PRP might/MD not/RB get/VB anywhere/RB else/CD
143 28 They/PRP need/VBP to/TO have/VB close/NN working/VBG cooperation/NN with/IN law/NN enforcement/NN in/IN these/DT communities/NN not/RB be/VB alienated/VBN and/CC pushed/VBD away/RB as/IN some/DT of/IN Donald/NNP rhetoric/NN unfortunately/NN has/VBZ led/VBN to/JJ
18 3 Lester/JJ we've/NN covered
22 4 We've/NN covered/VBD this/DT ground/JJ
6 2 Whew/NNP OK/UH
71 14 Let/NNP talk/VB about/IN two/CD important/JJ issues/NNS that/WDT were/VBD briefly/NN mentioned/VBN by/IN Donald/NNP first/NNP NATO/NNP
105 25 You/PRP know/VBP NATO/NNP as/IN a/DT military/JJ alliance/NN has/VBZ something/NN called/VBD Article/NN and/CC basically/RB it/PRP says/VBZ this/VBG An/DT attack/NN on/IN one/CD is/VBZ an/DT attack/NN on/IN all/CD
38 10 And/CC you/PRP know/VBP the/DT only/JJ time/NN it/NNS ever/RB been/VBN invoked/NN
118 27 After/IN when/WRB the/DT nations/NNS of/IN NATO/NNP said/VBD that/IN they/PRP would/MD go/VB to/TO Afghanistan/NNP with/IN us/PRP to/TO fight/VB terrorism/NN something/NN that/IN they/PRP still/RB are/VBP doing/VBG by/IN our/PRP side/JJ
102 23 With/IN respect/NN to/TO Iran/NNP when/WRB I/PRP became/VBD secretary/NN of/IN state/NNP Iran/NNP was/VBD weeks/NNS away/RB from/IN having/VBG enough/RB nuclear/JJ material/NN to/TO form/VB a/DT bomb/CD
60 11 They/PRP had/VBD mastered/VBN the/DT nuclear/JJ fuel/NN cycle/NN under/IN the/DT Bush/NNP administration/JJ
28 5 They/PRP had/VBD built/VBN covert/JJ facilities/JJ
53 10 They/PRP had/VBD stocked/VBN them/PRP with/IN centrifuges/NNS that/WDT were/VBD whirling/VBG away/CD
22 5 And/CC we/PRP had/VBD sanctioned/VBN them/JJ
69 17 I/PRP voted/VBD for/IN every/DT sanction/NN against/IN Iran/NNP when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP but/CC it/PRP wasn't/NN enough/CD
109 21 So/RB I/PRP spent/VBD a/DT year-and-a-half/JJ putting/VBG together/RB a/DT coalition/NN that/WDT included/VBD Russia/NNP and/CC China/NNP to/TO impose/VB the/DT toughest/JJS sanctions/NNS on/IN Iran/NNP
38 9 And/CC we/PRP did/VBD drive/NN them/PRP to/TO the/DT negotiating/VBG table/JJ
103 24 And/CC my/PRP successor/NNP John/NNP Kerry/NNP and/CC President/NNP Obama/NNP got/VBD a/DT deal/NN that/WDT put/VBP a/DT lid/NN on/IN Iran/NNP nuclear/JJ program/NN without/IN firing/VBG a/DT single/JJ shot/JJ
13 2 That/NNP diplomacy/JJ
22 2 That/NNP coalition-building/JJ
27 5 That/NNP working/VBG with/IN other/JJ nations/JJ
139 34 The/DT other/JJ day/NN I/PRP saw/VBD Donald/NNP saying/VBG that/IN there/EX were/VBD some/DT Iranian/JJ sailors/NNS on/IN a/DT ship/NN in/IN the/DT waters/NNS off/IN of/IN Iran/NNP and/CC they/PRP were/VBD taunting/VBG American/JJ sailors/NNS who/WP were/VBD on/IN a/DT nearby/JJ ship/CD
78 20 He/PRP said/VBP you/PRP know/VBP if/IN they/PRP taunted/VBD our/PRP sailors/NNP I'd/NNP blow/NN them/PRP out/IN of/IN the/DT water/NN and/CC start/VB another/DT war/CD
19 4 That/NNP not/RB good/JJ judgment/JJ
61 13 That/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT right/JJ temperament/NN to/TO be/VB commander-in-/JJ chief/NN to/TO be/VB taunted/JJ
15 4 And/CC the/DT worst/JJS part
48 11 of/IN what/WP we/PRP heard/VBD Donald/NNP say/VBP has/VBZ been/VBN about/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/CD
96 20 He/PRP has/VBZ said/VBD repeatedly/RB that/IN he/PRP didn't/VBD care/NN if/IN other/JJ nations/NNS got/VBD nuclear/JJ weapons/NNP Japan/NNP South/NNP Korea/NNP even/RB Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP
119 24 It/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN the/DT policy/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNP Democrats/NNPS and/CC Republicans/NNP to/TO do/VB everything/NN we/PRP could/MD to/TO reduce/VB the/DT proliferation/NN of/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/CD
71 19 He/PRP even/JJ said/NN well/NN you/PRP know/VBP if/IN there/EX were/VBD nuclear/JJ war/NN in/IN East/NNP Asia/NNP well/NN you/PRP know/VBP that/NNS fine
18 5 have/VBP a/DT good/JJ time/NN folks/CD
66 13 And/NNS in/IN fact/VBG his/PRP cavalier/JJ attitude/NN about/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS is/VBZ so/RB deeply/RB troubling/JJ
41 10 That/DT is/VBZ the/DT number-one/JJ threat/NN we/PRP face/VBP in/IN the/DT world/JJ
84 15 And/CC it/PRP becomes/VBZ particularly/RB threatening/VBG if/IN terrorists/NNS ever/RB get/VBP their/PRP hands/NNS on/IN any/DT nuclear/JJ material/JJ
137 34 So/RB a/DT man/NN who/WP can/MD be/VB provoked/VBN by/IN a/DT tweet/NN should/MD not/RB have/VB his/PRP fingers/NNS anywhere/RB near/IN the/DT nuclear/JJ codes/NN as/RB far/RB as/IN I/PRP think/VBP anyone/NN with/IN any/DT sense/NN about/IN this/DT should/MD be/VB concerned/JJ
16 5 It/NNP a/DT good/JJ one/NN though/JJ
25 5 It/PRP well/RB describes/VBZ the/DT problem/CD
38 10 Well/NNP let/VB me/PRP let/VB me/PRP start/VB by/IN saying/NN words/NNS matter/JJ
33 7 Words/NNS matter/VBP when/WRB you/PRP run/VBP for/IN president/JJ
38 8 And/CC they/PRP really/RB matter/VBP when/WRB you/PRP are/VBP president/JJ
108 25 And/CC I/PRP want/VBP to/TO reassure/VB our/PRP allies/NNS in/IN Japan/NNP and/CC South/NNP Korea/NNP and/CC elsewhere/RB that/IN we/PRP have/VBP mutual/JJ defense/NN treaties/NNS and/CC we/PRP will/MD honor/VB them/JJ
34 8 It/PRP is/VBZ essential/JJ that/IN America/NNP word/NN be/VB good/JJ
96 22 And/CC so/IN I/PRP know/VBP that/IN this/DT campaign/NN has/VBZ caused/VBN some/DT questioning/VBG and/CC worries/NNS on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN many/JJ leaders/NNS across/IN the/DT globe/CD
27 7 I've/NNP talked/VBD with/IN a/DT number/NN of/IN them/JJ
100 28 But/CC I/PRP want/VBP to/TO on/IN behalf/NN of/IN myself/NN and/CC I/PRP think/VBP on/IN behalf/NN of/IN a/DT majority/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NN say/VBP that/VBG you/PRP know/VBP our/PRP word/NN is/VBZ good/JJ
51 11 It/NNP also/RB important/JJ that/IN we/PRP look/VBP at/IN the/DT entire/JJ global/JJ situation/JJ
43 10 There/NNS no/DT doubt/NN that/IN we/PRP have/VBP other/JJ problems/NNS with/IN Iran/NNP
106 23 But/CC personally/NNP I'd/NNP rather/RB deal/VBP with/IN the/DT other/JJ problems/NNS having/VBG put/VB that/DT lid/NN on/IN their/PRP nuclear/JJ program/NN than/IN still/RB to/TO be/VB facing/VBG that/JJ
35 9 And/CC Donald/NNP never/RB tells/VBZ you/PRP what/WP he/PRP would/MD do/VB
22 6 Would/MD he/PRP have/VB started/VBN a/DT war/NN
21 5 Would/MD he/PRP have/VB bombed/VBN Iran/NNP
148 34 If/IN he/NNS going/VBG to/TO criticize/VB a/DT deal/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN very/RB successful/JJ in/IN giving/VBG us/PRP access/NN to/TO Iranian/JJ facilities/NNS that/IN we/PRP never/RB had/VBD before/NN then/RB he/PRP should/MD tell/VB us/PRP what/WP his/PRP alternative/NN would/MD be/CD
28 8 But/CC it/NNS like/IN his/PRP plan/NN to/TO defeat/VB ISIS/NNP
52 16 He/PRP says/VBZ it/VBZ a/DT secret/JJ plan/NN but/CC the/DT only/RB secret/NN is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ no/DT plan/CD
50 14 So/RB we/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB more/RBR precise/JJ in/IN how/WRB we/PRP talk/VBP about/IN these/DT issues/CD
91 19 People/NNS around/IN the/DT word/NN follow/VB our/PRP presidential/JJ campaigns/NNS so/RB closely/VBP trying/VBG to/TO get/VB hints/NNS about/IN what/WP we/PRP will/MD do/VB
15 5 Can/MD they/PRP rely/VB on/IN us/NN
64 15 Are/VBP we/PRP going/VBG to/TO lead/VB the/DT world/NN with/IN strength/NN and/CC in/IN accordance/NN with/IN our/PRP values/NN
19 6 That/NNP what/WP I/PRP intend/VBP to/TO do/VB
180 43 I/PRP intend/VBP to/TO be/VB a/DT leader/NN of/IN our/PRP country/NN that/IN people/NNS can/MD count/VB on/NN both/DT here/RB at/IN home/NN and/CC around/IN the/DT world/NN to/TO make/VB decisions/NNS that/WDT will/MD further/VB peace/NN and/CC prosperity/NN but/CC also/RB stand/VB up/VB to/TO bullies/VB whether/IN they're/NN abroad/RB or/CC at/IN home/NN
91 18 We/PRP cannot/MD let/VB those/DT who/WP would/MD try/VB to/TO destabilize/VB the/DT world/NN to/TO interfere/VB with/IN American/JJ interests/NNS and/CC security
30 7 to/TO be/VB given/VBN any/DT opportunities/NNS at/IN all/CD
12 3 Well/NNP one/CD thing/JJ
14 3 One/CD thing/NNP Lester/NNP
40 10 You/PRP know/VBP he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO switch/VB from/IN looks/VBZ to/TO stamina/VB
113 27 But/CC this/DT is/VBZ a/DT man/NN who/WP has/VBZ called/VBN women/NNS pigs/VBP slobs/NNS and/CC dogs/NN and/CC someone/NN who/WP has/VBZ said/VBD pregnancy/NN is/VBZ an/DT inconvenience/NN to/TO employers/VB who/WP has/VBZ said
52 14 women/NNS don't/VB deserve/VBP equal/JJ pay/NN unless/IN they/PRP do/VBP as/IN good/JJ a/DT job/NN as/IN men/CD
58 16 And/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT worst/JJS things/NNS he/PRP said/VBD was/VBD about/IN a/DT woman/NN in/IN a/DT beauty/NN contest/JJ
55 10 He/PRP loves/VBZ beauty/NN contests/NN supporting/VBG them/PRP and/CC hanging/VBG around/IN them/JJ
29 7 And/CC he/PRP called/VBD this/DT woman/NN Miss/NNP Piggy/NNP
50 10 Then/RB he/PRP called/VBD her/PRP Miss/NNP Housekeeping/NNP because/IN she/PRP was/VBD Latina/NNP
17 5 Donald/NNP she/PRP has/VBZ a/DT name/CD
22 5 Her/PRP name/NN is/VBZ Alicia/NNP Machado/NNP
38 11 And/CC she/PRP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT U.S/NNP citizen/NN and/CC you/PRP can/MD bet
24 5 Well/NNP I/PRP support/VBP our/PRP democracy/JJ
34 7 And/CC sometimes/RB you/PRP win/VBP sometimes/RB you/PRP lose/CD
48 10 But/CC I/PRP certainly/RB will/MD support/VB the/DT outcome/NN of/IN this/DT election/JJ
108 26 And/CC I/PRP know/VBP Donald/NNP trying/VBG very/RB hard/JJ to/TO plant/VB doubts/NNS about/IN it/NN but/CC I/PRP hope/VBP the/DT people/NNS out/IN there/EX understand/VBG This/DT election/NNS really/RB up/IN to/TO you/CD
82 23 It/NNP not/RB about/IN us/PRP so/RB much/JJ as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ about/IN you/PRP and/CC your/PRP families/NNS and/CC the/DT kind/NN of/IN country/NN and/CC future/NN you/PRP want/JJ
80 22 So/RB I/PRP sure/JJ hope/NN you/PRP will/MD get/VB out/IN and/CC vote/NN as/IN though/IN your/PRP future/NN depended/VBD on/IN it/NN because/IN I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP does/JJ